Smiling while shaking her head, Gabriel blinked her eyes as if trying to calm down her emotions, and after letting out a sigh of relief, she showed a casual expression as usual.

"Okay, the revenge is over, and I have told you what you want to know, can you start playing activities now? I can't help but want to kill the Quartet~"

With eyes shining full of fighting intent, she raised her white and delicate foot to poke He Quanming, who was lying dead on the bed, and her crystal-like jade toes tapped his cheek, making a depression.

"So get up, don't play dead over there! You promised me to work hard!"

He Quanming stared at the dead fish and did not respond to her, and even pulled the quilt aside to cover his face, pretending to be a white cloth covering the corpse.

"...Leave me alone, I'm dead, my heart is dead."

The corner of Gabriel's mouth twitched, and he poked harder with his toes.

"Quick~ get up~ come~ fight~live~move~"

Even though his head was poked left and right, and he felt the cold softness of the girl's toes on his cheeks, He Quanming still had no intention of getting up from the bed, and said in a muffled voice as if he was cheating.

"I~already~hang~fall~if you want to find me, please wait for me to revive, or use an amnestic to erase the shameful memories in front of me..."

In the middle of speaking, he suddenly paused, his nose covered by the quilt moved involuntarily, and then asked a question with some doubts.

"Strange, this quilt...why does it smell so good...It feels sweet and fragrant..."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he came back to his senses, screaming inwardly.

——My life is over!The old problem happened again, and the dog's nose started to smell things again!

A bad premonition enveloped his heart, and at the same time, the cold toes that poked his cheek suddenly disappeared.

Rolling his eyes, Kazumi already knew what would happen next—history is always surprisingly similar...

Closing his eyes tragically under the quilt, his whole body tensed up, ready to face the next shock.

... People will not die if they don't do it. Why doesn't he understand it?

A vein popped out of Gabriel's head in an instant, his face was black and reddish, he retracted his toes, and then the soles of his feet glowed with the color of holy light.

Then, she kicked He Quanming's face fiercely!

"Get down!"

"Boom!" sounded.

His cheek was under the violent impact, and He Quanming suddenly flew towards the entrance in a spinning posture uncontrollably, as if there was a scream coming from the quilt, although he was completely covered in the quilt and the holy light He was injured, but the pain from being kicked on his face made him let out a strange scream like a brand.

And this holy light keeps making him spin round and round, his head is almost dizzy~

What kind of function did Gabriel develop for Shengguang... Shengguang will cry if you use it to do this!

With a whirlwind in his mind, He Quanming sent a RIP for Shengguang with a mournful face, and lit the wax for his tragic fate that he didn't know when to turn to.

Who made him mean... who made him snot...

At this time, He Quanming seemed to hear the doorbell ringing crisply, and he was getting closer to that sound.

Outside of his sight covered by the quilt, Gabriel clearly heard the doorbell ringing, and then as the door was knocked forcefully, a high-pitched and silly shout of vitality came from outside the door.

"Jia-bai-li, come out and play with me... duel! I know you're inside, don't hide!"

His brows twitched, and Gabriel's expression darkened by half.

...My old lady just wants to have a good game, why do people always want to die in front of her?

So she silently gave Shengguang an instruction.

Then, the quilt creature, which would have only stopped in front of the porch, rushed straight out of the door under the sudden acceleration of the holy light.


"Wow! What?!"

With the door panel attached, He Quanming, wrapped in a quilt, pressed down hard on the visitors outside the door.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Satania is free today.

Because Rafael suddenly had something to go out and couldn't accompany her, and there was no one in the park she usually went to, so she couldn't pretend to be forced when no one was there, and she didn't want to do homework when she went home, so she didn't know what to do for a while. , to pass the time.

...Are you looking for a familiar?

Satania shook her head, denying the idea.

…The familiar was seriously injured yesterday, so it’s better not to disturb him, and bring him the devil’s healing supplies when I go home another day!

He must be very surprised to find that he has recovered so quickly, and is very grateful to Lord Satania!In this way, the loyalty will be greatly improved, haha~

Desperately imagining the scene of He Quanming touching her head with a full face, Satania giggled, and then began to think about who she should hang out with to spend this boring holiday.

As for finding something to do by yourself?How lonely it is... no, how boring it is!No one is around to witness this lady's stalwart figure, which is a huge loss to the world!You must be accompanied by someone, so that the glory of Lord Satania can be sung by the world!

...Then do you want to find Vinette?

Satania shook her head again.

No, this guy, Vinette, can only complain, playing with her is no fun at all...

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