"This, this is..." She opened and closed her mouth in disbelief. Seeing their postures, after understanding their intentions, not only the little bird swims the goose, but even the two people behind her were surprised by their small mouths. Slightly open.

Taking advantage of the fact that the horse is a whole, as long as the three horses are still connected together, even if one of the horses leaves the knight, it is not considered a small loophole in the rules of disqualification, and successfully avoided the fate of being eliminated—and still in a sudden attack. Was it completed at the moment of attack? !

There is actually someone who can do this kind of thing...

"—Of course! That's us...that's our teamwork!"

Saying this with pride, He Quanming's lips twitched, he turned his head and smiled tacitly with Rafael, and then looked at Wei who was taking over the work of Rafael and him, maintaining the balance of Satania's body with both hands. Nat, after nodding approvingly to her, confronted the little bird Goose again.

"Even if we haven't communicated beforehand, when we are really facing a crisis, we can cooperate perfectly with each other! As long as our tacit understanding is still there, no matter what tricks you use, you will not be able to defeat us!"

"Face your failure, Feiyan! Admit that we are better than you!"

As soon as these slightly contemptuous words came out, the expressions of the three people opposite them all changed slightly, and they became a little annoyed. Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan gritted her teeth unwillingly, her face flushed, and she seemed to be struggling. Go back.

"Don't get carried away over there! Even if the team cooperates well, you can't take our headbands away! As long as you stay in this stalemate, you will be killed by other people in the end—"

Words that seemed to confirm the facts suddenly came out of Hequanming's mouth, shaking the air.

"That's why I said it, this battle... we must be the ones to win!"

Just when Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan was wondering about his self-confidence that he didn't know where it came from, he heard Izumi Ming's order.

"Attention everyone—Rafael, pull her over; Satania, the headband is on the head behind her, be careful; Vinette, lift Satania up!"

"Okay ~ hey!"

"The head at the back...? Forget it, grab it first!"

"Okay... look at me!"

The three of them moved in response, and Rafael, who had the advantage on the ground, used his hands slightly, and easily pulled down the body of the bird You Feiyan, exposing the back to Sarah who was raised by Vinette, and her eyes widened. Tanya; and Satania, who was still a little confused about the order, saw an orange-haired head fixed behind the blonde girl, all doubts were instantly resolved, and her hands did not encounter any obstacles. With the fastest speed, snatched the headband from that head.

"Do not--!"

Looking desperately at the three of them withdrawing their movements, a headband fluttering in the air appeared in Satania's raised hand, and the little bird You Feiyan suddenly let out a tragic wail, and all fighting spirit and self-confidence were pumped like a leaking balloon. Leaving the body, the hand stretched out to the sky does not know whether it wants to grab the headband, or the hope that is gone with the wind.

The four returned to their original posture, looked at each other with bright eyes, then stretched out their hands, and clapped tacitly together.


No matter who it is, there is a triumphant smile on the face.

——They won this battle!


"It's so weird, it's so weird—why did the seniors find out about our wonderful plan... It's obvious that nine teams have been fooled by this trick..."

Getting off Machi Kyoko's body with her mouth pouted, the little bird You Feiyan yelled extremely unwillingly, and glared at Izumi Ming angrily.

Facing her staring eyes, He Quanming just shrugged his shoulders with a calm expression, and a wise light flashed in his lenses under the sun.

"Well, don't be so angry... To be honest, I didn't know at the beginning that you would make Machi Kyoko's head a knight, and hide her behind you as a shadow warrior to mislead others-this trick is really very insidious , because as long as no one finds out that the headband is on her side, you are equally invincible."

"However, when I saw that the headless horseman Machi Kyoko had only a body but no head, I had a question—the average Dural Khan would not let his head be too far away from his body unless there was an accident. What's more, if you really want to participate in such a strenuous sport like horseback riding, how can you not take the lead? Not only will there be certain dangers, but the school will definitely not agree to only let her body participate in the competition."

"—and since she competed, her head must also be in the competition field, in the area near her body! So at this time, my question becomes 'Where will her head be? ?”, “Why are you hiding her head?””

Facing their gradually becoming clear and admiring gazes, Akira Hequan suppressed the slowly rising proud smile, and explained in a calm and indifferent tone.

"And when you said the word 'according to the rules', all the clues came together—I knew the headband must be on her head, and her head was beside you!"

"Is it because of me..." Muttering, Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan looked up at He Quanming curiously, "The reason? Why did you come to this conclusion because of this word, senior?"

Slowly raising a finger, He Quanming smiled lightly.

"One: Because all of you are not wearing headbands, so according to the rule of "the headband must be on the knight", it can be inferred that your knight is someone else.

Second, according to the rule of "the knight must be connected to the horse", you can know whose body "she" must be on as a knight; and because "her" body is running behind your back, the line of sight must be in the open The place knows how to move, so "she" can't be placed on someone running on the ground - only behind you can she find the right direction to move without being seen by the enemies in front.

You should all hide her behind your back well, right?And all the way here is to face the enemy head-on, as long as no one finds out the secret of the headband, then Fei Yan can give full play to his extraordinary motor nerves, and without any worries, he is basically invincible— —If Raphael's reaction and our cooperation were not fast enough, even Satania would have been robbed of her headband by now. "

Although slightly unwilling, Satania nodded honestly, and looked at the little bird You Feiyan with eyes of approval.

"That's right, at that moment just now I really thought I would lose to you, if it wasn't for Lafite's help, I would really have won! I have to say, you are really amazing!"

Being praised by Satania, who was the opponent for the first few minutes, Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan scratched her head in embarrassment, and smiled.

"It's okay~ You are also very good! I can't even react to that speed. If the headband was with me, I would have lost already~"

Before they started their commercial bragging, He Quanming spoke first.

"...So, this battle is really exciting! If you hadn't met us, you might have been able to solve many combinations before you were surrounded!"

After some analysis, when his voice fell, the four people in front of him couldn't help applauding him.

"Oh, it turns out that senior is a senior~ I lost a match willingly!" While clapping his hands, Xiao Niaoyou Feiyan blinked, and his smile without haze was very bold.

"To be able to analyze so thoroughly in such a short period of time, I really didn't expect senior to have such a good mind... I thought you could do nothing but be funny, but today I am impressed with you!" Half admired and half changed Measuring him, Xiaoniao Youfei gave him praise frankly.

"As expected of the senior who said that sentence loudly in school that day... that's amazing..." Behind the three of them, Kusakabe Koyuki also clapped his hands lightly as he looked at him with eyes mixed with admiration and mixed emotions.

Turned from behind to the front by the little bird swim geese, the girl with short orange hair (head) is placed on a fixed device, her body is clapping aside, and she greets with a shy smile.

"Senior, it's our first time meeting! I'm Machi Kyoko from Group B of the first year, and my race is Dural Khan... I was really shocked just now. I didn't expect senior to guess my plan with Fei Yan so quickly. It's amazing!"

Facing her admiring gaze, He Quanming nodded in the same approval.

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