"It's almost done, thanks to Gabriel and Rafael's help." He Quanming smiled, and looked at Gabriel with gratitude, making her stare at the screen a little uncomfortable.

"Really? That's great! Wow!" Hearing this sentence, Satania cheered happily for a while, laughing happily like a child; it didn't take long for her to crooked after the joy calmed down. He asked in confusion, "...Gabriel and Lafite? What did they do to help you?"

"Use holy light to help me speed up the recovery of my wound... You see, if it weren't for them, I would still be wrapped in gauze!" Rolling up his sleeves, He Quanming showed Satania the wound on the right. Almost all of the wounds had scabbed over, although they still looked a bit hideous, they had almost recovered anyway.

"That's good..." Looking at his wound with some relief and distress, Satania first breathed a sigh of relief, and then lowered her head seriously towards Gabriel, "Although you are my opponent, but I still want to thank you—thank you for helping the familiar heal! I will remember this favor!"

Seeing that she was different from her usual foolish and solemn look, Gabriel looked up slightly dumbfounded.

"...Did you take the wrong medicine?"

"Angry! You need to take the medicine! Miss Ben is in good health and everything is going well, how could she take the wrong medicine!" Satania bared her teeth angrily.

Hmm, everything goes well is superfluous... The way of speaking is still as stupid as usual, it is the real Satania.

Nodding with certainty in his heart, Jia Baili had hesitation on his face.

"Then why do you act like I'm your benefactor? It's Izumi who helped me, not you. Why do you say thank you so seriously?"

Satania shook her head, her red eyes revealed unshakable firmness.

"It is because I thank you that I will thank you. I am the master of the familiar, and the familiar can be counted as one of my family members, so if you help him, it is equivalent to helping me... Although I am not very smart, But I still understand the principle of repaying kindness!"

"If you hadn't helped him speed up the recovery of the wound, the familiar might still be lying on the bed and wailing, tied up with gauze and unhappy, unable to go anywhere, and it will take a long time to heal from the pain... I Don’t want to see him like that! I want him to get well soon and hang out with me like he usually does, with a happy smile and lightness on his face, not a frown of pain!”

She spoke loudly, as if remembering the expression on his face when he was carried on the stretcher yesterday, she bit her lower lip tightly, full of unwillingness.

He Quanming watched silently from the side, and moved his hands tightly bound by the quilt, but he couldn't reach out to caress her hair after all.

"I'm even thinking...if I'm not a demon, but an angel, maybe I can cure him right away...It doesn't matter if the superiors find out, as long as the familiar can recover quickly, no matter what punishment I have Willing to accept! It doesn’t matter if you deduct all the living expenses!”

Patting her chest confidently, Satania said firmly without any hesitation.

"I heard that you guys cured the familiar. Although I'm a bit unwilling, I'm still very happy! I'm super happy! Because you helped the familiar just like you helped me, so..."

Staring at Gabriel, she suddenly raised the corners of her mouth and smiled.This smile does not have the usual vitality and foolishness, but a simple and gentle smile, a smile of gratitude for the friends in front of me.

A crisp and delicate voice sounded, and she narrowed her eyes happily.

"Thank you, Gabriel!"


Gabriel froze for a moment, the sudden emotional shock made her somewhat at a loss as to what expression to show.

Since the fall... It seems that I haven't received such pure and sincere thanks, right?

Although it's not that she didn't help other people after becoming a house girl, she would do things like helping the old lady cross the road when she saw it... But it's really the first time for her to thank herself wholeheartedly for other people's things. Encountered once.

Especially the guy Satania... Not only did he not make trouble like usual, he always showed an annoying smirk, but he even expressed embarrassing thanks with such a foul expression...

Gabriel's heart seemed to be slightly touched.

Really, a troublesome guy... this stupid devil.

Just like the bastard next to him, he always likes to suddenly attack people's hearts... Do you really think that Gabriel's favorability is so easy to swipe? !

Don't underestimate angels!Being kind doesn't mean being simple and easy to deceive!

...But this time, even though it was just a verbal thank you——it felt like going back to the past.

The happy feeling of being solemnly thanked for doing good deeds without expecting anything in return.

It seems that even though her personality has fallen, she is still a pure angel in essence. Shouldn't this discovery be celebrated?

Yes...then let her stay!

As a celebration, but also as a thank you!

Well, who made me feel good now~

Smiling helplessly, she lowered her head, letting the computer screen cover her reddish cheeks, and spoke as if nothing had happened.

"You're welcome, anyway, I didn't treat him for you to thank you, let alone he was not completely cured, he would be called to counseling by the heavens..."

Slowly raising her eyes, she looked at them with a pair of eyes from behind the screen. After realizing that she was being watched by warm eyes, she quickly retracted her head and continued to pretend to be calm.

"But since you thank me so much, it would be too impersonal if I don't accept it... Well, you stay here today, and I'll get you a spare computer, and you can create a small account to play with us !"

Having said that, her heart suddenly became a little more complicated.

This guy, Satania, really has a lot of affection for Izumi... If she knows that he is dating Kato and has dreams like a scumbag, I don't know how she will feel... I hope she doesn't get too sad...

... Forget it, this is not something I should worry about. Didn't Kato say that day that she would help secretly?Although I don't know what she will do, but seeing how confident she is, she shouldn't disappoint Satania...

Tsk!Why did I even get sentimental!Don't think about it!Feelings are anything to go by!

Taking a deep breath to suppress the restless thoughts, Gabriel's expression returned to normal, she straightened up and looked at the two who did not respond to her words again.

As soon as she looked up, she saw a scene that made her furious.

I saw that Satania took out a few bags of snacks from nowhere, and showed it to Izumi full of excitement.

"Look at the familiar! I just dug out Gabriel's hidden snacks from her closet! Do you want some?"

"Do you think I can eat now?" Wriggling in the quilt, He Quanming smiled wryly.

"That's right." Satania nodded suddenly, then opened the package, took out a few pieces of snacks and handed them to He Quanming, "Then let me feed you! It's only natural for the master to feed the familiar Well!"

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