For the safety of his own life, He Quanming suddenly turned over on the bed, kneeled on the bed in a tiger-like posture, stretched his hands forward, then put his forehead on the back of his hands, bent and bent his knees in a smooth posture, and instantly made a fierce tiger to her. Floor-to-ceiling apology.

"Yes! I understand, Kato Megumi-sama!"

——That's right, the man who can bend and stretch on the bed is a real man!

So it has absolutely nothing to do with cowardice!

——How can a man's apology be called cowardice?

Akira Izumi, who raised one eye to observe Megumi Kato's expression, was so self-righteous in his heart.

"... Sigh." Seeing that he began to perform indecently again... No, it would be better to say that he hadn't passed by from the beginning, Kato Megumi felt so tired and wanted to retire, she couldn't help but sighed softly, "What the hell? Time, you have to get rid of this problem... It's really hard to get angry..."

Unexpectedly, He Quanming actually answered her with a serious face: "Well... sorry, I guess this problem can't be corrected - have you ever seen a husky get rid of the problem of committing two problems?"

"I've never seen anyone compare themselves with huskies..."

"You've met, it's me, your boyfriend." Pointing to himself, He Quanming blinked and smiled foolishly.

"...Is it still too late to propose a breakup?" Kato Megumi said with a sad face, but Kato Megumi couldn't help laughing, a shallow crescent moon quietly emerged on that frozen face, which was vaguely cute.

"It's probably too late. Have you ever seen a beautiful girl who got on a pirate ship and was escorted off the ship by the villainous captain?" Narrowing his eyes, Izumi let out a deep laugh.

"I haven't seen this, because I only saw the thief ship and the stupid captain, and I didn't see any villains~"

With his hands behind his back, Kato Megumi had a quarrel with him, and the smile on the corner of his mouth gradually bloomed.

"In that case, I'll let you see where the villains are! Gahahaha——"

Jumping up from the bed with all his teeth and claws, He Quanming rushed towards Megumi Kato in three steps in parallel, but she avoided it with ease.

"Oh, such a weak and stupid captain actually wants to catch me. Should I scream at this time, or should I laugh?" She nodded her chin with a hesitant expression, but she looked at He Quanming with a teasing look in her eyes. The pace of walking in the health room is as agile and graceful as an elf.

"Heh heh heh, it's been said like this, and the captain of the book had no choice but to show no mercy, and directly took you away as a stronghold... Mrs. Yachuan! Accept it, beautiful girl!"

Smiling evilly, He Quanming quickly turned around, took advantage of his strength to recover a little, and suddenly exploded at a faster speed than before, like a hungry tiger pounced on a sheep. At that time, he embraced her body with his arms wide open.

And when he was about to do the fake show for real, and really wanted to hold her tightly in his arms and say some love words to create a world for the two of them...

There was a sudden sound of the doorknob of the health care room being turned, and then the door was gently pushed open.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When Chang Muyao pushed open the door and looked into the health care room anxiously, the expression on his face immediately changed from panic to inexplicable shock.

At this time, the question came: what scene did she see?

——A certain boy with gauze wrapped half of his body and tortoise shells all over his body, and a crooked cat ear on his head, was smiling lasciviously and twisting his body to rush towards the girl who was standing blankly aside. .

The door of the health room was slammed open in the next second.

"Go to hell! Pervert!"


Reflexively, really just reflexively, Chang Muyao flew forward at the fastest speed and kicked at the pervert who attacked the girl, causing him to fall to the bed in the health room while screaming.

It took less than three seconds from entering the door to attacking, and she didn't even see the pervert's face clearly, but she made a judgment the moment she analyzed that what she saw was a crime scene. Without hesitation, he kicked the pervert onto the bed without hesitation, and guarded the girl who seemed to be in a daze behind her.

"Which class are you in? What do you want to do in the health room in broad daylight! Do you want to be expelled?!"

He yelled righteously and sternly, but he didn't want the suspect to answer. Chang Muyao turned his head to comfort the "victim" female student and asked her if she had been done by this pervert. When he looked, he saw a fairly familiar face.

"Eh...Xiao, Xiaohui?"

"Well, it's me, hello." Kato Megumi nodded flatly, but it can be seen from her unnatural tone and the slightly twitched corners of her mouth that she doesn't seem to be very calm now.

...a little want to laugh, and a little worried about Mingjun's health...but the mood to laugh still prevails...

Holding back the smile in her heart, she pretended to be nonchalant and greeted Chang Muyao.

"Has Mr. Chang Mu finished receiving the award? Did you come to care about Mingjun?"

"Ah, ah...that's right..." Chang Muyao nodded in a daze, as a response, but she still couldn't react, "No...that, Xiaohui...why, you are in the health care department? The room was attacked?"

"Assault? What attack?" Kato Megumi tilted his head in doubt, trying to make himself look ignorant, "It's only me and Mingjun here? How can anyone attack me?"

"Only you and Mingjun...?" Chang Muyao murmured again, his rigid head spinning rapidly, "In this health room, there are only you and Ming, so if you say that..."

Immediately, she looked at the "perverted" corpse lying motionless on the bed in shock, and screamed in disbelief.

"Could it be Ming that I just kicked away?!"

"You only know now!?"

The corpse—sorry, it was He Quanming—slapped the bed angrily and glared viciously at Chang Muyao, who was in a daze, "How about kicking people away without saying a word? The boat of our friendship Kicked over by your kick, please learn to use your brain, you orangutan girl!"

"Who is the orangutan girl! Who told you to look like a pervert attacking a civilian girl..." Chang Muyao, who was glared at by him, was not to be outdone. The long-term relationship made her raise her eyebrows reflexively, and was about to intervene When he raised his head and turned back, his eyes accidentally glanced at the half-wrapped gauze on his body.

"This..." The provocation that was about to be said came to an abrupt end, and guilt surged suddenly, and the scenes that happened on the playground were reflected in front of her eyes again, locking her heart like a chain, making it difficult for her to breathe.

In the end, she could only force herself to show a bitter smile, curling up the corners of her mouth as if mocking herself, and the aura that was flying all over her body fell silent, she lowered her head and remained silent.

Seeing her sudden depression, Akira Hequan, who knew it well, sighed helplessly in his heart, but the expression of blame and provocation on his face remained unchanged at all.

"What's the matter, don't you have anything to say? So I'm going to tell you, you can't do anything, but the secondary damage is really fun?"

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