As if taking action as a response to Izumi's call, Gabriel completed the actions of fully drawing the bowstring, releasing the arrow, and retracting the bow in just a fraction of a second. There was a black bug running around, a confident smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she closed her eyes not to see the result.

"...May God bless you."

Following the sound of this sneering prayer, there was only a slight "duh!", like a dart hitting a red heart, the light arrow pierced through the cockroach's body at an exact angle, and within a thousandth It is completely purified from the inside to the outside in one second, leaving no residue.

Then, just before Mitsuya touched the ground and burned a hole in the hard-won floor again, he turned into particles of light by himself, and dissipated into the air like fireflies without even wiping out a single dust. .

Witnessing this wave of perfect operations with his own eyes, He Quanming fell on the bed and at the same time he did not forget to give a thumbs up and praised repeatedly.

"[-], my sister Li in the society, Renmei is accurate! You are in the law enforcement team in the heavens, right? You specialize in shooting people who betray the heavens?"

"Hey, don't talk nonsense, there are no such messy things in the heaven!" He rolled his eyes speechlessly, and although he looked like it was no big deal, Gabriel who was praised still showed a slight smile very bluntly, like Kittens generally narrowed their eyes.

Hmph, don't underestimate her. As the chief graduate of the Celestial School, her ability to manipulate the Holy Light will not decline with her fall; With so much knowledge, as long as she thinks, it is not a problem even if she shoots a super electromagnetic gun with holy light!

——I, Gabriel, am just that good!If you don't accept the heads-up, I will give you ten milliliters of holy light!

On one side, Gabriel was complacent in her heart, while on the other side, Izumi Akira turned his head back, looking at the intimate posture of himself and Vinette.

When the cockroach was about to climb onto Vinette's feet, for the safety of his own life, the last move that He Quanming thought of was to pull her away from the place and escape from the claws of the cockroach—who knows why there are so many people who can do it? The way to avoid cockroaches approaching, but he only wanted to let Lavernette jump on the bed, and he still used this extremely ambiguous position.

... A gentleman's instinct is truly terrifying.

Because Akira Hequan held her hand that was raised high and fell backwards, before there was any time to resist, Vinette slammed into his arms like a moth to a flame, and then in order to keep her To balance, He Quanming stretched out his other hand to wrap around her waist, making the two of them closer together.

And after jumping back onto the bed, because Akira Izumi was lying on the bed on his back, the whole person seemed to be lying on the bed, with his upper body slightly raised and his feet hanging outside the bed; naturally, Vinet, who was hugged, followed him onto the bed , with a pillow on Hequanming's chest, her petite body curled up in his arms like a baby, one hand was held tightly by him, and the other hand was lightly pressed against his chest, as if feeling the beating of heart rhythm.

Her whole body was so stiff that she couldn't move at all, Vinette's mind went blank, she didn't know why she fell into his arms in this couple-like position—and she was still on the bed; When he came back to his senses, Akira Izumi hugged him hard like a domineering president molesting his secretary—and it was still on the bed.

Her head stuck and unable to work, Vinette, who had almost given up thinking, became a motionless fossil, with a bewildered expression on her face, as if her soul was flying out of her slightly opened mouth.

Lying on the bed with the soft and lovely girl in his arms, Akira Izumi was expressionless and lost in thought.

He wondered how he was going to explain to her that he didn't do it on purpose.

Shall I apologize first?Or just kneel down and explain?Or turn over and press her on the bed, and say to her in a domineering yet gentle tone: "My little devil, don't go back tonight?"

...No, no, this development is too strange, right?Which vulgar romance novel would this line appear?The name of this novel is Overbearing Road Ren Jia Falls in Love with Devil Girl?

Also, is it really a man to say such things to his friends (race: devil)?Are you sure you won't be killed?

Oh my god...why do I have a sense of life-threatening crisis again?

He frowned in pain, looked down at Wei Nette who was out of his body in a daze, and Quanming called out tentatively.

"Student Vinette?"

……no response.

He Quanming gently pushed her shoulder again.

"Vinette, are you getting up?"

...still no response.

It seems that she is broken... The impact was too great and her whole body was broken...

The corner of He Quanming's mouth twitched. Although there was still a sense of foreboding, the most important thing in front of him was to wake her up. No matter what kind of reaction she would have in the future, he could only fight to stop her, and it was covered up—after all You can't just lie on the bed with her in your arms, can you?

And Akira Hequan always felt that the sight from the side was a bit painful... As this bed... no, it is the owner of this room, he didn't dare to see his two friends in such a pose on the bed Imagine Gabriel's mood right now...

This scene is so embarrassing...

Forcing himself to ignore the expressions of the young girls who fell on the sidelines, Izumi gritted his teeth and pulled Vinette's cheek hard.

"Vinette, hurry~get~come~!"

In the deliberately drawn-out cry, He Quanming secretly sighed inwardly—it's been a long time since I pinched anyone's cheeks, and sure enough, the girl's cheeks are so soft and slippery!

As if sensing Izumi Akira's sinister intentions, and as if she really came back to her senses because of Izumi Akira's call, Vinet's body shook suddenly, and her stiff and lifeless expression returned to her senses as if she had come alive. Rolling his eyes, doubts and confusion were revealed in his eyes.

"how do I……"

A blank mind began to function, and countless memory fragments came one after another in the moment of involuntary thinking. Although it was only a few seconds, she still recalled the moment when she was pulled into her arms by He Quanming and hugged to the bed. matter.

At this time, she also understood her current situation again.

Her head was resting on He Quanming's chest, her body was lying on top of him like a kitten, her masculine breath and not-so-solid muscles wrapped her up, and the slight breath on her head blew her bangs, resting on her waist The hand on it seemed to be incredibly hot, and a dry heat rose from the tailbone—Vinette took several seconds to analyze that she was now with a friend of the opposite sex, with a friend of the same sex On the bed, hugging each other intimately.


Slowly widening her eyes, her pink lips gradually opened into an O-shape, He Quanming just watched Vineette's face change from doubt to shock, and then from shock to intense shyness.


A mournful sound emerged from the corner of her mouth, and the purple-haired girl began to tremble all over. The shameful redness rose from her neck with astonishing momentum, dyeing her entire fair face red, and even the roots of her ears were covered with a layer of hot red; It was as if steam was coming out with the heat on his face. The instant overheating of his head made Vinette's gaze become dazed again, and tears seemed to be gradually pouring out of the corners of his eyes.

He Quanming's bad premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger, and he quickly showed her a comforting smile, trying to divert her attention.

"It's okay, it's okay, Xiaoqiang has already been killed by Gabriel, don't be afraid..."

His words seemed to press the switch of Vinette, and the emotions on the verge of breaking out finally broke out. She blushed and pushed He Quanming hard, shook off his hand, took a few steps back, and picked up Picking up his bag, with tears in his eyes, he opened the door with his eyes closed, and rushed out.

He shouted while running.

"I'm really, really sorry—!"

Looking at the back of Vinette going away, Akira Izumi, who was pushed down and lay flat on the bed, looked confused.

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