I was really scared... No wonder the whole room was blown up because of a cockroach, it was just like Neville who heard Voldemort's name!

Izumi couldn't help showing a funny smile.

"Why such a delicate character..." Gabriel, who was lying on the bed and looked at him coldly, curled her lips, and rarely said a word for Vinette, "Okay, stop playing tricks on Vinette, she almost I was crawled by that black bug, that's why I'm so afraid of it now...and if you continue to tease her like this, what if she really collapses and blows up the room..."

"...Okay, I'm self-respecting." He Quanming shrugged, put away his sluggish thoughts, looked kindly, and said slowly to Vinette who closed his eyes as if he was escaping from reality, "That...Vinette Classmate, I have several ways to avoid the appearance of "that creature", and the weapon that can kill "that creature" most easily, do you want to know?"

"Really?!" Vinet opened her eyes suddenly, looking at Izumi eagerly, "Is there really such a thing?"

"Yes, yes, please believe in the insect-proof skills of a senior housekeeper! Anyway, it has been a long time since "that kind of creature" has appeared in my house." He nodded with a smile, and Quanming patted his chest confidently, "My sister They hate "that creature" too, so for a while I've been researching how to drive them all out without leaving any--and the result is, I can say with absolute certainty, I now have a cockroach in my house... ...Xiaoqiang doesn't exist anymore!"

As if seeing a life-saving straw in the drowning, Vinet dropped the vacuum cleaner, excitedly held Izumi's hands, and stared at him solemnly: "Izumi-san... No, Izumi-sensei! Please teach me what to do. How can we make them completely disappear from this world!"

... This child is really frightening...

Feeling pity for her in his heart, He Quanming withdrew his hand with a wry smile.

"There is no way to completely disappear, anyway, people have lived for tens of millions of years... At most, I can tell you some methods of treating insects. You can actually find these on the Internet..."

Then he straightened his posture, and when he was about to tell her about his experience in dealing with cockroaches one by one——

A fast-moving black figure sprang out from the corner.

swish swish swish—

The six feet rubbing against the ground made an inaudible sound, but in the suddenly quiet room, this slightly disgusting sound seemed thunderous, deeply shocking Vineette's heart.

Staring wide-eyed at the black shadow crawling towards her in a Z-shape, Vinette's whole body stiffened involuntarily, her fingers trembling slightly, and a certain tumbling feeling of nausea and disgust kept pouring into her heart. , I had the urge to scream, but my voice was stuck in my throat and I couldn't make it out.

...Wh, why is there still ah! ?

How many of these disgusting creatures are there—!


Subtle screams came from the corners of his mouth as the distance between the two sides gradually shortened. Wei Nette was like a wooden stake, her feet were nailed in place and she did not dare to move. She could only watch helplessly as the creature with two tentacles grew on its head Reluctantly rushing towards her soles, as if wanting to climb onto her body along the pair of white socks...

As long as she thought of that scene, she couldn't help turning blue, and from blue to purple, purple to white, white to blue again...

After her face changed to the color of neon lights, she finally couldn't help taking a step back, followed by a loud scream that resounded through the room.

"No, don't come here—!"

Then she stretched out her hand, and the two horns and the trident emerged at the same time, and the black magic power surged up. With a broken expression, she was about to destroy the evil in front of her again to the point where there was not even a piece of flesh left...

"Wait, stop!" He Quanming's expression changed, seeing that she was about to swing down the trident, as if she wanted to wipe out the cockroaches and this place, a premonition that her life was being threatened came to her heart, and she hurried to He stepped forward and stretched out his hand to stop Vinette's movements.

— What a joke!If you blow up here again, I don't know if Xiaoqiang will die, but I will definitely die for you!I'm just an ordinary person without magic self-defense, hey!

Fortunately, the distance between the two is close at hand, and Quanming can not only grab the hand she was about to swing down the trident at that moment, but also trample Xiaoqiang who is approaching quickly to death.

Gabriel also stood up solemnly on the bed, a holy light suddenly appeared in her hand, ready to protect He Quanming at any time.

"Ahhhh?" Closing her eyes, her head went blank, and Vinette, who was about to blow up the room and the black creature once more with her instincts, felt a pair of wide palms grabbing her wrists. As if to stop her movement.

Stopping the exclamation, Vinette opened her eyes suspiciously, only to find that at some point, the boy with glasses had arrived in front of her, their figures were almost close to each other, and the petite figure seemed to be being held by him. As if being pulled into his arms, a scorching breath emanated from a figure taller than her, tightly surrounding her.

Vinette, who has never been so close to the opposite sex, her mind fell into another kind of blankness.

"...Fortunately, we caught up!"

Grasping Vinette's slender wrist smoothly as planned, making her raised hand freeze in the air, without triggering a second explosion.After Akira Hequan breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't care about the close distance between the two and the girl's cheeks that were gradually turning red. The black creature that was swimming irregularly stepped on it.

Even if this cockroach seems to be quite spiritual, the skillful snakeskin movement can give him a score of [-] - one more point is the love of life - and the coquettish figure is amazing; but In front of him, a cockroach killer who has killed no less than a thousand cockroaches, this knowledge is still too shallow, and a random prediction can...


Did not feel the crushing feeling as expected, He Quanming couldn't help exclaiming, staring wide-eyed at the cockroach which braked suddenly and changed direction quickly, and was stunned to use incredible movements to achieve physical drift on the ground, with a slight difference dodged his stampede.

Then, without changing the goal, he continued to rush towards Vinette's feet unswervingly.

...What kind of enmity do you have with her?

He Quanming clicked his tongue in embarrassment, and gritted his teeth—fortunately, Vinette didn't know what was in a daze at this time, and didn't realize that Xiaoqiang was about to climb onto her feet, otherwise he wouldn't have the confidence to stop a demon's attack The collapse broke out; but if the attack of Xiaoqiang is not stopped, it will be too late when Vinette recovers from the strange feeling!

He Quanming's life will disappear with the explosion!He hasn't lived enough, he doesn't want to become art, and he doesn't want to go to heaven with Xiaoqiang!

Either way, this outcome must be avoided!No matter what you want to do to her, life is the most important thing, and the worst thing is to apologize afterwards!

After stepping on the ground several times without success, and being dodged by this almost fine cockroach, Akira Izumi couldn't help it. He took a deep breath and recalled the feeling of accelerated reaction after being blessed by the angel. The world in front of him seemed to slow down for a moment, and he made the final choice.

"...I'm sorry, Ms. Vinet." He Quanming said in a deep voice as he pulled Vinet towards him.

"Eh...?" Dazed for a moment, Vinette came back to her senses, only to find that she followed Izumi and fell towards the bed behind him.

...What the hell is going on with this...

Wei Nette, who couldn't react in time, could only fly forward following Izumi's strength with a face full of crap.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Gabriel, now is the time!"

Holding Vinet and leaping towards the bed behind him, seeing that Xiaoqiang was about to climb onto her toes, but was stunned because Vinet's feet had left the ground, causing it to lose its target, He Quanming turned his head quickly A call—he believed that Gabriel could understand his signal!

Sure enough, before his words fell, Gabriel had already knelt on one knee at the head of the bed, the holy light in her hand turned into a bow and arrow, pointing directly at the black insect crawling blankly on the ground.

Slightly pulling the bowstring in his hand, even though Akira Hequan brought Vinette and smashed it on the bed, causing the bed to tremble, Gabriel never let the arrow leave the target, half-closed his eyes, and stared sharply at the A cockroach the size of a potato chip.

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