"Not only can you take it off, but you can continue to use it after wiping..." He wiped the black halo with his sleeve nonchalantly, and when the halo returned to its holy and bright appearance, Gabriel put it back on again "It's just that I didn't expect that it would turn black so soon after I wiped it... It seems that I really have the talent to fall to the sky..."

"Don't tell me, you were obviously born in the wrong place. If you change your place of birth with Vinette, then there will be no problems, okay..." He Quanming complained speechlessly.

"Tsk, your words are really heartbreaking... Zavina's heart is really..."


The two used chatting to ease the atmosphere, and when Vinette finally got out of the depression and could talk properly, He Quanming returned the conversation to the right track with a serious face.

"Ahem... until now, it's still a little unbelievable, but I accept that there are angels and demons in this world..."

Well, after all, the facts are in front of our eyes, no matter how much we are shocked and doubted, it will not help the reality.

In other words, he seems to have said one day—"If there are such unscientific creatures as demons, angels, and giant dragons, then the god of this world must be a big idiot who does whatever he wants!" 』—Is that the case?

Tsk... this mouthful of poisonous milk... is only short of a giant dragon...

He pursed his lips secretly, looking at the two "non-humans" in the same room, He Quanming's inner complicated thoughts were circulating, and on the surface, he asked them questions like a curious baby.

"If you could, could you guys answer some of my questions about heaven and hell? I'm curious!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In fact, since getting used to the existence of the sub-human sauce, Akira Izumi has been mentally prepared for this "non-daily" creature to appear in daily life.

To put it simply, it means that the reshaped three views are more resistant and less likely to collapse.

Of course, even so, after learning that the race of several friends who often play together and have a very good relationship with him turned out to be legendary existences such as demons and angels, Izumi still felt that his three views were affected. dealt a serious blow.

Although he is not yet suspicious of life, he has already begun to have various strange guesses about the true identities of other people around him.

For example, is Kato Megumi the reincarnation of a crowned assassin, is Chang Muyao a vixen who often stands in the middle, is the manager of Angel Cafe who once ran a coffee shop called Antique House, etc... he even Still wondering if Sagiri is actually the parallel world counterpart of Kasugano Dome, and he himself is Kasugano Yuu...

Ahem, just thinking about it, he doesn't want to start in three years, the maximum death penalty.

All in all, now he has actually accepted the setting of heaven and hell in this world... Anyway, even things like time travel and seizing homes have happened to him. In such a comparison, the appearance of non-human races is on the contrary It's also easier to accept.

So now even if there is another Japanese-speaking giant dragon loli, he won't be shocked by it!But it’s just a giant dragon. I’m a daily male protagonist who can chat and laugh with angels and demons. If you dare to scare me, believe it or not, I can call a stupid demon to bite you with just one phone call?

With this sense of pride in the mystery, Akira Hequan fully agreed with their true identities, and his mentality has not changed from before, except that there is an extra feeling of "Wow, my friend is actually an angel who doesn't look like an angel and who doesn't look like an angel." Like a demon of a demon!My network has already been able to go to the world, it feels so amazing! 』thought.

After agreeing, his head seemed to be unshackled. All the confusion and perplexity disappeared at this moment. Countless doubts and speculations that had occurred were covered up because of their identities, but they were reopened because of their clarity. It came to my mind, like countless question types before the college entrance examination, and memory fragments came one after another.

The two-year dialogue between them, Satania's past, the rumors that are trying to cover up, the doubts about the name, the clues that were ignored in the chat, the sense of incongruity that forced to forget the key points... all kinds of blocked confusion seem to be a matter of course. It was filled in with an answer that I didn't understand until now, and so many doubts were solved at once, and Akira Izumi felt a little headache for no reason.

Temporarily covering up these messy thoughts, he asked them curiously.

"First of all, I would like to ask, do you have spells that can obscure your cognition? It means that you will not doubt your identity and take it for granted."

