
Still indifferent. jpg, it seems that Kato is really upset this time.

He tried several methods but couldn't get her to look away and speak. He Quanming had no choice but to talk to herself in her ear like a chatterbox. He believed that Kato Megumi would answer if he was annoyed until the end his.

"...Hey, do you know? When Yō was about to fall to my side on the field, my first thought was "Is this a new headband grab operation? It's dangerous!" Then I reflexively said Tell everyone to avoid it! At that time, it was really a game compared to obsession, and there was almost a big accident!"

"Also, you know what Vinette said to me at the end of the game? She actually bowed to me and said, 'Thank you for letting me experience the joy of enjoying the game and the joy of being able to help! ’, I was completely ashamed at the time! I only did a little work in the horse-riding battle, how could I bear such a heavy thank you? Seeing her so grateful, I didn’t say a word or shout. I just read two poems to her..."

"By the way, Yao seemed to say that she would find a chance to invite Satania and the others to eat at the place where she worked. At that time, the way she looked at me was so weird! I always feel like she is planning something. Be careful now. My liver is trembling a little, I need Kato's comfort to calm down~"

"...Why don't you talk to me, are you angry? Is my gentle, virtuous and calm little Huihui really angry?" Looking at her expressionless white side face with a little worry, He Quanming suddenly changed the subject , "By the way, you look so cute with your ponytail tied, why don't you usually tie it?"

Unable to bear being harassed by his words, Megumi Kato raised his head, glanced at him with sharp eyes, and made him silent reflexively, before speaking slowly.

"...It's a bit troublesome to tie a ponytail, so I don't usually tie it."

"Oh, oh... is it..."

On the one hand, he was happy that Kato finally talked to him, but on the other hand, he had a new problem with what she said. He Quanming reached out and touched Kato Megumi's smooth black ponytail. Seeing the silky hair slipping from his hand, he couldn't help but wonder. asked: "Although I don't know what skills are needed to tie a ponytail, isn't it just to tie up the hair? Is it more troublesome than makeup?"

"If you really want to compare it, makeup is of course more troublesome, but a ponytail is not a good hairstyle if you tie your hair up?... Hey, no matter how much you say, Doming-kun won't understand." Xiao Xiao sighed and moved Turning his gaze back to the phone screen, Kato Huiyun answered calmly.

"I don't understand, but if you have time, Kato, you can teach me how to tie a ponytail!"

"...Teach you?" Looking at Izumi Akira's hair suspiciously, Kato Megumi's eyes seemed to have made a very bad guess, "Ming Jun, you...shouldn't have a hobby of wearing wigs, right?"

"...I'm sorry, I'm not a master of women's clothing, and I don't have that kind of hobby." He Quanming twitched the corners of his mouth, held the root of her ponytail with one hand, and began to shake it like an electric fan, "I want to learn , in the future, if you want to tie your hair and are afraid of trouble, I can help you. After all, isn’t it more comfortable to tie your hair when it’s hot or when you’re exercising? And it’s also cute—ah, it hurts!”

Retracting the fingers that pinched Izumi Akira's waist hard, Kato Megumi took advantage of the moment when he let out a cry of pain and relaxed his strength to rescue her ponytail, then took out the comb from the bag, and began to tidy up the messy hair.

"Well, no matter how much you praise me to please me, it doesn't mean you can use my hair as a bamboo dragonfly?... Mingjun, help me hold the mirror."

Skillfully, he took out the small mirror from her bag, and He Quanming consciously helped her adjust the angle so that she could comb the messy ends of her hair.

"Who told you to misunderstand my upright and pure character, a little revenge is fine..."

"It's really narrow-minded as usual..." Sighed helplessly, after tidying up the messed up ponytail, she put the mirror and comb back into the bag, and turned to look seriously into Hequanming's eyes, " ...Okay, if you have time, I will teach you how to tie a ponytail. Look at Xiaojia's hair like that, after you learn it well, you can find an opportunity to help her tie her hair, like sports festivals or when the weather is hot, presumably she will be very happy.

