He picked up more dishes from the bento than before, and he didn't have any thoughts of pity, so he stuffed them into her mouth all at once.

"Hmm... it's bigger than before..."

"Shut up! Shameless old woman!" With an angry snort, He Quanming turned to Vineette, "What about you? Are you coming?"

"What are you doing here!" Seeing Izumi's caring eyes, Vinette, who was eating quietly in her seat, suddenly stepped back with her bento in her arms, "Just say I don't need it." Already! Just take care of those three people!"

He nodded expressionlessly, and when He Quanming was about to turn to Zongya, another figure of cup noodles appeared in front of him.


"Huh? Are you eating too fast too?!"

Then came a new onigiri.

"I came first! The familiar, I came first!"

Then the mouth of the abyss.


Looking at the kindergarten in front of him... no, it was a scene of a group of cubs waiting to be fed. Angrily, Izumi slapped the table fiercely.

"—Okay! If you want to come, come! Brother, I'm going to feed you even if you're hungry today! Come and eat all of them!"

Then he raised his chopsticks and began to take out food from the bento and put it into their mouths.

Witnessing this scene that made people want to laugh but couldn't, Zongya and Vinette looked at each other, and then spoke in a flat tone.

"……Let's eat."

"... Well, leave them alone, we eat ours."

Nodding their heads, the two watched the show with indifferent eyes while eating their own meals.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Speaking of which, what competitions did you all participate in next?"

Finally able to calm down and have a good meal, Izumi asked the others while shoveling the little leftover food into his mouth.

Patting her stomach, Gabriel hiccupped and answered lazily.

"Hih...I only have to participate in the loan race. Anyway, I'm not good at sports or anything, so I just signed up for one."

With a pineapple bun in her mouth, Satania spoke vaguely.

"In my case, I will participate in every event in the future, including the loan race... umm..."

"I have an object race and a relay race...All the classmates in the class asked me to participate, it's really hard to refuse..." Like an elegant young lady, Raphael lightly covered his chewing lips, often The corners of his eyebrows were raised in a troubled look.

"Uh... I will only participate in the borrowing race from now on. It seems that everyone will meet on the same field..." Looking at the others in amazement, Vinet sighed, "This is too coincidental..."

"Are the four of you going to participate in the loan race... I always feel that something bad will happen..." He Quanming twitched his eyes slightly, and turned to look at Zongya, "What about you, Zongya? Could it be a race against borrowed objects, too?"

"Me? My competition is over in the morning, and then I plan to write a novel in the class rest area." Taking out the mobile phone and typing with one hand, Zong Ya said while putting the food in his mouth .

"Wait... that is to say, it will be your turn to love and kill each other on the battlefield next..."

As if thinking of something, the corners of his mouth suddenly curled into an evil arc, and he smiled maliciously: "Pufffufufu... This is really an interesting situation~ hopeful high school students killing each other, nothing compares to this Desperation is the best! Puff blah blah‥..."

"Tch, nonsense..." Pushing away the empty noodle bowl on the table, Gabriel rested her head on the cold stone table, her lazy steamed bun-like face weakly complaining about him with the same stalk, "Say You were the one who asked us just now, and you haven't said what competition you participated in."

"Me?" Izumi replied with a reflexive smile while being immersed in the joy of the super high school class, "I'm going to participate in men and women..."

and many more!

Halfway through the talk, he suddenly had a dangerous premonition—is it really good to just say that he wants to run with Chang Muyao?Is it really appropriate to say in front of them that I will do that kind of running with other girls later?

...Eh, there seems to be nothing wrong with it?

Anyway, even if they don't say it now, they will see it with their own eyes when the competition starts. It's better not to hide anything, and let everyone talk about it openly, so that there will be no bloody misunderstandings; besides, there is nothing wrong with it yes!It's not something to be ashamed to talk about. Since you have a clear conscience, why bother to look forward and backward?

Anyway, they will only say "Eh~ yes?" and other perfunctory answers, right?Then there is nothing to be afraid of!Just say it out!

So, He Quanming's smile did not change, but after a short pause, he continued to speak.

"...It's just two people with three legs."


As soon as the words came out, everyone focused their eyes, but there was no special emotion in those eyes, they were just curious.

"Hey~ Are there two men and women with three legs? I remember that this should be a kind of sport where men and women match each other, two feet are tied together, and the body and mind are combined and intimate?" After thinking for a while, Rafael folded his hands and closed his eyes. Fang Guang asked with a pure face, "If that's the case, which girl is Izumi in a group with? I'm curious!"

... Curious about your sister!Let's eat egg tarts!

He Quanming frowned.Although he is not at all cowardly on this issue, but seeing Rafael clearly wanting to create a situation that is not good for him, and aiming to become a shit-stirring stick that contributes to the party and the country, he has An unpleasant feeling.

But in order not to appear guilty, he suppressed his unhappiness and replied calmly.

"Since you asked the question sincerely, I will tell you mercifully! In order to prevent the world from being destroyed... Ahem, it's over... There is nothing bad to say, the people in my group are Chang Muyao! It's the one you've seen before."

Everyone showed puzzled expressions.

Gabriel tilted her head suspiciously.

"Chang Mu, Yo...? Isn't it Kato?"

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