"Well, it's true that there is such a spell." Vinette nodded, and Gabriel continued to explain.

"Actually, this is not a kind of magic. It should be said to be a resident status BUFF, or a passive skill? When we come to the world, we will automatically activate a "blurring method" that can affect human cognition. It can Unknowingly let others explain and normalize our identities reasonably, even if we usually talk about heaven and hell, or even reveal our identities indistinctly, as long as there is a blindfold, it can be done to a certain extent To divert human attention from such things.

For example, we usually talk about things about heaven and hell, or call each other angels and demons, but at this time you accidentally heard it—if there is no cover-up.You should feel very strange, right?Why do we make such a fictional thing so true, and it's not just one person? "

He Quanming thought for a while, and nodded in agreement.

Indeed, thinking about it this way, he has actually heard them talk about angels and demons several times, but he didn't find it strange—just like when he first met Vinet, Vinet obviously had a crush on Gabriel. Ri said, "It's hard to imagine that an angel would say such a thing. ", "Your living expenses will be deducted if this continues? ’, ‘I’m going to use the routine in hell to kill the person who caused Xiaojia to fall! 』

However, he naturally ignored why the serious-looking Vinet would say such things that seemed to be caused by a second-year-old child. At most, he thought it was funny in his heart, thinking that they were all joking.

... So, is it all because of blindfolding?

Gabriel nodded slightly after seeing him suddenly realize.

"That's right, under the influence of blindness, you will only think that we are all a group of second-class patients. It is normal to use your own explanation to bring this matter to the past, and the doubts and ailments that arise will automatically disappear after a while. Forgotten... that's probably what it looks like."

After talking so many words at once, she breathed a little tired, and leaned lazily on the head of the bed.

After listening to her explanation, He Quanming touched his chin half-understood, and then asked a question.

"So I think that Satania is a second child. Is this kind of thinking also caused by blindness?"

Gabriel twitched the corners of her mouth: "...No, that's her original character, and it has nothing to do with blindness."

Wei Naite added with a dry smile: "Well, although blindness can blur your guess about our identity, if you explain it too clearly, or in an environment where spells such as the Internet are difficult to influence, its effect It will also be greatly discounted, so I usually don’t mention it if I can’t mention it...Although I often forget it accidentally, as long as I remember to call it, I usually won’t be noticed by others.”

After finishing speaking, she gave Gabriel a sneaky look.

"Like Xiao Jia, who spoke several times without going through her brain, and always directly said things about the heavens, and did not take remedial measures, so that I have to help her wipe her ass every time to clean up the aftermath... I really hope she can pay attention to herself .”

"Woo~" Gabriel pretended she didn't hear Wangtian whistling, as if she had nothing to do with her.

So Izumi made a conclusion.

"To put it simply, if you usually talk about small things about your side, you will not be suspected by others because of the effect of blindness; but even if you are really seen, as long as you remember to bluff it, you will not be discovered or Do you care—is that what you mean?"

"That's right, that's it!" Nodding her head in admiration, Wei Nette was surprised at how quickly Akira Izumi understood, but then she seemed to think of something, and showed a slight wry smile, "...But directly in front of others Showing two horns in front of your face, or even causing a big explosion yourself, these things will automatically invalidate the blindness, no matter how you explain it, it’s useless... unless you use the amnesia spell..."

——But because I didn't want to use this spell on my friends, I had to confess everything.

He Quanming was well aware of their thoughts, but he didn't show any abnormality. He just pondered for a moment and then asked questions.

"Then if someone discovers your true identity, how will you be punished?"

Seeing his worried expression, Vinette smiled in relief.

"It's just deducting some living expenses! It's not a big deal... Although the school stipulates that we have to complete our tasks as ordinary people and not let humans know our existence, but the degree of confession to one or two friends should not be too much. What is it, if you admit your mistakes better, maybe you won’t be punished? Izumi-san doesn’t need to worry about it.”

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