
After shaking for a long time, because of being too shocked, He Quanming didn't say a complete sentence in a daze.

As if she thought Kazumi Akira who was in such a panic was very funny, Gabriel couldn't help but burst out laughing, the teasing was gone, and she waved her hands casually.

"Okay, okay, don't be so flustered ~ I won't tell you about the relationship between the two of you, why are you acting like a guilty conscience!"

Playfully kicking a pair of white and lovely calves, Gabriel reached out and took out two cans of Coke from the small refrigerator next to her, put one in front of her, threw the other to Izumi casually, and then drank freely.

He took the drink numbly, and saw that she didn't care about the matter of their relationship, and she looked calm and breezy, He Quanming let go of his high-hanging heart, exhaled a breath of peace of mind, and slowly relaxed his tense Body.

After calming down from the shock, He Quanming just lay on the bed like this, looking straight into her eyes, eyes full of incomprehensible doubts and said.

"How did you find out? We obviously paid attention to acting as usual..."

"How did you find out?"

Squinting his eyes and squinting at him, with contempt revealed in his eyes, Gabriel raised his head and took a mouthful of Coke, let out a comfortable "Puff!", and spoke casually.

"...I remember that when you finished your confession, Kato told you to pretend that nothing happened, and you can't do any intimate actions, right? I think you didn't listen to it at all, and you were still flirting with her over there Cursing... the guy who shows his love openly and aboveboard, now, on the spot, at [-] degrees, let me explode instantly!"

Full of the anger of a single girl, Gabriel glared at him fiercely.

Hearing this, Izumi's eyeballs nearly fell out of shock.

"Damn, how do you even know this kind of thing? And you understand it so clearly?!"

No... This thing is obviously not right!He didn't tell Gabriel about the matter between the two of them, and it's impossible for Kato to reveal it on his own initiative. Obviously, no one other than them would know about it...

That being said... there might only be one!

He Quanming pointed at her dumbfounded, with grief and indignation on his face.

"Honestly, did you eavesdrop at that time?!"

When he and Kato were exchanging their hearts, Gabriel actually listened to the whole process somewhere in the pavilion, and listened to his embarrassing state of crying like a child and wishful thinking? !

This guess made Akira Izumi's face turn red, embarrassment and shame filled him, and he lay on Gabriel's bed and covered his head in disbelief.

"Cut! What are you talking about eavesdropping? Am I the kind of person who would do such troublesome things?" Gabriel glanced at him disdainfully, and explained unhurriedly, "You probably don't know, right? The enchantment I set up, besides driving away idlers, I can sense it as long as someone passes through the enchantment.

Then, not long after the class that day, I found that someone had passed through the barrier and entered the gazebo. Out of curiosity, I used magic to look at it from a distance, but I didn't expect it to be the two of you..."

Talking softly, she stared at him, her eyes seemed to be intertwined with many complicated emotions, and she looked away after a while.

"I wanted to take care of your privacy and stop watching, but I didn't expect you to confess to Kato first, and it's so... poof..."

She almost sprayed the Coke from her nostrils, so she quickly covered her nose, and by the way covered the corners of her mouth that couldn't help but rise.

As if recalling Izumi Akira's appearance at that time, Gabriel bent her eyes slightly, looking very happy.

When Izumi thought of his confession that was full of heart and affection at the beginning, but now that he felt ashamed in retrospect, Gabriel saw all of it and smiled so happily, he suddenly felt bad.

As if the black history was exposed in person, he couldn't help rolling from side to side on the bed, covering his ears and howling loudly.

"Forget it, forget it, forget it, forget it, forget it, forget it—forget it~"

Ignoring He Quanming's plea, Gabriel smiled unabated, with a malicious gleam in her eyes, she suddenly said affectionately in a rough voice.

"'——Megumi Kato, I like you.'"

Like a sharp arrow piercing straight into his chest and turning [-] degrees, He Quanming screamed louder.

"What kind of shame is this PLAY... Hurry up, ahhhhhhhhhhh!"

Gabriel didn't hear it, and continued to imitate the scenes that impressed her deeply at the beginning and are still unforgettable.

"'--I don't want to imagine a future without you.'"


"'...I think...I really like you.'"


"'Kato Megumi, I like you! I like you very much, I want to be with you forever!'"

"Puff uh uh uh-"

“‘From now on, this is my dream—for the people I love, for the future I can spend with them, for no one to be absent, in this beautiful daily life together...let’s offer laughter! 』 --puff!"


The last chuckle was like the last straw that broke the camel's camel's back. It turned into the execution bullet of the death row prisoner, piercing He Quanming's shame mercilessly.

Clutching his chest in pain like a heart attack, he uttered a horrific wail, and then fell down on Gabriel's bed.

That gesture was like that of a dead dog.

Looking at the ceiling, he had a spoiled expression on his face, and he muttered with blank eyes.

"This is the first time... such a strong shame PLAY... you are worthy of being an angel, you just know how to play..."

He Quanming is now very tired and wants to retire.

Looking at the bespectacled boy who was lying motionless on the bed, Gabriel couldn't help showing a nasty smile, and stretched his waist as if he was very relieved.

"Haha~ Finally, I can avenge the two of you for blinding me, so happy, happy..."

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