Seeing her stretching out her hand and smiling happily, He Quanming couldn't refuse, so he smiled helplessly and opened his mouth.



Smiling silly, Satania took out a few pieces of snacks from the snack bag and stuffed them into Izumi's mouth, as if she never got tired of the feeding exercise.

——Gabriel watched from behind, she was very angry and wanted to hit someone.

It's fine to take out her stored food without her consent, and now she even uses her snacks to show her affection in front of her... Has this guy really never been beaten by the Holy Light?

If you want to die, you can say it, and I will immediately purify (physically) you until there is no residue left!

Clenching her fists fiercely, Gabriel gritted her teeth and stood up, left the computer, and walked to the side of the two of them.

With a gloomy and dangerous expression, she raised the corners of her lips with a half-smile, and the holy light shone on her fingers.

"I said you two... No, it's Satania—now, put down my snacks and buy me twice the amount. I can barely spare your life."

"Eh?" Chewing delicious potato chips, and stuffing them into Izumi's mouth, Satania made a puzzled voice, "Do you want to eat it too? Come and get it yourself, I didn't Tell you not to eat!"

Sighing and shaking her head, she looked at Gabriel with some resentment.

"Really, no matter how lazy you are, you should be able to do things just by extending your hand, right? Don't always think about getting others to serve you... Unless you are like a familiar and have such a good master as me, otherwise You have to do it yourself and have enough food and clothing!"

Proudly sticking out her nose, she was proud of herself for being able to say such philosophical words.

Folding her fingers, Gabriel's expression was on the verge of collapsing, and the unhappiness in her heart had reached a critical point, and even the Holy Light seemed to start to flicker with evil blackness.

" mean, let me do it directly?"

"Yeah, what else?" Do you even want to ask such a thing?As if looking at her with this kind of gaze, Satania showed an expression as if she saw an idiot.

Ahh... I can't take it anymore.

Get rid of her.

If you don't die, you won't die. Why do people always want to challenge the limit of life?

As for the previous thanks and the idea of ​​keeping her here?

Haha, has that ever happened?


"If that's the case, then I'm welcome!"

The dangerous arc of the corner of her mouth was widened, and she snapped her fingers without hesitation, and the quilt on He Quanming's body was instantly untied, as if a pair of invisible hands were manipulating it, and the quilt flew to the next second. Tanya, and then wrapped her tightly.

"Wha! Damn it...Gabriel...uh!" Satania, who was suddenly attacked, was about to say something in panic, but was choked by the suddenly tightened quilt and couldn't speak. coming.

Bringing the bundled Satania to him, standing on the path leading directly to the entrance and the gate, Gabriel stepped on Satania with a gentle smile on his face.

"The chat is over, you have eaten my snacks, should you be satisfied now?"

"Uh..." Restricted by the tighter and tighter quilt, Satania whined with a blue face.

"Very good, it seems that my way of hospitality has satisfied you!" Nodding happily, Gabriel did not wait for her to reply this time, and continued on her own, "Since you are satisfied, then Let's see you next time... by the way, I'll ask you a question—"

"Have you... been kicked by the Holy Light?"

As soon as the words fell, the foot that stepped on her was lifted slightly, and then swung back suddenly, the golden light drew a sharp arc like a knife in the air, reflecting the ferocious smile on the girl's face.

In the next second, the white instep kicked hard on the quilt with enhanced strength!

"Let's go!"

The door suddenly opened by itself, and then a ball of quilt flew out of the room, hitting the corridor wall with a bang.

Gabriel clapped her hands, curled her lips in disdain, raised a finger to close the door, and added a sound-proof barrier.

Turning her head to look at Izumi who was stunned and motionless, she suddenly smiled cutely.

"Izumi-san, now we are the only ones left~ Finally, we can play games happily~"

"..." Izumi opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

It's shameful to be cute!Do you think being cute can make me forget your cruel appearance just now?Do you think you can change people's opinion of you just because you are cute?

...Yes, of course!Because cuteness is justice!

"What's the matter? Izumi-san, do you want to say something else?" He pouted coquettishly, but Hequanmei always felt that her eyes were constantly reflecting a cold gaze, which made people tremble all over.

In order not to let him be the next one to be kicked out, He Quanming could only smile dryly, pretending that he didn't care

"Nothing nothing...just..."

"Just what?"

He Quanming looked at her sincerely.

"Don't you want your quilt?"


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It was near the end of October, and the autumn wind that was getting cooler was blowing the fallen leaves. Even at noon, the sun hanging high in the sky could not bring much warmth. temperature.

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