Cough, so it just went with the flow and didn't untie it.

"Then I'm leaving too, take care of yourself... Haw~ I must go home and sleep all day, I'm really exhausted today..." I yawned tiredly, with my hands in the pockets of my pink sports jacket , dragging his vain steps, Gabriel walked out the door step by step, looking quite tired indeed.

Following Gabriel, Satania and Rafael walked out the door after greeting him, and there were faint and unreal conversations in the corridor.

"...Xiao Jia, did you secretly use a healing spell when you attacked Izumi-"

"... Long-winded. It's just a magic that speeds up the recovery of injuries, and it's not a big deal... Don't you want to report to the heavens?"

"No, I'm not that kind of person ~ So Xiaojia, don't put on that expression of wanting to shut up at any time! To be honest, I actually cast the same spell on it, helping Izumi to tie the tortoise armor When... hey!"

"So you have it too... Well, this should be considered part of exercising the power of an angel, right? I think the heavens should not only punish us, but also help us raise our salary!"

"This, should be impossible..."

"Hey, what are you whispering about? Tell me too!"

"Nothing about you stupid devil."

"Ah?! Gabriel, are you trying to find fault again!"

"I'm very tired and want to sleep now, don't bother me, or I'll kill you..."

The vague sound gradually faded away, and the surrounding air also became lonely and desolate. The intermittent noise outside the window seemed to be a rest note for this, and the health room suddenly fell into silence.

He Quanming looked at Megumi Kato, who was standing there and did not leave with them, and asked with some doubts.

"What's the matter, Kato? Is there anything else you want to say?"

Her bland expression remained unchanged, and the cool breeze of the autumn moon blew her hair slightly, like a layer of black veil spread behind her.

Slowly tucking away the strands of hair that were flying in front of her eyes behind her ears, she spoke softly.

"...Don't do things that worry people anymore, promise me."

The tone is still so flat, but there are complex and heavy feelings deeply hidden.

Realizing that the girl was worried and seeking approval in these words, Akira Izumi couldn't help laughing, very happily.

"Well, I promise you."

Then when she seemed relieved to breathe a sigh of relief, he added another sentence.

"—unless necessary."

The gaze that still had some warmth at first immediately stared sharply.

"Ming Jun, this is not the time to joke..."

"Of course I'm not joking!"

He Quanming cut off her words decisively and firmly.

Then look seriously into her eyes.

"Of course I'm fine and I won't do that dangerous move again. To be honest, not only is my whole body hurting, but the wound is also a little itchy. I really don't want to experience this feeling of wanting to scratch a large area but not daring to scratch it again." Yes!

...But, if you are in danger next time, and I happen to have the ability to help you and protect you, no matter how seriously you are injured, there is nothing I can do, right? "

Smiling helplessly, he pointed to his chest.

"You just take this as a man's boring self-esteem, let's accommodate it! How could I helplessly watch a girl about to get hurt, but I am indifferent and only want to protect myself? That's not what a gentleman like me would think!

Not to mention that if you are the one who will get hurt today, then it’s fine for me to rub on the ground a few more times—as long as you’re fine! "

With a hippie smile on his face, he said disgusting words without shame.

After being silent for a while, Megumi Kato's eyes gradually softened, and then he sighed softly.

"... Forget it, I should have thought that Mingjun has this kind of character like a hero... I really shouldn't be so worried about you..."

"But you were the first one to rush over when I was injured, and you were the one who was the most nervous?" With a malicious smile, He Quanming leaned against the head of the bed leisurely, and teased her: "Tsk tsk, I still This is the first time I see Katou with such a tense expression, that look of losing your composure is cute, but it really hurts..."

In the middle of speaking, Kato Megumi, whose tone was as calm as stagnant water, interrupted.

"Hey, Mingjun."

"What, what's the matter, Kato?" Akira Izumi, who had a cold sweat on his forehead and succeeded in killing himself again, asked knowingly.

Then watched her take out the phone from her pocket, and after a few swipes, presented the screen of the phone to his eyes.

"Can you help me read the sentence marked in red in the line above?"

"Sentence?" Izumi took a closer look, and it should be a chapter in a certain online novel. Megumi Kato specially crossed one of the sentences with a red line on it, and he read it aloud according to the words.

"If you don't die, you won't die. Why don't you understand?"

"Well, thank you scumbag for your help." Taking back the phone, he smiled as if thanking him, but there was no smile in Kato Megumi's eyes, "Now that you know this truth, please take care of your bad speech Right? I'm afraid that if you continue to talk, I won't be able to resist giving you a massage... on the wound."

Being stared at by that stare that obviously didn't bring any chill, but could make people's soul tremble, the cold sweat on He Quanming's body was dripping down, even if he was wrapped tightly in a quilt, it still couldn't bring him the warmth in his heart.

……very scary!Kato is so scary now!

My girlfriend's blackening is really scary!

"...What about the answer?"

With an aggressive tone in a flat tone, Megumi Kato firmly grasped Izumi Akira with his eyes, preventing him from escaping a single bit.

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