"Is that so... There is no way to guess the complex heart of a girl, so there is no way to attack her [-]%..."

...I really got an unexpected piece of information, although it is useless.

The line of sight is leisurely projected towards the clear autumn sky, the bustling sounds on the playground seem to exist in another world, only the quiet sound lies between the two of them.I don't know when, the corner of He Quanming's mouth evoked a faint smile again, looking at the blue sky and white clouds slowly drifting on the long river in the sky, that smile seemed casual, as if he didn't think about anything, just wanted to laugh.

Kato Megumi followed his gaze to the sky, her black pearl-like pupils reflected the color of the dome, as if she had withdrawn all her emotions from the bottom of her heart, her expression was the same as usual, without any fluctuations, just from the distant eyes. , can vaguely see the complex shimmering light.

The atmosphere between the two was silent for a moment, and then Izumi opened his mouth, breaking the calm and flowing air.

There was a relaxed tone in his tone.

"Hey, Kato... Although you said there is no way to [-]% capture girls, but I know there are people who can be [-]% captured?"

"Huh?" Kato Megumi gave him a suspicious look, and Kato Megumi responded lightly.

He Quanming smiled and pointed to himself,

"That's me! I can be captured [-]%! As long as you have a face like Megumi Kato, a body like Megumi Kato, a personality like Megumi Kato, and like me like Megumi Kato, I will It will be [-]% cleared - how? Is it more valuable to clear than complicated girls?"

Unscrupulous words, pure and flawless smile, Akira Izumi blinked and smiled heartily without the slightest impurity.

As if his intention to make her happy had been conveyed, Kato Megumi's expression gradually softened, and temporarily put aside his disturbed mood, the corner of his mouth subconsciously outlined a slight arc.

"...A character with no difficulty in clearing it is easily forgotten, right? If I really want to say that, I am such a character. Please don't make my mistake again, Ming-jun."

He Quanming's eyes widened when he heard the words, and his face was full of dissatisfaction: "How can you! You are obviously super difficult to attack, okay?!"

"...How long have I officially known you?" A slightly sighing voice sounded.

Thinking carefully about the cause and effect, he then scratched his face in embarrassment: "Uh... it seems like it's only been two months since I started school..."

"You know it too? Do you understand why I said that now?" Megumi Kato gave him a helpless look when her pink lips pursed slightly, but the corners of her slightly raised lips outlined a pair of cute little ones on her cheeks. The dimples instantly brightened that inconspicuous smile.

Looking at her gently like this, He Quanming let go of his mind, and when she smiled lightly, he quietly held her hand.

Gently, but thickly wrapped around the slender palm.

Regardless of her slightly stiff reaction, regardless of the expression on her face, he emptied his thoughts into an endless blue sky, closed his eyes and let out a breath of comfort.

As lazy as the autumn sunshine, he talked like a dream.

"Ah...it's only been two months...it's just a sixty-day acquaintance, and the relationship between us has become like this. It's really a wonderful fate..."

"...Yeah." Kato Megumi's tone sounded a little ethereal as he spit out the words softly.

"I don't know if we can still be together like this after six hundred or six thousand days..."

"...I don't know." Kato Megumi replied in a low voice as if he was thinking, after relaxing the tension in his palm but not holding his hand back.

"That's right, I don't know after all... But at that time, Kato, will you still like me?"

"...Why didn't you ask if you still liked me at that time? Maybe you will leave me first in the future?" Some childish retort, as if feeling unhappy for his questioning, with a flat voice There were some ups and downs.

Akira Hequan spoke calmly.

"Before you leave me, I will never leave you—because no matter what day in the future, I will be the number one Huikong in the world! The age of this relationship will be equal to my life minus seventeen years, That is to say, from the time I met you until the day I die, I will always like you."

"Don't look at me like this, I'm a persistent man? Once I like someone, I will like it to the end. Unless I am explicitly rejected, I will not give up."

Obviously the tone is not affectionate, but these pretentious words still made Kato Megumi rubbed his arms unconsciously, and the sound of skin rubbing came over: "Sure enough, you are a naughty and interesting Mingjun. If I had known this, I shouldn't have I asked you this question..."

Hequanming rogue smiled: "Hey, now I dare to say any nasty things? You have to be mentally prepared for this kind of thing when you're with me, Kato!"

"I don't want to make such strange mental preparations... Please restrain yourself a little bit in this regard." The feeble voice of request seemed to know that he would never follow through, it seemed to be moving, and the sound of clothes rubbing was soft It came, and then Izumi felt Kato Megumi's shoulders and arms leaning towards him, gently pressing against him, conveying a reassuring temperature.

"Yes, yes, I will try my best~" His squinted eyes bent into comfortable crescents, and he answered in a loud and casual voice, obviously perfunctory.

Kato Megumi sighed tiredly again: "... Alas, you are really a troublesome boyfriend."

"Then please take more responsibility, because I will do my best to trouble you for the rest of my life..."

Suddenly, He Quanming opened his eyes, looked seriously at her pretty face close at hand, and said solemnly: "By the way, have you figured out what our future child's name will be? I think it's called Xiangta or Shoko is pretty good, it feels like the protagonist in an animated novel!"

"...The thing that bothers me the most is that you always use bad speeches to spoil the warm atmosphere..."


At noon, many parents and their children laid out mats all over the campus, set up lunch, and chatted happily about various interesting things about the sports festival.

The activities in the morning were big ball rolling, tug-of-war, pole climbing, and obstacle running. Yes, Kato Megumi’s obstacle running has ended, and she finally won fourth place, which is a very suitable ordinary ranking for her. This also represents the next She basically didn't have any competitions to participate in, and she would only cheer for her classmates or Satania in the cheering area.

But before the game in the afternoon, if you don’t fill your hungry stomach first, you can’t do anything, and you can’t fight if you don’t eat——a certain blond foodie knight king once said so, and the silver-haired foodie nun also Liked this sentence.

Although Akira Izumi has already sent invitations to his friends for lunch gatherings, but people such as Kato, Changki, and Xiaoniaoyou all have their parents come to accompany and cheer, he is really embarrassed to insist on ruining the warm time of family reunion , can only enjoy lunch in the gazebo in the grove with the group of four who seem to have left home to study, and their younger sister Zong Ya.

After all, the open space on campus has long been crowded. If they don’t want to go to the roof to eat dust or attract attention in the class rest area, then having lunch here is the most obvious choice—even if the wind is a bit strong and the leaves are shaking. The sound is a bit noisy, but the environment is much better than the noisy campus center.

Zong Ya, who came here for the first time, expressed such thoughts, and then glanced at the beautiful scenery around her, she was not moved or admired, as if she completely ignored this quiet holy place like a paradise, she went to the stone pavilion with a normal face sat down.

...As expected of Zong Ya, the most masculine member of the Izumi family, he is different from Akira Izumi who used hypocritical adjectives to describe the scenery.

Each put their own lunch on the stone table in the gazebo, and everyone picked a place to sit down in a row, chatting casually, and prepared to pick up the tableware to enjoy the short lunch time.

Before that, Izumi glanced at the things on the table.

Needless to say, he and Zongya’s bento, Satania is still the combination of pineapple buns and rice balls that has remained unchanged for thousands of years-I don’t know whether she eats these every day because of love or because of poverty; Vinet and Lafite Er also brought a bento - Akira Izumi knew that Vinette could cook, but he didn't expect that Raphael could make bento by himself, and it looked quite luxurious, very similar to the one that the eldest lady character in the animation would bring. A high-end lunch box.

As for the lunch Gabriel brought...

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