Obviously already prepared...why is this happening?

Kato Megumi didn't know how many times she sighed like this in her heart—from the moment Izumi Akira issued the "harem declaration" and she promised to be his helper, she was clearly prepared for what he and others would see in the future. Prepared for the scene of the girls falling in love with each other, and imagined it several times in their minds, thinking that they had already overcome the discomfort.

But she didn't expect that when she saw Chang Muyao wanted to kiss Quanming, she didn't even touch her lips, but the distance between the two shortened, her heart began to ache, her lips clenched unconsciously, feeling uncomfortable It made her breathless, and her instinct kept telling her to break up the two of them, and her boyfriend was not allowed to touch anyone—she really took a lot of effort to prevent herself from being like a regular wife who caught a mistress. Chang Muyao shouted loudly.

Kato Megumi always had an indifferent appearance, but no one knew how many turbulent waves were hidden under her calm expression.

She didn't even know that her emotions could be so rich—this was the first time she really experienced the feeling of jealousy.

No... It should be said that I have experienced it long ago, but only now have I deeply understood it.

Sure enough, only seeing it with your own eyes will make people feel deeply...

Kato Megumi sighed again, putting away complicated inner thoughts, turned to look at Izumi Akira, only to find that he was smiling cheaply like a fox who stole a chicken, and couldn't help but glared at him.

"……what's so funny?"

"No, it's nothing funny." He Quanming quickly waved his hand, putting away the overly obvious smile on his face, but the smile in his eyes couldn't be concealed, "It's just that I feel very happy to hear that you are jealous for me!"

"... After all, I'm your girlfriend. It's normal to be jealous, right? Don't make a fuss." Narrowing his eyes as if he couldn't stand it, Kato Megumi turned his head away from his expression, and said calmly, "And , don’t think that I just targeted Chang Mu just to be jealous—with my performance just now, she should have a sense of competition with me now, and she should have a sense of competition in her heart, “I might be interested in you, but I’m not in the way I don’t dare to show the boundaries of my friends’ guesses, and while attacking you, I don’t dare to be too blatant because I’m concerned about me. This is a problem when girls are engaged in love wars within the school range—as long as she restrains herself, You can take advantage of this period of time to slowly figure it out, don't be silly and just cultivate a good impression with her, at this time you have to retreat and get along with other girls in front of her very happily..."

As if talking about the excitement, Megumi Kato began to talk eloquently about the matters that need to be paid attention to in the strategy of Tae Tsuneki, and cited many examples in the anime as supporting evidence. It's a hesitation.

...Maria, when did my Megumi become so proficient in how to capture girls?Who made her become like this...

——Hey, it seems to be me?

Seeing Megumi Kato seriously talking about how to keep an ambiguous distance from Yao Changmu, completely disregarding her status as his girlfriend, Akira Kato really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"You worked so hard to get me a harem, but I gave up that idea a long time ago. I just want to like everyone... This includes you... Kato, are you forcing yourself?"

Staring at her softly, He Quanming murmured in his heart, feeling inexplicably heartbroken.

—but he could find no cure.

I can only smile as usual, hoping that time will heal everything.

After the end of Chapter [-]

After the sports festival, that night, at Izumi's house.

The Izumi brothers and sisters who were summoned by the younger sister Sagiri are chatting in the younger sister's room while doing their own things.

Akira Hequan was using a half-wrapped gauze model as a model for Sagiri, and asked her to sit on the bed and look at him, and the small hands drawing on the electronic drawing board brought out an afterimage; Zongya was sitting on the other side of the bed, There was a notebook on her crossed legs, and she was staring at the screen, clattering and typing on the keyboard, her fingers were so fast that it was hard to see.

He Quanming has wondered more than once whether the family inheritance of the two of them or the blood successor limit is related to "hand speed bursting", "big horned insects" and so on... One can write novels at a speed comparable to a human typewriter, and one can write novels in ten minutes. A complete color picture can be drawn. Did these two people open the plug-in?

Although Sagiri once said that she draws very slowly when drawing formal illustrations, and only some game works or practice works can draw faster, but the proficient drawing skills and the hand speed with afterimages make people feel uneasy at all. Unexpectedly, it came from the hands of a twelve-year-old little illustrator.

In particular, she also likes to draw some pornographic illustrations... Tsk, I really don't know how her mother taught her to draw...

Simply beautiful!

"...So when is your new work coming out, sister? It's been so long since "The Reincarnated Silver Wolf" ended."

Without putting on the earphones, Sagiri was drawing while chatting with Zongya beside her.

"Please, it's only been less than a month, okay? It's impossible to finish one work and produce another one right away..." Zong Ya scratched his hair in distress, and Zong Ya kept typing in his hands. The expression on his face crumpled up.

"But if a nonsense writer like my sister doesn't hurry up and publish a new novel, it will be easily forgotten by readers, right?"

It was as if an arrow had been directly inserted into Zong Ya's heart, and her expression changed suddenly.

"Hey——of course I know this! I really want to write a new work! I don't want to be forgotten by readers!"

As if being poked at a pain point by Sagiri's unintentional words, Zongya let out a long series of wailings with a dejected face, and her dark green hair was messed up by her: "But the problem is that no matter how many manuscripts I submit, every time They will all be returned and rewritten! Do you know what the Kagurazaka editor said when the manuscript was rejected? She even said, "No one will read this kind of thing~ You don't want the book you have worked so hard to write as a waste No one cares about the paper, right? Take it back and write a more interesting story!", it's really too much~"

"No, this is already her merciless mouth?" He Quanming ruthlessly interrupted her groaning, pulled half of the bandage, and said indifferently, "She told me in private, I hope you don't She has been bothering her with shit, she is also very busy, and there are some competitions to be held recently... She is already very gentle with you."

Hearing this, Zong Ya was petrified.

"True, true or false?!"

Izumi nodded, showing a cruel smile.

"Ah, the real one can't be fake, the fake one can't be real, editor Kagurazaka's expression at that time was very disgusting..."

Then it was interrupted by Sagiri's soft drink.

"Brother! Don't move around, maintain the posture just now! And the expression is too stupid, put it away!"

"Yes..." He put away his smile obediently, and returned to the expressionless look at the beginning, He Quanming wept silently in his heart.

Models have no human rights, especially a model named brother, who doesn't even have property rights...

"...By the way, brother, I haven't asked you yet, where did your injuries come from?" Sagiri asked casually while lowering her head to draw, "...I'm not worried What about you? I'm just curious, don't get me wrong."

"Tsundere at the textbook level..." Zong Ya curled her lips and muttered, and was immediately kicked off the bed by Sagiri blushing.

Scratching his cheek, Izumi replied nonchalantly.

"It's nothing, it's just that I accidentally fell heavily while running, it's just some scratches, don't worry too much, Sagiri."

"Hey... is that right? Well, it's none of my business anyway..." Pouted, Sagiri shifted her eyes from side to side, "Also, I'm not worried..."

"Yes, you are not worried~" Spreading his hands, facing the angry gaze cast by Sagiri, Akira Izumi smiled.

"... Huh, brother, you big idiot..." Muttering softly, Sagiri pursed her lips and ignored him, drawing with greater strength than before.

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