"Yes, of course there is, but it's another level of shock..."

This kind of person would be an angel or something... Akira Izumi looked at Gabriel with a wild and messy hairstyle, and then looked around the room that belonged to this "angel" in name, but was full of garbage and games, and then recalled What she did and all the bad speeches she made, in the end, he came to a conclusion with a heavy heart.

——Either Gabriel is bluffing him to death, or this heaven will end sooner or later.

Thinking that the chief Gabriel is like this bird, the other angels whose grades are lower than her are even worse... A group of weakened versions of Gabriel are the future high-ranking officials of the heavens, As long as you think about it this way, it's not surprising when this heavenly world closes down!

"Your expression expresses what you think..." Gabriel clicked her tongue and yelled dissatisfied, "Don't get me wrong, I'm the only one in the heaven who looks like this, the others But really noble, kind and pure angels? Most of them are similar to me before the fall!"

"What's the matter with your extremely proud tone..." By the way, isn't this guy too self-conscious?

He Quanming looked at the sky speechlessly, but after hearing what she said, he thought of something strange.

"You said that everyone else is a real angel, only you are special... But isn't Rafael an angel from heaven just like you?" Recalling the white-haired girl's personality that didn't look like an angel at all , He Quanming looked at Gabriel suspiciously, "... Angels, are they all of that kind of character?"

Gabriel choked for a moment, the corners of her eyebrows twitched, and she looked away guiltily.

"...That guy, like me, is an exception."

Hequan Mingxu looked at her.

"... How many other exceptions are there?"

She patted the bed dissatisfied.

"At least I only know Lafite! The other children are very kind-hearted, don't overturn a boat with one blow!"

He Quanming laughed.

"Who told you the same thing? It's obviously two things! At least all the angels I know don't look like angels."

Gabriel had nothing to say, gritted her teeth, and pointed to Vinette who was silently cleaning up the garbage around her.

"Since you said that... look at Wei Nai, if you didn't know that she has two horns and a trident, would you be able to tell that she is a demon?"

"Eh? What's none of my business!?" Vinette pointed at herself innocently and shouted with a confused face.

"Is this..." Touching his chin, Akira Izumi looked carefully at the pure and lovely purple-haired girl in front of him, thinking of her gentle and friendly character and the temperament of a good wife and mother, he couldn't help shaking his head regretfully, "Indeed , compared to you, Vinette is more like an angel..."

Vinette was shocked immediately.

"No, isn't it?! I'm clearly a pure demon!"

Gabriel also nodded in agreement.

"Right, right! So there are exceptions for every group! Like me and Vinelafe, they are disgraces in heaven and hell. It would be rude for them to compare us with normal angels and demons. right?"

"It's you who are being rude! Don't pull me out of the ranks of normal demons! I am also a normal one!"

Upon hearing this, Vinette immediately stood up, shaking Gabriel's collar in a disgruntled manner.

Even though she was dizzy from being shaken, Gabriel still showed a sneer and looked at Vinette with pity.

"Hmph, since when did you have the illusion that you are a normal demon, you helpful lady demon?"

"...!" As if being slammed on the head by a thunderbolt, Vinet trembled in shock, her hands involuntarily loosened Gabriel's collar, her body slowly stiffened as if petrified, her pupils were like Being forced to accept an unbelievable fact generally shrinks dramatically.

Then the purple-haired girl lowered her shoulders, dragged her swaying body, and ran to the corner with gray circles drawn all over her body.

"Is it wrong to like to help others... Is it wrong to not let go of people who are in trouble... Is it wrong to not be like a devil... Huh... I'm not the only one..."

"...It's so miserable." Retracting his gaze from the depressed figure in the corner, He Quanming turned his head to look at Gabriel, with a smile on his lips, but said in a slightly reproachful tone, "It's said that people are hard If you don’t take it apart, you’re going too far, right? At least those horns on her head look real!”

Gabriel shrugged helplessly.

"I'm telling the truth... Also, don't you think what you said is more exaggerated? She seems to have become more depressed?"

"Anyway, those horns on my head look real...it's just because I have horns that I look like a devil...without horns, I'm nothing...uh...I'm just an inferior student among demons..."

The voice from the figure in the corner became more resentful and decadent, and the huge resentment condensed in the room, causing the temperature to drop a lot.

...Oops, it seems that I have played too much.

Guilt welled up, and Izumi laughed awkwardly.

"Ahaha... Then what, even human beings have all kinds of demons. It's not surprising that there are top student demons like you among so many demons! Don't be so depressed, Vinette!"

Then before she could react, she abruptly changed the subject.

"By the way, since the symbol corresponding to the devil is the horns and the trident on the head, what about the angel? Is it the wings and the holy light?"

Gabriel nodded in agreement as if she understood his intention to skip the topic that made Vinette sad.

"That's right, we angels all have holy light and wings, but the main symbol is the halo..." Stretching out her finger, Gabriel revealed her angel halo.

"No, this is it! Can you see the beautiful angel halo?"

As she spoke, a dark and filthy halo appeared above her head, and He Quanming exclaimed in surprise.

"You really have a halo... It's just that, Gabriel, has your halo been soaked in the evils of this world? Why are you so dark?"

Seeing him looking at her head full of wonder, Gabriel took off the halo suspiciously, and held it in front of her eyes for a closer look.

Then he twitched the corner of his mouth helplessly.

"Hey...why is it dirty again..."

"Can you take it off?!" He Quanming was shocked, why did the angel's painting style get weirder the more he looked at it?

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