"Our long practice is to get this moment of glory... So, Yao, we will win."

The extremely affirmative words, stained with boiling will, cannot be questioned.

This seemed to have infected the girl beside her, she suddenly showed a confident smile, and her voice was as hot as climbing a flame.

"That's right, we are here to win... nothing else is needed!"

Without hesitation, he looked at the end point in the distance, and the white line that was slowly drawn up.

——The next thing that breaks through that white line will be the combination of him and her.

The girl's heart has never been so firm.

Never been so excited.

It's obviously just a small competition, it's obviously just an insignificant sports competition... But why does it make her feel hot and shivering all over now?

Is it because of her competitive character?

Is it because of long-term hard work?

Is it because of the persistence that finally made it to the final?

Is it because you hate giving up halfway, so you yearn for the perfect ending?

Or because he...

The clear eyes turned to look at the boy who was connected to her foot, but the girl found a smile that was slowly blooming.

"...What's wrong? Did you think of something happy?"

"Well, maybe." The young man just smiled lightly, his eyes were far away, and the brilliance of memories appeared on his ordinary face.

"Recalling the time of practice, it is really a bunch of happy things..."

The girl blushed suddenly, but she didn't look shy, instead she nodded his elbow ambiguously.

"Hmph, is it a happy thing... It refers to the incident where you accidentally rubbed against me? Or the incident when the two of us fell and hugged each other? Or do you prefer me to hold your water bottle in front of you? What about the kissing thing? Ah~ There are so many things to be happy about, aren't you right?"

The boy's cheeks twitched, and he gave her an annoyed look.

"What you said is wrong! If you want me to say, the happiest thing for me is seeing you halfway through the practice and being drenched by the sudden heavy rain! Hehe... Looking back on it this way, I still don't know Do you know what the black lace you saw that day is..."

As soon as these words came out, the girl was immediately speechless, her cheeks were dyed a blushing rose color, and she slapped him on the side of the abdomen lightly, yelling softly.

"...Forget about it! You pervert!"

"Curse it! Scold me! No matter how much you scold me, you will never forget it, and you will never forget it for the rest of your life!" The young man smiled triumphantly, shaking his head as if deliberately trying to annoy a girl.

Unexpectedly, she didn't show the embarrassment she imagined, but she just turned her head, gave a small smile with deep meaning, and moved her lips.

"...Okay, then never forget it for the rest of your life."

It was a whisper, a whisper softer than the wind.

That's why the boy didn't hear it, and continued to laugh mischievously, just keeping him silent in the referee's shouts; at the same time, he didn't notice that when he was looking straight ahead, the girl's blue pupils flickered. what color.

"Every player is in position, ready..."

When the verdict sounded near the start of the game, the expressions of the two suddenly became solemn, and the condensed and entangled momentum was like heels connected underneath, and now they are ready to go and prepare to raise dust.

The girl spoke again, her gaze fixed.

"Hello, Ming."

The hands on the young man's shoulders were tightened, and she had already assumed a posture ready to sprint at any time, her lips were pursed tightly, and a voice came from between her lips.

"What's the matter, do you still want to say something about the pre-match declaration?"

It was also a solemn preparation, but the boy's tone was a little frivolous, as if he wanted to appease the overly serious girl beside him.

But her expression remained unchanged, her tone was as solid as steel, with unshakable belief.

"...After this game is over, I have something to tell you."

The young man was taken aback for a moment, and the complex expression only appeared on his face for a second, then disappeared, and then a helpless smile emerged.

He said as if sighing.

"...Really, don't set up any flags at this time..."

Then, accompanied by inspiring shouts, the command gun was fired, and the pungent smell of gunpowder smoke covered the end of his words.

"--Game start!"

The moment their ears came into contact with the order, both of them pressed their toes together.

With the belief that I almost want to step out of a hole on the ground of the clay playground, I push out my strongest strength.

Moreover, the tacit understanding cultivated is like the red rope on the feet, binding the two of them tightly, no matter the timing of departure or the pace of strides, they are surprisingly in tune with every minute and every second.

As if he had practiced the coordination thousands of times, showing his brilliance in his striding steps, that figure was like the whistling wind.

That's right.

The boy named Izumi Akira and the girl named Chang Muyao are running side by side under the October sky at this very moment.

——In a figure that is almost alone.

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