——She, who was already unstable, fell down.


Eyes widened, he felt his right foot swing back uncontrollably, his left foot could only follow the rhythm of the collapse and leave the ground, as if floating in the air at that moment, only the body The shoulders on the side can give her a sense of solid contact, but no matter what, she can't stop the strong inertia of suddenly falling during the rapid running.

The end is just around the corner.

Less than five meters, as if within reach.

But she still can't touch it.

Gritting her teeth tightly, staring at her regretfully, and trying her best to stretch her hand forward, she couldn't bring her back to the original posture that was about to fall.

A strong pulling force came from the foot that was connected to him, and when the body next to him was also leaning forward unsteadily, she instantly understood that her mistakes had already implicated that person, the boy she loved now ——In the rapid journey of one person, one person is prosperous and the other is damaged, and the mistakes of one person are borne by two people.


I have never regretted it as much as I do now.

Feelings of remorse pulled the facial muscles, and the clenched gums conveyed too much pain, as if bleeding was about to ooze, and the bad taste gradually spread in the mouth.


Never been so dissatisfied as now.

Even if she didn't win the Miss Christmas competition, she just felt it was a pity, and she didn't feel unwilling because of it. She even felt that she should lose.

But now, it was just a small defeat, but the unwillingness almost destroyed her, constantly eroding her whole body.

As long as she thought of the time she had spent with him, the hard work she had done with him, the intimate contact she had had with him—the more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt in her heart tormenting her.

... I am so unwilling.

……So sad.


What the hell am I doing...

At the moment before she fell down, it was unbelievable that many thoughts kept flashing through her mind, as if her thinking had entered another period of time, and the world in front of her slowed down.

Thoughts rushed, like countless waves, but at the end, this question suddenly appeared in her heart.

...Obviously I put in so much effort before this, and I obviously have a lot of things I want to say to him after this - what am I doing now?

...Why on earth did it become like this?

The finish line is right in front of you, as long as you keep running, you can win... But here I fell down.

Ahh, Chang Muyao...you are really, really - a complete waste!

The trash who can't even reach the destination with him!

The trash who declared victory to him but let him miss it himself!

The trash who likes him but dare not tell him for various reasons!

You are such a waste, what qualifications do you have to face him who shed so much sweat together!

Waste, waste, waste, waste, waste—!

Why... you have to stop here...

The overwhelming water mist covered her sky, condensing into endless dark clouds, strangling all sunlight at the border of regret.

The devastated cracks split the bottom of her heart and shattered into countless pieces, making all the abysses stay at the end of pain.

She just repeated regret in her heart countless times.





Ming - I'm sorry.

I... lived up to our memories...

I... am a drag on you, trash...

"—Don't give up so easily!"

Suddenly, his bright voice came from beside his ear.


Before he had time to raise his head to look at him, Chang Muyao found out that He Quanming, who was also about to fall with her, turned around and kicked off the ground, holding her tightly at the moment when the two floated off the ground. Tightly wrapped around his chest.

"The end point is clearly within reach, so what if we fall? That can't stop us!"

Confident words rang heavily in her ears, and he clasped her hands tightly, and her figure, which was one size smaller than him, was enclosed in his body like a doll.

Obviously, he was going to roll and fall to the ground in the next second, but he acted as if he couldn't feel anything, while talking, he adjusted the postures of the two of them.

The sound of strenuous footsteps and heavy breathing came at the same time, and the group that was chasing them mercilessly approached them, and they were about to keep pace with them.

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