"Lafite, your expression is so scary... By the way, Ms. Changmu probably didn't do it on purpose, right? When you saw the way she left the health room to receive the award, you felt very guilty and guilty..."

Reflexively imitating the others and whispering loudly, Wei Nette paused for a moment before reacting.

"Wait, that's not right! Why are we pretending to be whispering? Wouldn't that embarrass Izumi-san over there?!"

Looking at Izumi Akira who was smiling wryly along her finger, Gabriel curled her lips in disgust.

"Hmph, what are you doing with this guy? It won't be embarrassing for him to hurt himself in public, so why would he care about such a small scene?"

Kato Megumi, who was on the side, nodded his head, his calm eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at Izumi Akira with sharp eyes.

"Also, I think Ming Jun must use this incident to review whether he is too fond of playing handsome and disregarding his own personal safety... Think about it, everyone, it's okay if there are only large areas of scratches today, if someday Falling off a cliff, being hit by a car, being hacked by a gangster, being assassinated by a heroic spirit in order to save a certain girl, isn’t that something that can be solved by staying in the infirmary for treatment?”

After listening to Megumi Kato's convincing hypothesis, and thinking carefully about the fact that this guy with half of his body wrapped in gauze might actually do those things to help someone, everyone nodded in agreement. , looked at He Quanming again with a different meaning.

At this moment, Satania suddenly stroked her chin and made a noise as if remembering something.

"Let's put it this way... the familiar, in order to let me understand that challenging Gabriel must be persistent and not give up lightly, he even forgot that he couldn't swim, and just jumped into the river to prove to me those things. The truth... If I hadn't discovered it quickly, he would have long since drowned in that river..."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the health room changed slightly.

As if a huge amount of resentment shot up into the sky, the eyes of a certain blond girl instantly turned dark.

While Gabriel showed a suddenly realized expression, she approached with murderous intent and kept retreating, but was blocked by the head of the bed in the health care room, and Izumi Akira, who was unable to retreat, stretched her fangs and claws behind her with windless and automatic long hair like tentacles. with.

"Hehe... I just thought that when I saw Satania's down-and-out appearance, she was obviously struck by me to the point of doubting the purpose of life, so why would she suddenly come to find me with so much energy, and the more she searched, the more addicted she became, So it was you shameless who instigated it... Hehe."

Staring at Gabriel's dangerous smile that was getting closer, as well as hands pinching his finger bones that looked eager to try, Izumi, who had no way out, leaned tightly against the head of the bed, his thighs trembling, and tried to get away with a sneer.

"Well, that... how long ago did this happen? Everyone said that if you don't turn back, you can make progress if you look forward!"

"I'm sorry, I'm the kind of person who can only improve by looking at money, and I have nothing to do with horses at all... Mainly because I feel very upset when I think that all the restlessness for so long is caused by you. You are very upset, and you are still so upset that you want me to punch you twice in the stomach..."

Raising her fair little fist, Gabriel suddenly smiled very kindly, her eyes narrowed slightly, her long hair tilted slightly with her head, and her smile was bright and sweet, just like Gabriel in the "angel state" that day, holy and gentle.

"So Izumi-san—are you ready to receive the blessing from the angel?"

"Bless the devil! Help, help—!"

Then, the sound of fisting and violent shaking of the bed board came, accompanied by his screams, which added a bit of vitality to the peaceful and serene health room.

Moved a chair and sat next to the bed, Kato Megumi completely ignored someone's screams, and watched him being forced into the buff with cold eyes, with a nonchalant indifference, and even took out his mobile phone to turn on the camera The mode recorded the touching scene of physical communication—Megumi Kato, who is usually gentle and kind, has shown such a cold look. It seems that this time she also has some grievances in her heart, and she does not intend to talk to Quanming.

And before Satania said those words to rescue He Quanming, she was pestered by Rafael who was very interested in their past and asked questions; The self-satisfaction and complacency about what happened between her and Izumi Akira.

