It seems that there are many voices, not only these - cheers, exclamations, anxious voices, screams... All kinds of different voices are noisy and disturbing in the world, but now she is in Hequanming's arms, but she can only hear To his crooning, and the quickening heartbeat.

"Hey, Yao."

"The ending you want, I will help you achieve it."

" next, close your eyes! It might hurt a little when you hit the ground, but I promise, when you open your eyes, you'll see us cross that white line."

Time seemed to stop at his calm and smiling voice. Even though she was gradually falling to the ground, her calf could already touch the hard ground, but miraculously, she didn't feel the slightest bit of uneasiness or fear.

The sharp blade of self-blame seemed to be gently crushed by him, and the remaining fragments turned into warm and peaceful oasis one by one, gradually flowing through the whole body.

Unconsciously, Chang Muyao closed his eyes.

——And where she couldn't see, Izumi twisted his body, turned his back to the ground, and looked up at the sky.

Hugging Chang Mu Yaoshi kicked the ground, causing them to fall down just before the finish line. When they looked up, they happened to be able to see a white line across the blue and white clear sky.

How lucky...

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, He Quanming held Chang Muyao tightly in his arms with one hand, and stretched out the other hand towards the sky, as if to take away the slowly drifting white cloud, he opened his palm straight.

Through his fingers, he saw his target.

If the past efforts plus the current luck can't bring her the fruit of victory——

Then he is not qualified to say that he is a "soldier of love" who paid for love, right?

People always have to sacrifice something in order to get the result they want - he has long realized this.

And this is also the way he chooses to pay.

So when the time of sacrifice came, he stepped forward without hesitation; almost like a physical reflex, he made the choice without thinking.

Ahaha...wait my back hurts, right?After all, it was directly rubbed against the ground by gravity. Although it would not cause fractures, there should still be some scratches... and I was still wearing short sleeves!

Even though he was ready, He Quanming couldn't help but let out a wry smile, tensing up all the muscles in his body, hoping that the pain from waiting could be gentler to him.

Then, time seems to start to flow.

The moment the body floated in the air, it seemed that another era had passed, and then, gravity mercilessly pulled them to the ground, and there was a dull impact sound, and after landing on the ground, He Quanming's deliberately arched back rubbed against each other fiercely according to inertia Walking down the runway, flesh and clothing used as brakes to draw a miserable track on the dirt, until the momentum of inertia was reduced to zero, and the two of them crossed the finish line and slid for a certain distance before finally stopping.

Hearing this sound, another group that almost ran across the finish line side by side, turned around and couldn't help but stare at the two people who fell on the ground.

The girl among them was being held in the arms of the young man, except for the calves covered by trousers, other parts of her body did not touch the ground, probably not even scratched; but the young man looked quite miserable, Not only was his whole body stained with the dust from the runway, his whole body was dirty and messy, blood was slowly oozing from the clothes on his back that had been rubbed to the point of damage, and the track he pulled out of the ground was also stained with blood. As if he was enduring the pain, he pumped slightly, as if he could foresee his large area of ​​broken skin.

——But even so, he still didn't let go of the girl in his arms, and turned himself into the girl's shield, even if his body was covered in bruises, it would not hesitate.

The audience who saw this scene covered their mouths and lost their voices at the same time. The other groups stopped unconsciously and looked at them with astonished eyes. There were also several girls who rushed over anxiously pushing away from the crowd.

At this time, noisy discussions sounded one after another.


Chang Muyao, who was in a trance, came back to his senses when he heard the sudden sound of disturbance.

After landing, she didn't feel any pain, but her whole body was shaken, and her internal organs felt a little uncomfortable.

"...I, am I okay?"

After being confused for less than a second, she immediately thought of the reason why she was safe after falling hard——

The boy who hugged her tightly without hesitation, made her close her eyes, and waited for the victory.

After figuring out the cause and effect, she quickly opened her eyes, struggled a little out of Izumi Ming's arms, and wanted to confirm the current situation; but when her vision gradually became clear and she scanned her side, she directly ignored other sights and sounds, The pupils suddenly narrowed in disbelief, and what came into view was He Quanming, who was covered in mud and sand, face down, lying motionless on the ground.


The trembling hand gently leaned towards the young man, and his pale lips let out a fragile cry. At that time, Chang Muyao saw the scene that made her heart shrink heavily.

The young man curled up on the ground, his right hand was rubbed against the ground miserably, but his left hand was stretched out straight and raised high, like an unshakable flagpole.

And at the end of that arm, in the tightly clenched fist, a white thread was fluttering in the wind like a banner, which was grabbed by the young man with all his strength, and then it shot out fiercely towards the sky!

It was like a roar declaring victory.

—for her victory.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Obviously, the closing ceremony was in full swing outside, and the high-pitched speeches and the announcement of the award ceremony came through the window, faintly accompanied by the cool autumn breeze.

But Akira Hequan, who was in the health room at the moment, didn't feel the joyful atmosphere at all. Instead, he still had the feeling of being stuffed with ice cubes in his clothes and trousers, even if he was covered with a sheet. , and still couldn't stop the chill that kept attacking him around him.

Guilty glanced at the girls who surrounded him as though he was holding a public trial, and Akira Izumi, who sat up on the bed in the health room, shook his body and barely showed a bright smile.

"Yo, yo~ My friends, why do you look at me with such terrible eyes? Did I do something wrong?"

Seeing his cheeky smile trying to fool him, several of the girls raised their brows slightly, ignored him, and turned their heads to whisper with other people around him in a voice that could be heard by Izumi.

"Look, this guy...doesn't have the consciousness of doing something stupid at's really annoying."

"Really, some people don't know why they just don't love themselves. They always like to be heroes, regardless of their own health and other people's worries... This kind of person is really distressing..."

"I don't think the familiar has done anything wrong... It's obviously the fault of the brown ponytail! If she hadn't fallen, how could the familiar who was running with five-tenths of my power be injured..."

"Yeah, what Sa-chan said is you want to execute her? Recently, out of "interest", I read a few books about punishment techniques, including things like Iron Maiden and Blood Droplet. I don’t have any props, so I can’t implement it, but this book “Thirty Execution Methods Behind the Top Ten Tortures of the Qing Dynasty~You are also tomorrow’s execution master~” should be of reference value, do you want to... Huhuhuhu~"

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