Following He Quanming who was hurriedly backing away, Chang Muyao stretched his hands straight towards him, and wrapped his arms around his neck as if hanging on his body. The distance between them shortened instantly, to less than fifteen centimeters. The breathing of the two was almost entangled.

Faced with such a sudden situation, He Quanming couldn't help but blushed. Although the gentleman's instinct didn't push her away immediately, his head involuntarily kept tilting back, avoiding her exhalation that made her heart beat faster.

"Hey, hey, hey, Yao! Chang Muyao! Did you hear that! Are you sleepwalking? Get up, sleepwalker! No, no, no, no, no... Calm down, let's have a good talk—— I know that you are very excited now, but this is not the reason why you want to kiss me forcibly! This development is inexplicable to the audience friends!"

As if completely immersed in his own world, Chang Muyao breathed out a hot breath lightly, looked at him with wet eyes, the emotions constantly conveyed in his eyes seemed to melt him completely, except for him Any grain of sand; standing on tiptoe, she approached his face slowly and unstoppably.

The seductive eyes are narrowed, the cheeks are hot as if they are about to burn, and the heartbeat is so loud that it can almost reach the ears - even so, Chang Muyao still slightly parted his pink lips, and in front of him When there was no way to retreat, he kissed her softly and deeply.


Izumi's eyes widened.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

At the moment when the lips of the two were about to meet, a white palm suddenly stretched out between the two of them, and while covering Akira Izumi's mouth, he used the back of his hand to meet Yao Tsuneki's pursed lips.

Then, a calm and impermanent voice sounded, saying like a sigh.

"I said...I'm here, but you guys do this kind of thing in front of me, isn't it a bit bad?"

The owner of the voice didn't have much emotional ups and downs, but his body unknowingly intervened between He Quanming and Chang Muyao, and opened the distance between them.

Chang Muyao, who was squeezed away, reluctantly let go of the hands hooking He Quanming's neck, his face was still flushed, he stroked his lips and smiled lightly: "Oh, oh, what a pity, it's rare that I mustered up the courage to give Ming some rewards ~"

After finishing speaking, she also gave He Quanming a wink, but coupled with the look of wet tears, I don't know why there is a feeling of neither fish nor fowl.

He Quanming patted his chest with lingering fear and took a few steps back, with a feeling of regret or happiness remaining in his heart.

"What kind of reward... Kato is watching from the side, what do you want to do!"

But Chang Muyao smiled indifferently: "I'm sorry, I was so obsessed with you just now, I accidentally forgot that Xiaohui was still there, next time I will remember to pick a place where no one is around ~"

Seeing her completely throwing her shame on the ground and stepping on her feet, He Quanming's eyes widened and he really didn't know what to say. He always felt that it was wrong to refute her or agree with her.

——Is it really okay for you to be so immoral?

Kato Megumi's eyes became sharper.

"Let's not talk about whether I'm here or not... Changmu-san, it's not good to mess with relatives casually?"

"How can it be casual~ If Akira didn't touch me so much, how could I have the urge to kiss him?" He answered unhurriedly, and Chang Muyou blinked one eye at Kato Megumi, "And want to Isn't it normal to kiss someone you like? Seeing your good friend being liked by someone, you should be happy, not stop you?"

"Seeing my good friend is about to be kissed by someone of the opposite sex who is not his girlfriend, I think it's normal to stop it." Kato Megumi's tone was calm, but his gaze exuded strong oppressive force, expressionless Staring at Chang Muyao, "Even if you like him, it doesn't mean you can kiss him forcefully without his consent. This is sexual harassment in law? It doesn't matter whether it's male or female."

"Hey hey hey, don't be so serious... It even involves legal issues, it's just a thank you gift, how can it be so serious~" Chang Muyao brushed his hair and smiled meaningfully, "Or... ...You are just so angry because you don't want Ming's first kiss to be taken away by me? Isn't this something that a "good friend" should worry about?"

Adding the accent on the word "good friend", she met Megumi Kato's eyes in a mocking manner.

"...So, that's not the problem. Please don't shift the focus, Mr. Toki." After a pause, Megumi Kato's expression remained unchanged, but the ethereal temperament seemed to be a little restless, "I don't want to blame you either. What, after all, I have no right to meddle in the affairs between you and Mingjun. If you want to kiss him, you can go to a place where no one is there after getting his consent; but in front of me, I still hope you can restrain yourself For a moment, it's best not to kiss my "good friend" in front of my face."

Facing her deep and sharp gaze, Chang Muyao just shrugged his shoulders, and said casually: "Yes, yes, don't worry~ If it is not emotional, it is still a bit difficult for me to take the initiative to visit relatives. It’s all about the atmosphere!”

Then she looked at He Quanming, blushing slightly and giggling: "So, one day you ask me out for another date, and I can give you your first kiss?"

After she finished speaking, she turned her head and gave Megumi Kato a meaningful look, with a relieved smile on her lips, her footsteps jumped like dancing, and she left the health room without looking back.

Standing in embarrassment, He Quanming scratched his face, and only he and Kato Megumi were left in the health room again, but this time the atmosphere between the two was quite different.

I'm really going to be killed by that guy Yo...

Although Megumi Kato's expression was very calm, as if all the emotional fluctuations had never occurred before, but Akira Izumi just felt that there was a cold air of "I'm not happy" coming from her, which made him feel a chill down his spine and was inexplicably afraid .

"That, that, Kato..."

"Huh? What's the matter, Mingjun?"

The tone sounded normal, but the more it was like this, the more worried Izumi became.

After all, he knew that Kato Megumi was best at hiding his feelings.

So, he asked the question directly.

"Are you angry?"

Kato Megumi tilted her head, with a puzzled expression—after Yao Chang Muyao left, the targeted aura on her body disappeared without a trace, and she returned to her usual peace.

"No? Why should I be angry?"

"It's just... the fact that I was almost kissed by Yao just now... aren't you angry?" He Quanming looked at her face hesitantly, trying to see some clues from her micro-expression.

For his question, Kato Megumi did not answer immediately, but made an answer after thinking for a while.

"Well... As for being angry, in fact, it seems to be a little bit—but I have no reason to be angry with you, Mingjun, right? After all, you have resistance, and I can guess what you will do with your personality." Smiling lightly, Kato Megumi said leisurely, "I just think Chang Mu-san was really a little too arrogant just now...Although it is also my fault that my sense of existence is too low, but I want to kiss you directly in front of me, isn't it a bit too much? ?”

"So you're jealous?" He Quanming asked with a sudden smile.

Kato Megumi was stunned for a while, her delicate face didn't change much, but it was quietly stained with an inconspicuous blush.

She lowered her eyes, sighed helplessly, and sighed softly.

"...Well, there is a little bit."

When Kato Megumi saw the two of them about to kiss, she really felt a little... no, there was a little bit of unhappiness, the slightly sour bubbles and unpleasant emotions occupied all her thoughts almost instantly, so she Only then did she reflexively block Chang Muyao's kiss with her hand - it wasn't because she was upset because she was doing this in front of her face, but because she herself was uncomfortable with the kiss between He Quanming and Chang Muyao.

Simply put, she was jealous.

This was a reaction that even she didn't expect.

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