If you don't dislike you, girls will usually increase their impression points of you because of this behavior, and you can also see your status in her mind from this - after all, hair can be said to be a woman's life, in general , if she is willing to let you play with her hair, it means she trusts you a lot, or has a certain affection for you..."

Unaware that these words brought her into it, Megumi Kato explained in detail how to attack a woman from the hair like a teacher. Although her expression didn't change much, it could be seen that she was serious about wanting Akira Izumi. Know these things and apply them to other girls.

Feeling this kind of heart, He Quanming just listened quietly, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he nodded from time to time to show that he was listening seriously.

... Regardless of whether these strategies will be used by other people in the future, regardless of whether Kato Megumi does not know that he no longer wants to attack other people - since this is her effort for him, then he will I will accept everything and repay her double.

Stared at by his gentle and smiling eyes for a long time, Kato Megumi finally couldn't help but stop explaining, his indifferent expression couldn't be maintained, two blushes were not obvious on his cheeks, and he was slightly offended glared at him.

"...Why do you keep staring at me like that? Is there something wrong with what I said?"

Waving his hand, Izumi smiled and shook his head.

"It's nothing, I just suddenly thought that our current situation seems a bit funny... My girlfriend is seriously teaching me how to attack other girls, and how many jaws will drop if I am heard by others."


Hearing this, Megumi Kato was silent for a moment, her fingers stiffened slightly, all the blush on her face subsided, and the muscles on her face that had returned to indifference became a little tense, and her expression was dark.She lowered her eyelids and said softly: "To me... this is not a funny thing..."

"Kato?" He Quanming was slightly taken aback, he didn't understand why this joke suddenly made her depressed.

Letting exhale instead of sighing, Kato Megumi forcefully adjusted his mind to a state of stillness between breaths quietly, shook his head, and spoke calmly.

"...It's nothing. I just hope that when I want to help you seriously, you can also listen to me seriously."

The slightly disappointed tone made Izumi's heart tighten. He removed his joking expression and patted his chest seriously: "Don't worry, Kato! I will remember every word you said, and I will never forget it! Don't believe me If so, you can test me!"

Looking away from his face, Megumi Kato nodded slightly, without saying much.

"No... I trust you."

But at this time, He Quanming moved his face closer like a hot pursuit.

"However, I still have some questions about the explanation just now, can you please help me answer them?"

Slightly taken aback, she looked at the face close at hand, and asked suspiciously.

"A question? I can answer it... But I don't guarantee that I know the correct answer, I can only answer you as much as possible..."

"No, you must know the answer to this question!" Pushing his glasses firmly, Izumi stared solemnly at Megumi Kato's small face, his gaze was as strong as a substance, even though her gaze was wandering from side to side In the process, he didn't look at him, and he didn't stop talking, and asked very seriously.

"Excuse me—is there a way to attack Megumi Kato [-]%?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Of course, I don’t really want to know how to get rid of Kato Megumi [-]% by asking this question—just kidding, the two of them already have this kind of relationship, do they still need a strategy?

He just wanted to use this question to express to her that in his mind, only Megumi Kato was the one that Izumi wanted to attack [-]%—there was a difference in love, and to put it bluntly, Megumi Kato He is now the one he loves the most.

So even though he didn't know why Kato Megumi suddenly became depressed, he still intuitively wanted her to know about it, hoping that she would be happier because of it.

Faced with his serious question, Megumi Kato was a little dazed, but he didn't show the emotion he wanted. Instead, he shook his head and denied it as if he didn't understand the deep meaning in the words.

"...There is no such thing. Because girls are very complicated, and sometimes they are so complicated that they don't even understand themselves, so it is impossible to have a [-]% strategy, even if they can read minds. .”

"I can't answer this question for you, I'm really sorry."

He Quanming watched her reply with a cold expression, opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but gave up on this action himself, thousands of words turned into a long sigh, he withdrew his face that was very close, and sat on his own position.

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