"Well, it starts with me chasing a white monster... that monster is not strong, but its speed is quite fast. Even Miss Ben, who is known as the scarlet storm in the demon world, can't catch up. Of course, I can't bear it." , I took out the pineapple bag on the spot and wanted to eat it to speed up energy recovery... But I didn't expect that monster to be so cunning, deliberately pretending to be pitiful and asking me to share it with it, but took away my pineapple when I felt pity Bao...until I chased to a certain bridge, I met that silly-looking familiar..."

"Wow~ It's so exciting! I didn't expect the encounter between Sa-chan and Izumi-san to be so dramatic...Then what's next? Is Izumi-san a hero to save the beauty?"

"What kind of hero saves the beauty? It's the beauty who saves the hero! At that time, it took me a lot of effort to subdue that stupid dog...the monster...Why are you laughing all of a sudden?"

"Pfft... No, it's okay! Sa-chan, you continue to talk, I will really listen..."

"Oh... oh, okay... Now that you've said that, let me start with the familiar thanking me in tears..."

Rafael nodded seriously, but there was a smile in his eyes that couldn't be hidden.

"Yeah, I'll definitely listen to it! About Sa-chan and Izumi-san's love...meeting history!"

In this way, you said something and I echoed it, and the two chatted enthusiastically; wandering in the health room, looking for various wonderful shooting angles, Kato Megumi indifferently recorded the scene of someone being beaten on the bed ——As the male and female protagonists in the film, Akira Izumi and Gabriel screamed as if there was no one else around, and the other party beat him all over his body with small fists as if venting his anger.

Vinette, who was unknowingly ignored, stood by the bed in a lonely way, looking back and forth at the few people in embarrassment, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she spoke softly in a voice that no one could hear.

"Then what... Are we here to care about Izumi-san, or to play... Can I go back..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Will you not make such a dangerous move next time?"

"No, no, [-]% no!" He Quanming nodded seriously.

"Remember to treat me to a delicious meal to compensate me next time!"

"Remember, remember, [-]% will remember!" He Quanming nodded seriously.

"I'll run with you next time! My familiar must run faster!"

"Okay, okay, let's find a chance to go out for a morning run together!" He Quanming nodded with a smile.

"Next time, please tell me the little unknown story between you and Sa-chan~"

"Okay...what a ghost!" He Quanming stopped nodding, and his face changed: "Who wants to tell you! I would rather recite the Great Compassion Mantra for you all night than tell you!"

"Oh, it's better not to talk about the conflict of beliefs, the Great Compassion Mantra..."

"...Then, Izumi-san, shall we go first?" With a kind smile, Vinette forced herself to ignore all the scenes that would make her complain, greeted him politely, and hurried out the door. Walking forward, "Take good care of your body. If you need help, you can tell me at any time. It's okay. If I can help, I will try my best to help!"

"Okay, I see, thank you, student Wei Nette..." He Quanming nodded his thanks with a confused face, seeing her wanting to walk out of this door as if nothing had happened, "No, why are you leaving in such a hurry? I didn't rush you……"

"No, it's just that I'm afraid that if I continue to stay, I won't be able to help but turn into a spitting star. For the glory of my own race, I have to leave first, please forgive me!"

She said this very seriously, and then disappeared outside the door in a flash.

"Tucao...? Is there anything to complain about here?" He scratched the gauze tied into a pair of cat ears on his head in doubt, and Quanming looked at the nylon rope tied in the shape of a tortoise shell on his body, showing Baisi Puzzled expression.

In the end, he could only think that Vinette was making too much of a fuss, and any trivial matter would arouse her strong desire to complain... She is really a sensitive person.

——By the way, the gauze cat ears and the tortoise shell binding are masterpieces created by Satania and Rafael when Izumi was suppressed by Gabriel and couldn't resist. At first, he was very reluctant to be treated as a doll There are two more decorations on the same body, but after a closer look...Huh?It seems to be tied pretty well...

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