And in such a turning cold weather, in an unremarkable room in a certain small apartment, there is a scene full of excitement.

"...Hurry up, hurry up! The output keeps up! Hey, do you really know how to play! With my auxiliary output, the output is still so low, delete the game and forget it!"

Sitting cross-legged in front of the low table without grace, the blond girl shouted with a dignified and anxious face, her fingers kept fiddling with the keyboard and mouse, typing out a heart-shattering melody at a speed that was close to afterimages, her eyes glared angrily On the screen in front of her, light and shadow kept passing by her eyes, but her beautiful and lovely face was full of madness almost like a madman.

"Bah! Don't be blind BB over there! I've maxed out my output, and I've dealt [-]% of the damage. I've done my best. What do you think of me!?

And... support?Let me help you with an Italian gun!If you grab the output position with me and don't come to heal me, you talk to me about support?Get back and give me milk, okay?A mere girl with less than A-grade breasts is a little self-conscious, bastard! "

With a swearing sound, the boy with black hair and glasses also used all his strength to control the mouse and keyboard, his face was full of anger and displeasure towards the girl beside him, his eyes were fixed on the screen, his teeth were clenched like It is releasing a compelling threat to the huge monsters in the game screen.

"That's why I said you don't know how to play games! I kept the amount of healing within the range of the OT boundary and the safe blood output, and I also gave you HOT (continuous treatment) and a bunch of BUFFs. I will do everything that a nurse should do." Done, do you want to dance if you don't follow the output?! And your DPS is not much worse than mine, shame on you! If you are a swordsman like you, you should leave the group quickly!"

"Fart! If your position hadn't been interfering with my output, causing me to rush over to protect you from taunting me, I would have killed this tauren a long time ago! And after the treatment, just move me to hide! Always Rushing over and covering your face with the holy light, do you really think you are a melee mage? The pastor made you like this, shame on you!"

"You just fart! Which eye sees that I am not moving? I can maintain a safe blood volume just by drinking medicine, and at the same time I can output, stiffen, and heal you. Are you stupid or you don't have eyes? No Have you seen that I have done so many things? There is not much to talk about with this kind of rookie fighter who can only stand in place and chop Tan Tan Tan!"

"I have nothing to say to the disabled priest whose milk volume is as poor as his chest! You are the number one priest? I think it is the first flat chest!"

"'s the second time! Let me tell you, it's only three things, and I'll kill you if I have a flat chest!"

"Yo ho, I just said what's wrong? Don't let people tell you the facts in front of you? You kind of press my head on the keyboard like a purple mother! Flat-chested pastor flat-chested pastor flat-chested pastor flat-chested pastor flat-chested pastor Flat-chested priest, flat-chested priest..."


As if something broke suddenly in the air, Gabriel gritted his teeth, a black fire ignited in his eyes, and his hands suddenly left the keyboard.

He Quanming, who was still staring at the screen and manipulating the position of the character, didn't realize it. He was muttering with interest, complaining non-stop to the pastor teammates who had been holding him back from the event until now.

"What? It's the default to not speak? Then hurry up and stand behind and help me breastfeed! The recent pastors are really getting more and more careless...Huh? Why are you not moving? Is the network delay?"

Seeing his character's blood volume getting lower and lower, while his teammates around him remained motionless as if disconnected, He Quanming withdrew his attention from the game screen with some doubts, paused the movements of his hands, and looked at Gabriel from the corner of his eye. He glanced in his direction, but suddenly found that an anger that was almost materialized was slowly rising.

The petite and lovely blond girl grinned bloodthirsty like a beast, her white teeth reflected sharp light, and her sapphire-like eyes contained the killing intent of killing gods and Buddhas. She laughed softly in a tone without any warmth road.

"Hehe...I won't put your head on the keyboard, but...I'll kill you bastard!"


The blond hair like a lion's mane fluttered in the air for a moment, and Gabriel flung her teeth and claws at Izumi Ming, biting his shoulder with boundless anger, and the shame of being despised from the bottom of her heart made her desperate Like an angry lion, he launched a frenzied attack on the boy who was his teammate just a second ago.

