"That's good..." He Quanming patted his chest in relief, and then he was relieved - if it was because of himself that they were punished by heaven and hell, such as exile, imprisonment, and being locked in the basement, He would feel guilty and guilty.

But think about it carefully - no!It's not that he wanted to know their true identities, if it wasn't for Vinette's negligence and forgetting to put the horns away, then what happened now would not have happened at all!Why should he feel guilty?

Although he felt very inexplicable, He Quanming still let go of his mind and began to ask about heaven and hell.

For example, he asked Gabriel a bunch of miscellaneous questions.

"Aren't the heavens full of handsome men and beautiful women?"

"Most of them are, right? At least we eat well and live well, the air is cleaner than yours, and we can use spells to lose weight and have micro-plastic surgery. It's hard to grow crooked."

"Oh? So, what spells do you use?"

"There are many, but most of them are holy light spells of blessing and healing... I heard that the immortals in China have developed a palm lightning spell that can be used as a power bank. I want to learn it..."

He Quanming frowned.

"Please, the energy system is different, you can learn something..."

Then I was stunned: "Wait, speaking of blessings... I just remembered now, did you help me add a blessing spell? Once I almost bumped into someone in the corridor. I thought I couldn't avoid it, but I didn't. Thinking of my body reacting automatically, and escaping the catastrophe at a speed that I couldn't even imagine... At that time, I had a strange feeling of being blessed by an angel..."

That's right, he was talking about the first time he met Xiaoniaoyou Feiyan in the corridor; and not only that time, but even the moment the two of them fell down on three legs yesterday, he felt that he was hit by some unknown force And become quick to react, just like entering bullet time, that's why in that short moment, he can make the action of hugging Chang Muyao and pulling down the finish line.

After listening to his story, Gabriel was a little speechless in disbelief.

"You can feel it too... Do you remember what I said when I first met you? "Angels will bless you"—this is actually a kind of blessing spell. Seek good luck and avoid bad luck, although you are not so lucky as to win the lottery or pick up money on the road, but at least you can avoid some dangers, enhance your reaction power and so on..."

He Quanming's eyes widened in admiration: "Really or not... just a casual sentence can have this effect, should I say that I really deserve to be an angel of top students..."

There was a smile on the corner of her mouth, and her unremarkable chest was straightened out. Gabriel squinted her eyes and said with a smile: "I'm just an angel out of interest, don't praise me, even if you praise me, I won't be shy~"

"Ah! Also, the injury I suffered yesterday healed so quickly, did I have your help?"

Touching his right half of the body which was recovering abnormally fast, Akira Hequan asked suddenly.

Gabriel hesitated for a moment, and then scratched her cheeks with embarrassment: "Well... there is, it's just a small buff to speed up recovery for you, it's just a small thing to do... and the effect will be so Well, it's also because Raphael cast the same spell, otherwise it wouldn't get better so quickly."

"That's right, Rafael is also an angel. If you don't tell me, I still can't remember... Well, no matter what, you still let me suffer a little less, thank you!" He raised his thumb and showed his big white teeth , Izumi smiled and flashed out.

Looking away, her ears were a little rosy, and Gabriel looked at the laptop pretending to be calm: "Hmph, if I really want to thank you, you can work harder for me when you are playing activities!"

He Quanming nodded and agreed with a smile: "OK, I promise to complete the task!... By the way, you told me so many things about the heavens, aren't you afraid that I will leak them out?"

Gabriel turned her gaze back strangely: "Why are you afraid? You have to be believed if you say it. By the way, I forgot to tell you that the information about the heavens is actually covered up by blindfolds, unless we personally tell it. Otherwise, even if you speak vividly and realistically, others will only think that you are a second-year-old who pays attention to setting, and will not think that the heavens really exist."

"Oh, that's right..."

Then, she took out a golden horn from nowhere, and smiled maliciously.

"Also, have you seen this horn? This is the horn that announces the destruction of the world. Just blow it gently... Wow, everyone who knows the secret will disappear~"

"You angel's thoughts are too dangerous..."

This guy can really destroy the world... Which idiot gave her such a dangerous item?Please consider the mood of ordinary people, okay?

Although he didn't know if what Gabriel said was true, Izumi still believed her words instinctively - after all, that confident look and sinister smile seemed serious.

If one day she draws nine Darius cards out of ten in a row, I think the world will come to an end...a three-second silence for the world whose fate is controlled by the angel of the abandoned house.

Three, two, one... OK, over!

"Well, I've finished asking most of the questions I want to ask, and I'll talk about other questions I can't think of later..." He Quanming pondered for a moment, then turned to look at Vinette, "By the way, classmate Vinette."

"Eh? What's the matter?" While the two of them were chatting, they couldn't help but started to help Gabriel clean up the room, tied up her apron like a housewife, Vinette stopped the vacuum cleaner and answered suspiciously.

Seeing her enjoying cleaning, He Quanming twitched the corners of his lips a little funny, got up to help her tidy up the instant noodle bowls on the floor, and asked her.

"Why did you blow up Gabriel's house just now?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Uh, well..." Vinette paused, her eyes shifted, and she smiled awkwardly, "Actually, it was just an accident, and I didn't mean it..."

"Yeah, I just got scared by the bugs and blew up my room with a trident, 'bang!', didn't I do it on purpose~" Gabriel teased from the side.

"Woo..." Vinet pouted and wanted to protest, but then she thought about it. Gabriel was telling the truth. It is an undeniable fact that she blew up Gabriel's room once. She has an honest personality. She couldn't think of any rebuttal words at all, so she could only sigh helplessly in the end.

"Okay, okay, I made too much fuss, I'm sorry... As an apology, I will help you tidy up the room, don't worry about it anymore..."

"I didn't care about it!" A Gulu rolled on the bed, and Gabriel kicked his legs with joy, giggling, "But since you have asked me so much, it's not unreasonable for me not to accept it." Is it? So the cleanliness of the room is up to you, Vina~"

"That's right... By the way, I was helping you clean the room from the beginning..." Muttering somewhat unwillingly, Vinet turned on the switch of the vacuum cleaner, and then cleaned up the debris on the ground.

Putting the garbage that the vacuum cleaner couldn't take away into the garbage bag, He Quanming looked at the two of them speechlessly—it was obviously me first, obviously I was the one who talked to Vinet first, why did you start so skillfully? Let's chat, and end the topic on your own?

What is going on with this feeling like a third party... Could it be that this room has become a sanctuary for Lily?

"...So Vinette, are you afraid of cockroaches?" To prevent himself from being forgotten, He Quanming spoke again.

"Cockroach..." As if feeling disgusted by hearing this word, Vinet trembled all over, and said with an ugly face, "Please, please don't say that evil name...it will attract it!"

"Voldemort..." Tucao, and Quanming put it another way, "So, Vinet, you are very afraid of the animal kingdom, arthropods, insects, winged subclasses, neoptera, net Is it a creature of the order Pteroptera or cockroach?"

"Then, what is that?" Vinette asked dumbfounded.

Akira Hequan replied nonchalantly: "Oh, the scientific name of the cockroach."

"Ah! I can't hear, I can't hear..." Wenette couldn't help but screamed when she heard the name again, covered her ears and squatted down, muttering.

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