Faced with such a decisive attack, because of Izumi's order, she couldn't kill the enemy head-on. Satania raised her mouth excitedly, and her blood boiled in an instant. She also patted Hequan's head and moved forward. one finger.

"How could it be possible for you to take the lead! Familiar, let's go!"

The four of them followed Satania's command to meet Xiaoniao Youfeiyan and others who swooped over. At the moment when the distance between the two sides was shortened, Satania stretched out his hands.

"Arrogant person! Eat my trick——"

Looking at Satania's scorching gaze without flinching, Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan grinned wildly at this moment, and danced a phantom with both hands in the air, facing her head-on!

"Hahaha, let's defeat here! Look at my nirvana—"

Then, both hands fished at each other's head at the same time!

"Devil Bat Ghost Hand!"

"Red city that never sleeps!"

At the moment of hand-to-hand combat, when the opponent's hand was about to touch her headband, Satania's body suddenly sank down, and she smiled maliciously while avoiding Feiyan's attack.

"Your cooperation is still not as tacit as I and the familiar! Finish it for me! Your death star is shining in the sky!"

With a loud drink, his right hand reached out to the blond girl's forehead at an extremely fast speed. Before she could react, she flicked her bangs with her fingers, hooking her headband hidden behind her bangs, Sata Nia had a triumphant smile on her face...


Seeing the empty fingers with nothing, she couldn't help but let out a voice of astonishment.

At this moment, Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan showed a sinister smile of success.

"Hey... Congratulations, you are the tenth opponent who sighed like this, and you will also be the tenth opponent who was defeated by me--and now, it is you who should end it!"

Taking advantage of the time when she was still in a state of astonishment and her whole body was stiff, Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan opened her hands, and like a real vampire, her fingers formed into claws, and at the same speed as Satania, she grabbed straight at her. Defenseless headbands!

"It's our victory—"

But at this thrilling moment, a coquettish voice sounded!

"Don't try to succeed!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Accompanied by this coquettish shout, a pair of white hands suddenly stretched out from behind Satania, grasping the claws only a few centimeters away from her headband with great precision.

Eyes widened in disbelief as he watched his hand being tightly grasped, and the blow that he thought was a sure win came back in vain, Xiao Niaoyou Feiyan couldn't help but exclaimed: "How, how is it possible!?"

Firmly holding the hands of the little bird You Feiyan, Rafael, who was behind Satania, poked his head out, with a serious and awe-inspiring expression.

"Nothing is impossible - as long as I am here, I will never let you touch a single hair of Sa Jiang!"

Words full of determination echoed between the two groups of people, the girl who always liked to joke was abnormally serious at this moment, and the heart of steel standing in front of her was indestructible.

"...Lafite..." With sparkles in his eyes, Satania looked at Rafael who stood in front of her complicatedly, and the two looked at each other affectionately as if their eyes were frozen.At this moment, it was as if lilies were blooming in the air, and there was a faint fragrance of flowers.

"whispering sound……"

Unwillingly clicked her mouth, ignoring the pink-breathing scene in front of her, Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan withdrew her hand forcefully, only to find that the strength of the white-haired girl on the opposite side was so strong that she couldn't handle it no matter how hard she pulled. In desperation, he had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​escape, and began to think about a strategy to break the situation when he could not resort to force.

...We must find a way to regroup before the other party discovers the secret of the headband!Now that his hands are caught, is there any way to win back——right!

With a flash of inspiration, Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan looked at Rafael's pair of hands that let go of Satania's body in order to block her, and raised his hands that grabbed her wrists—obviously, Rafael Er is one of the three horses, and since the horse supporting the knight's body has been separated from the knight, according to the rules...

"Huh ha ha ha ha ha..."

The sudden sinister laughter attracted everyone's attention. When the seven people raised their heads and their strange eyes were all focused on her, Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan showed a smug smile.

"I have to say, with my speed comparable to the wind, you can block my attack, which is a very commendable thing... But!

At the same time you stretched out your hands and grabbed my wrist, you, the horse, also left your knight!And according to the rules - the horse that has left the knight will be eliminated! "

As if she had opened a covered trap card, she raised her chin and lifted her grasped hand.

"It's a pity that I only blocked my attack once, but let you lose one person. This deal is really not worthwhile for you... But this is war! War is so cruel! Because of your sacrifice, I will sacrifice for you. The team got a chance to survive, but after that, you could only watch from the sidelines as we played four against three, and snatched your headbands without any effort!

So now, let go of my hand!According to the rules, the eliminated horse must leave the field as soon as possible—”

And at the moment when she looked down at Rafael who was still smiling all over her face from a height, and gave him the decision to leave the field, an interesting voice suddenly sounded.

"Solava Dokana..."


Looking at the source of the smiling voice in astonishment, I saw a smug expression on He Quanming's face, his bright eyes were fixed on her, and he repeated it again.

"Then maybe, Xiaoniao Youfeiyan—we will win this battle unabated!"

"What...does senior want to ignore the rules?!"

The expression changed, Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan gritted her teeth.

"Obviously, the moment she tried to block my attack with both hands, she had completely left your knight and lost the qualification for the competition! Even if she wants to reconnect now, it is useless. The disqualified contestant must leave the venue as soon as possible. Yes, do you still want to use some excuses to fool the past?"

"It's not an excuse..." He Quanming shook his head and smiled inscrutablely, "That is an undeniable reality. And it is right in front of your eyes..."

Then he yelled at her.

"Observe carefully, Feiyan! ——Whether our posture violates the rules of the competition!"

Shocked by the sudden shout, Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan reflexively looked down at Izumi's hands—his left hand was grabbing the red-haired knight's knee to prevent her from falling off his back. Go down; and the right hand... actually rests on the white-haired girl's right shoulder, connecting the three of them together!

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