——In order to make happiness more than moving.

I can't cry, I want to...laugh!A smile can make him happy!

The forced smile gradually became natural, and a sweet smile appeared on Satania's face. She held the rice ball and returned to her seat lightly. Chunk, hey laughter leaked out from time to time, as if he didn't want to eat it at all.

After taking a bite out of the lunch, Izumi raised his head, only to find that except for the silly Satania, the other girls were looking at him with different meanings.

Trembling with horror, He Quanming folded his arms and opened his mouth slightly vigilantly.

"...What are you doing? Can you stop looking at me like Bubba saw Princess Brigitte? Be careful, I'm calling for help?"

Gabriel replied reflexively: "You shout! No plumber will come to save you even if you shout out your throat!"

After finishing speaking, when the others turned to stare at her strangely, Gabriel finally came to his senses and glared at Izumi fiercely.

"--What's wrong! Why was I brought into the ditch by you... I want to say, although I know you love Satania, but please take care of other people's eyes?! Do it Please do this kind of blinding thing in a place where no one is around, it's very annoying!"

Seeing her roaring like an angry cub, He Quanming's expression remained unchanged, as steady as Mount Tai, he rubbed his chin and thought for a few seconds, and then beat his palms as if he suddenly realized.

"...Ah! Are you angry because I didn't give you chicken nuggets? It seems that you also want to add something to your cup noodles!"

"Why did you come up with this theory!" Gabriel patted the table angrily, but saw that Izumi completely ignored her anger, took a Tangyang chicken nugget from his lunch and put it in the cup noodles, and finally He also smiled at her, "How is it? Is one piece enough?"

After being provoked by this, she immediately opened her mouth angrily: "I'm big enough for you..."

Before the word "yeah" was uttered, He Quanming quickly picked up vegetables and stuffed them into her wide open mouth, swallowing her last word; watching her reflexively swallowed When the chopsticks and pink lips were stained with a little oily juice, He Quanming couldn't help but smile wickedly.

"Hey! You are already so stunted, you can't just eat meat, you have to eat more vegetables to have a balanced nutrition~"

Then pull the chopsticks back.

While chewing the tender and juicy vegetables in his mouth, Gabriel moved around his body with sharp eyes like a knife, as if looking for where it would be easier to chop him; until he swallowed the thing in his mouth with a thud After lowering her throat, she opened her mouth to speak.

"...Give me a little more, and I will forgive you for offending the angel!"

Shrugging her shoulders with a dumbfounded smile, He Quanming moved some dishes from her lunch to her cup noodles, which made her nod in satisfaction, returned to her position, and began to suck on the noodles, There was a look of satisfaction on his face.

After solving a guy who was targeting him, He Quanming then turned to look at Rafael who was also staring at him.

"...What? Do you want to beg for food too?"

Rafael smiled without saying a word, and opened his small mouth towards him, revealing half of his white teeth and pink tongue, and looked at him eagerly as if silently saying "Please feed me~".


...No, not silently, this guy clearly expresses his desire to be fed through the vibration of his throat.

Are you a child...

He Quanming twitched the corners of his mouth, he always felt that something was wrong with this development... But he still picked up some vegetables and put them into her mouth calmly, without any embarrassment or shame at all.

Feeling that the chopsticks brought the fragrant food into the mouth, Rafael's lips were opened wide and then suddenly closed, and then he covered his mouth and mumbled unbearably.

"No...Izumi-san, your...too many...my mouth is too small, I can't hold it..."

"Go eat your food obediently! You've already sucked it down!" Veins appeared on the forehead, and He Quanming unceremoniously popped up, preventing her from speaking even worse, "Just you cute Xin still wants to show off his driving skills in front of me, an old driver, and he is beyond his control! Driving indiscriminately in front of these underage children is easy to cause accidents, you idiot!"

You said it as if you were an adult... Chewing the sweet and juicy dishes in his mouth, Raphael complained in his heart, but on the surface he still smiled purely like a child.

Ignoring this horrible guy, feeling an inexplicable gaze from another direction, Akira Izumi looked at Vinette.

"Huh? Ms. Vinette, do you want to eat too?"

Winette shook her head hastily, and moved to the opposite direction of Izumi as if she was fleeing. After confirming that she was in a place where his chopsticks couldn't reach, she forced a smile and said.

"No, no need, thank you Izumi-san for your kindness! You'd better feed it to others, it doesn't matter if you don't mind me!"

Your words and actions are completely inconsistent...why are you so afraid of me?I won't eat you again...and don't make it sound like I want to feed you, okay? !I'm not your babysitter!

The corners of He Quanming's eyes twitched, he decisively withdrew his gaze, and then looked at Zong Ya beside him.

"...Zongya, what about you?"

She pointed at her bento speechlessly: "...my bento dishes are the same as yours, what do you think?"


It seems that I, Shi Lezhi, have become wise.

He patted his forehead in frustration, He Quanming sighed, picked up his chopsticks again, and was about to continue eating when a rice ball suddenly stretched out in front of his eyes.

With rice grains on the corner of Satania's mouth, holding another rice ball in her hand, she smiled coquettishly.

"Hee hee, familiar, one more!"

He Quanming smiled dotingly: "...Okay, here it is!"

Then after he gave her the few remaining chicken nuggets, a cup of noodles appeared in his eyes like a relay.

"One more bowl!" Gabriel mumbled with chopsticks in her mouth.

"Wan you're tall! Do you think I'm a cafeteria aunt?" He Quanming swears, but He Quanming's hands naturally put the vegetables into her cup noodles.


"Your own bento is even more luxurious than mine, what the hell! Go and eat obediently!"

Turning his head and glaring at Rafael, he found that she still opened her mouth reluctantly, waiting for him to feed like a huge mouth in the abyss, He Quanming laughed angrily.

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