
With perfect rhythm and perfect speed, He Quanming and Chang Muyao almost opened a distance of more than [-] meters from the combination behind them in just a few seconds.

Moreover, they were only fifty meters away from the finish line.

——This is the best performance the two have never had since practice.

Excited to be proud of it?He Quanming could feel the girl beside him start to tremble slightly while he was running fast, and the smile on his face couldn't stop blooming.

"...Really, like a child."

Looking directly at the approaching white line in front of him, walking without stopping, facing the oncoming wind, He Quanming also laughed dumbfoundedly - it was just an insignificant small game, and all he could get in the end was nothing but face. The low-quality gold medal can actually make her so excited, it really makes people don't know what to say.

But... He is not qualified to say anything about others.

The heart was beating violently.

The blood was rushing rapidly.

Breathing with trembling nasal cavity.

Boiling hot all over.

All of this shows that Akira Hequan himself is also immersed in the joy of winning, unable to extricate himself.

Perhaps, human beings are creatures that can be satisfied so easily?

There is no need to be high-lighted, grand, grand, or far-reaching—just because there are like-minded partners around you who are looking for the same end together, you can be satisfied.

All I want is to hope that someone can walk side by side with me on this small runway.

Maybe... that's what she wanted to talk about?

He Quanming smiled wryly.

Well...it is more likely that it is not, so don't deceive yourself.

In this case, it is time to think about how to achieve the ending that "she" wants.

An ending that she can accept, that she can accept, is the most "suitable" for him.

For Akira Izumi, who had made that oath, this was something he had to do with his own hands no matter what he gave up, even his own dignity.

——And before that, let’s win this game first!

Feeling the footsteps behind him getting closer and closer, it seems that the other groups have already started their final sprint. He Quanming turned his head to look at Chang Muyao, just in line with her shifted gaze, and the two clicked at the same time in tacit understanding. Nodding, then pointing to the end point with less than [-] meters left.


Under the silent communication, the dull voice gradually accelerated, and with the last strength, they also shortened the distance between steps, one step, two steps, three steps...

Da, Da, Da...

Like a giant hammer hitting the ground, the heart rate also speeds up as it moves forward.

One, two, three...

Boom, boom, boom...

The closer the finish line was, the more excited the girl was, but the boy adjusted his breathing well, and kept his footsteps from being disordered while speeding up.

Ten meters, nine meters, eight meters...

But the group behind them didn't know what kind of drugs they were taking, they chased after them, and approached behind them at an alarming speed in just a split second.

As if all the stamina that had been reserved just now exploded at this moment, the distance between the two shortened rapidly, and without turning back, the pace of pursuit was like a giant beast that could not be ignored.

He Quanming didn't care.

He knows that if he keeps at this speed, even if the following combination can increase their speed, the remaining distance is not enough to surpass them who are also speeding up, so as long as they run steadily at the current rhythm, the champion will be There will be no change of owner, so his footsteps are still as steady as Mount Tai.

But Chang Muyao was in a mess.

When she felt the sound of their footsteps behind her as if she was about to overtake them before the finish line, her original self-confidence was torn apart by the tremor of the footsteps like a sand sculpture, and the sweat dripped from her forehead in panic. She gritted her teeth tightly. The feet that had been raised to her limit speed were driven by her thoughts again, and she wanted to speed up.

...and sooner.

... go faster.

...I can still, hurry up!

Completely disregarding the rhythm, completely disregarding the load, she just let her slender legs lift up and down desperately while roaring in her heart, kicking up the sand that couldn't catch up.

At this moment, Chang Muyao completely forgot that this was a three-legged race between two people, that there was another person beside her, and that her foot was tied to the other foot—she only remembered that this was a race, This is on the field, and she wants to win!

...Just run a little faster and you'll win!

So when she thought this way——her rhythm broke down.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

First, her center of gravity shifted and became unstable due to too hasty steps, and then she disrupted the original tacit understanding, which affected He Quanming's stable cooperation; when the two put down their right feet together, she Hastily stepped out with his left foot, and then lifted his right foot forward before He Quanming could catch up—it was just that the lead of less than [-] seconds easily caused the matching rhythms to stagger each other, and led to the inability to salvage consequences.

——Imagine it this way.

In a machine that runs by the combination of two gears, when one of the gears that was originally running tightly stops rotating suddenly, and starts to jump into the Pure Land of Bliss with the other gear - at this time, this machine What can go wrong?

At this moment, the answer was mercilessly presented in front of Chang Muyao.

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