He Quanming didn't expect her to come for real, and was pushed to the ground by her unexpectedly, and then felt severe pain in his shoulder, and his hair was scratched by her, and several strands of his hair appeared on the ground immediately .

"Hey! Speak well if you have something to say, don't bite! Wow——"

Couldn't help crying out in pain, feeling that a hole was about to be bitten out of his shoulder, He Quanming quickly swayed his body to shake the petite Gabriel down, but she took the opportunity to adjust her seat and sat on his abdomen On the ground, with both feet tightly clamping his waist, lying on his body as firmly as a mountain, grabbing and biting him like a madman no matter what.

He Quanming's face suddenly changed.

... This time it's not painful, but refreshing.

The warm and soft girl's body pressed tightly against him, and the posture like a riding position brought an unprecedented touch. The white legs were spread apart in front of his eyes and firmly clamped his waist. I can see that under the large sports coat, he is actually wearing nothing but white fat...

This sudden visual impact made his eyes widen involuntarily, and his blood began to boil in a certain part—I mean the cheek—he had never been so close to a girl, and it was only thirty times away from the fat times worn on people. The distance was less than a centimeter, and the unexpected stimulus made He Quanming's heart beat faster, and his eyes wandered left and right, afraid that Gabriel would find something was wrong, but also reluctant to part with this rare welfare scene, so he could only swing his body symbolically , but no longer had the idea of ​​throwing her off quickly.

... If the shoulder hurts, it hurts, but other places are happy anyway.

This posture continued like this until Gabriel's spitting was over, she let go of her mouth as if she was tired, grabbed Izumi's hair and took a few breaths, then she raised her head and looked at the face of the boy who was close at hand.

"...I think you're thinking something bad."

"No. I just feel pity for my shoulders, and I thank my parents for giving me a pair of eyes that can see the beauty of everything." He Quanming sighed with compassion, looked at the delicate face less than ten centimeters away from him, and couldn't help being slightly taken aback .

The sky-blue eyes are still sharp and unpleasant, and the white cheeks are tight as if threatening him. The pink cheeks that look elastic are slightly swollen, dyed with a very cute color, and the petite and smooth cherry lips Somewhat annoyed downwards, but even so, there is a pitiful charm.

Seeing a strand of blond hair hanging down from that angelic face, Izumi reflexively stroked it to the girl's ear in a daze, and then gently combed it with his fingers along the loose hair, as gentle as comforting caress.


Gabriel felt the hand slipping from her cheek to the end of her hair in a daze. Suddenly, it seemed that there was an unprepared heat from the place he touched to the depth of her heart, and her eyes met. His eyes were immersed in the focused and gentle gaze of the young man in front of him, his face suddenly became so stiff that he seemed unconscious, and even his thoughts were as blank as his heart stopped at this moment.

——Again, this feeling.

The heart thumped hard again, and when she came back to her senses, she hurriedly jumped away from He Quanming's body, arranged her messy hair as if trying to hide it, and moved all the blond hair that grew to her waist in front of her body, completely covering herself Quietly hot ears and cheeks.

After taking a few deep breaths where he couldn't see, and calming down her emotions as quickly as possible, she sat back in front of the computer as if nothing had happened, without opening her head.

"...Okay, okay! Don't talk nonsense, start the boss again! Try to solve this level within three minutes!"

The soft and petite body on his body left suddenly, with a sense of loss, He Quanming got up and looked at his computer screen in a trance. Four big red characters "failed to break through the level" appeared on it. Back to his senses, he nodded reflexively.

"Oh, no problem..."

Sitting in front of his notebook, He Quanming touched the keyboard in a daze, and mechanically manipulated the character to attack the dark green tauren opposite, constantly recalling the touch and scene just now in his mind.

...really, so exciting.

Let me tell you... the feeling of being ridden by Gabriel, great!

... No, no, no, don't be angry with your friends!The gentleman who loves can restrain his desires, and even ride his face like a mountain when he is fat!

Think about what would happen if Megumi Kato saw the scene just now?


Very good, completely calm down.

Trembling all over, He Quanming's eyes regained clarity, and he turned his head to glance quietly at Gabriel beside him.

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