who else...

Racking her brains to think about the people she knew, Satania felt as if a vague figure drifted past her head, although she remembered her name was Kato or something... Kato off?Kato Taka?Kato sense?Anno Kiyono?

No, I can't remember... I know who she is, but I can't recall her details...

... Forget it, since I can't remember it, it means that it is not an important person, right?ignore ignore~

Subconsciously chose the option that made her head easier, Satania's eyes suddenly lit up, and she thought of the best person to play with!

That's right!That is her opponent in destiny, the pride of the heavens, the chief among the same class of angels, the lazy and useless angel—Gabriel!

Gabriel must be at home playing games with nothing to do now, right?There must be no one to play games with her, right?You must be so lonely that you are about to cry, right?

Isn't that just right!

No matter what game you want to play, she will accompany you!In every game, she will try her best to win, let the demon flag be erected on the defeated Gabriel, and then comfort her with a sympathetic smile when she cries and admits defeat-this plot is so good. !

With a passionate smile on the corner of her mouth, Satania could hardly help trembling with excitement, and used her fingers to dig out a brain hole for herself!

...Very well, it's decided!

Today's goal to pass the time is - to defeat Gabriel!

Then no matter whether you win or lose, you have to visit him at the emissary's house, and have a meal at his house by the way!

Mmmm, itinerary, perfect!

Secretly giving herself a thumbs up, Satania hummed a happy little song, and set off to Gabriel's apartment in a bouncing way.


Standing in front of the gate with the "Innocence" doorplate, Satania grinned, revealing her little tiger teeth mischievously.

She rang the doorbell first as a declaration of war, then took a deep breath and yelled.

"Jia-bai-li, come out and play with me... duel! I know you're inside, don't hide!"

Oops, I almost slipped my tongue... I came to duel with her, not to play!

Quickly correcting her slip of the tongue, Satania knocked hard on the door by the way - anyway, she is either playing a game or sleeping right now?That's right to quarrel with her hard, but also to make her upset and lose her composure!

To increase your chances of winning by using such indecent moves before the duel begins, Satania...you are really a shameless devil!Such an S-level evil technique can be performed without any psychological burden, how terrifying, how insidious, and how frightening it is!

——Looks like I will be the next Great Demon Commander, Satania.Walnut Ze.Sir McDowell!Extinguish hahahahaha~

Laughing wildly with pride in her heart, she knocked on the door even more joyfully.

Before the sound of knocking on the door was almost knocked out of rhythm, the door panel suddenly made a strange sound, she couldn't help but froze for a moment, and the next second, before she could recover, the door in front of her suddenly broke away from the door frame, Pressed straight down on her.

Satania only had time to let out a cry of surprise.

"Wow! What?!"

Then there was a bang, and the door panel pressed her to the ground with an inexplicable heavy weight, causing Satania to cry out in pain.

"What, what's going on? Why does the door..."

When she asked a question, a familiar voice came from her body.

"I also want to ask her... why did she treat me like this..."

Shaking his head that kept spinning, there was a door between Satania and Quanming, who was wrapped in a quilt like a sushi roll, with a blue face and opened his mouth weakly.

"It's just sniffing it... and not licking it... This punishment is too much... I'm about to throw up..."

"...if you do lick, I'll send you to hell with that red-haired idiot over there - I'll do it!"

Slowly pacing out of the room, Gabriel stared at him full of murderous intent, her toes moved slightly, as if she was thinking whether to kick him directly and let him see Lucifer.

Satania, who was pressed under Izumi and the door panel, looked confused. She first looked at Izumi who was entangled in quilts, and then looked at the sports jacket all over her body, she didn't care Gabriel, who was showing her white and slender legs, ignored a little strange feeling in her heart, her eyes widened, she raised her fingers tremblingly, and gritted her teeth to speak.

"You, you two... unexpectedly... actually..."

Hearing her voice, both of them turned their heads to look at Satania who was suddenly inexplicably excited. After thinking about the scene in front of them, they both guessed why she showed such an unbelievable look.

After all, He Quanming was wrapped in Gabriel's goose-yellow quilt, and she herself was standing in front of He Quanming with her waist tucked in, looking defenseless at home. If someone she didn't know saw the two of them and said Maybe you will think that it is two young people living together who are flirting and playing some unique PLAY.

And now Satania's expression is obviously a misunderstanding.In order to prevent the bloody plot from happening, He Quanming wanted to speak up to defend immediately, but now that he was dizzy, he really couldn't think of any words to comfort Satania. In desperation, he could only look at the help To Gabriel.

Gabriel frowned if she felt something, although she really didn't bother to explain anything to the idiot Satania, she was misunderstood if she was misunderstood, she didn't care anyway... But since He Quanming asked her for help, consider In the future, this guy will play games with her for a while, so treat him well now, and wait until he can squeeze his labor force without any psychological burden, and the price is just a lip service...

After weighing the gains and losses, Gabriel sighed, and took a step forward to explain aloud.

But she didn't expect that Satania would speak before her, shouting unwillingly and full of grief and indignation.

"You guys actually, actually—playing games behind my back! How cunning! Why didn't you notify me! Do you know how boring I am today? I want to play too!"

The tragic tone made one wonder if she was punched hundreds of times by Platinum Star Euler.

Gabriel: "..."

He Quanming: "..."

The air was quiet for a while, and the two looked at each other and communicated with each other.

Gabriel sneered, shrugged, and looked at Izumi Akira with an idiot's gaze, as if saying that he was messing around with his useless mind.

Akira Hequan lowered his head in shame, and while examining himself inwardly, he calmed down his dizzy head.

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