"I said, what are you doing with your cup noodles... are you eating raw?" He Quanming looked at her speechlessly.

"Don't worry, I've been prepared!" Smiling confidently, Gabriel took out a pair of chopsticks, a kettle, and a plug from the schoolbag. The iron rod in front of the handle was bent into the shape of a spoon, and the hollow in the middle Little thing, "Dangdang, Dangdang ~ Field Instant Noodle Equipment ~"

Like a blue fat man taking out props from his pocket, the blond girl proudly shook the little thing: "Hmph, have you seen this thing? It's called an electric spoon. Just plug it in and put it in the water. It can heat water, allowing you to eat instant noodles in places without hot water! How about it? Isn’t it very convenient?”

"Convenience is convenience, but Gabriel..." With a helpless sigh, He Quanming covered his forehead in pain, "...That thing needs to be plugged in, right? Where did you find the socket in the gazebo in the woods?" Plug in, hello!"

I thought she would be shocked to find out her mistake, but she didn't expect her to laugh disdainfully: "Naive guy, don't you think I didn't think of this link? Don't compare me with that idiot Satania what!"

"Why are you scolding me all of a sudden?!"

Ignoring Satania who slapped the table angrily, Gabriel stomped the floor under her feet with ease, and then a crack suddenly appeared on the smooth and hard gray stone surface, followed by a click, as if the lid was opened The same popped up, and a set of sockets emerged from it.


Still have this kind of operation? !

Watching Gabriel insert the plug of the electric spoon in dumbfounded, and then put the iron rod of the main body into the kettle, He Quanming asked with a face full of disbelief: "You, you bastard... What's wrong with the school? What changes have been made to the property? Why is there something completely wrong with the painting style of the socket in the gazebo in the woods!"

"Yeah, Xiaojia...wouldn't it be good to do this? Anyway, it's considered a public property..." Vinet also said with a little worry.

Shrugging her shoulders indifferently, Gabriel looked like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water: "What are you afraid of? Anyway, you won't be discovered, and if you are not discovered, it is not a crime, isn't it? And even if you are discovered, I will I can also find a way to dispose of it, even a few wires coming over is not a big deal."

Wei Nette also wanted to persuade her a few words: "But this is stealing the school's electricity! If you do this, your rating will drop again... Hey, classmate Izumi, can you say a few words about her? Izumi ,study……?"

She turned her head to look, and found that He Quanming had walked to Gabriel's side at some point, and then took out a transmission cable and plugged it into the plug, and connected it to her mobile phone.

"...As expected of Gabriel, you are so thoughtful, this socket even has a USB hole... It just so happens that the phone ran out of battery just now because I was playing a mobile game, please charge it first and wait to continue..."

"Len, Lien Izumi, you too..." As if seeing the birth of another fallen angel, Vinet twitched her lips, and took a step back with embarrassing eyes.

Seeing how she reacted so strongly, as if she could see the disappointment and contempt for him in Vinette's eyes, Akira Hequan shook his head sadly.

"Vinette, you have to be considerate of us, there is no way..."

"Do you still want to say that there is an ulterior reason for this? You group of mobile phone children!" Looking at them with obvious disbelief, Vinet put her arms around her chest, as if waiting for He Quanming's explanation.

"No, it's not an ulterior reason, it's just a very simple answer..." With a deep sigh, He Quanming looked at Gabriel and met her sympathetic gaze. The two felt the same. He nodded, then turned to Vineette at the same time, shook his head with helplessness as if with force majeure, and said in unison.

"After all, we are all dirty modern people..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"You two..." Vinette gave them a dumbfounding look, then sighed as if giving up, "Forget it, just do whatever you want... I always feel like I'll lose my life if I keep worrying about this kind of thing... ..."

Hearing her permission to let go, Gabriel and Akira Izumi looked at each other immediately, as if they were looking at like-minded comrades in arms. At the same time, they smiled triumphantly and gave each other a high five.


...Although I don't know what I won, but whatever, just be happy!

After a lot of noise, with several voices of "I'm starting~", several people began to enjoy their lunch.

Looking at Satania's pineapple buns and a few rice balls that seemed to be sprinkled with salt, and then looking at his bento with rich dishes such as Tangyang chicken nuggets, three-color vegetables, octopus sausage, and tamagoyaki, He Quanming pondered After a while, he waved to her.

"Silly Nia over there, come over with the rice ball."

Satania was taken aback for a moment, although she was puzzled, she obediently walked to him with the rice ball.

"What are you doing, familiar? By the way, did you mispronounce my name just now..."

He Quanming replied firmly: "Absolutely not! If there is, I will write your name upside down!"

Then when she was not paying attention, he used his fingers to write her name backwards on Zongya's back beside him.

Zong Ya, who was eating, was so startled that he almost shook his chopsticks to the ground.

Feeling the tickle coming from her back, she gritted her teeth and asked in a low voice: "Brother, what are you doing... Are you ashamed to play? This game is a bit high-end..."

Hearing this, He Quanming curled his lips in disdain, and his face was full of the righteousness of a scholar: "Don't use your filthy thoughts to stain my honest heart! I just do what I say and do!"

"It doesn't make sense at all, hey..."

Regardless of Zongya's complaints, seeing that Satania brought the rice ball in front of him very sensiblely, as if she was going to pay him a tribute, He Quanming nodded in satisfaction, then picked up the chopsticks, and picked up a piece of Tang Yang Chicken nuggets stuffed into her rice balls.

Although this movement was not fast, it seemed extremely natural, just like the parents who gently helped her put the vegetables into the bowl during dinner. The hand holding the rice ball froze, and Satania was slightly stunned.

"To make, to make a demon..."

Izumi smiled lightly and patted her hand lightly.

"Let me tell you, stop eating those unnutritious things all the time, it will be a tragedy when the body is not suitable for your age like Gabriel!

What's more, you participated in many games today, right?How can I replenish my energy after exercising all day and only eating pineapple buns and white rice balls?Take care of your own body, don't always make me worry about whether you are eating well or not!

Well, take your rice ball and go back to sit down!For the sake of showing off your skills in the horse riding battle today, just tell me what you want to eat!There is not enough food here, I will go buy a bento and come back! "

After finishing speaking, Akira Izumi turned back as if nothing had happened, and started eating his own meal as if he had never done anything.


Surrounded by the words remaining in the air, the place where the back of the hand was patted was emitting a faint residual warmth, staring blankly at the glistening chicken nuggets on the rice balls, Satania felt as if she had knocked over a seasoning bottle There were mixed flavors, and a trembling sore nose rushed to her nose, which almost made her want to shed tears reflexively, but she resisted the sudden emotion, opened her eyes wide, and pulled out the corners of her mouth. With a forced and natural smile, he said every word seriously.

"Hmm...thank you! Then I'll be blunt!"

——In order not to disappoint his good intentions.

——in order not to lose face in front of him.

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