"...No, it's nothing, let's continue. Kato Megumi said calmly.

He Quanming made a guess: "... At that time, she probably took advantage of my turning my back to her, first healed her feet with holy light, and then restored my physical condition..."

"Then when I was doing these things, I happened to see..."

Then, Kato Megumi slowly told what happened at that time.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After receiving the assembly notice from Izumi Akira, Kato Megumi rushed to the gate of the shrine in less than five minutes. When she was about to come out of the grove on the side to say hello to the two who were about to say goodbye, she saw something that made her cry. A scene of astonishment.

The white-haired girl smiled slightly, staring at He Quanming's leaving back, stretched her fingers forward, opened her lips slightly, and a ray of light that looked more holy in the night burst out from her fingers, slashed across the air and wrapped around him. on both feet, and then gradually blended in, disappearing without a trace.

Then, the figure of He Quanming running forward became inexplicably brisk.

The strange thing that happened in front of her made Kato Megumi involuntarily widen her eyes, she took a step back inexplicably startled, watched Raphael continue to wave the white light to her ankle, and then jumped briskly on the spot, Her consciousness finally returned, and she gradually analyzed the scene beyond her common sense.

"Suck, breathe..."

First of all, she forced herself to calm down, not to scream, and not to turn around and run away immediately.

The moment she saw this strange phenomenon, she had already labeled the white-haired girl in front of her as an unknown creature. Before she was sure whether this unknown creature emitting white light was dangerous, she must not act rashly.

For her own sake, as well as for the safety of Mingjun's life, she must first judge whether the opponent is an enemy or a friend, and then deal with the crisis... Although she has no idea how to deal with an inhuman creature.

So first of all... the name is Bai Yu.Rafael.The Maiden of Ainsworth, what is her real body?

super powers?monster?robot?Future man?god?

...No matter what it is, it is not a normal human being.

Many anime works also have this kind of setting - non-humans transfer to ordinary high schools with different purposes, to experience human high school life... and Raphael is also a transfer student, and her leisurely and noble temperament is not like ordinary people. can have.

Speaking of which... there is something suspicious about her name... There are so many suspicious points, why didn't she notice it before?

And Gabriel and the others are also...Could it be that this group of people is organized into one?

Then guess from the fact that they are all around Mingjun... Could it be that this organization wants to do something to Mingjun? !

The flustered feeling suddenly rose from his heart, Kato Megumi bit his lower lip unconsciously, his complexion was a little bad.

... No, don't rush to make judgments. I still don't know whether this organization's attitude towards Mingjun is good or bad. If you really want to help him, you must wait and see what happens, and judge their information calmly. I messed up my steps.

Ok... back to the topic.

The information she knew now—that Raphael, who looked like an ordinary person, was actually some kind of strange existence that could use white light to heal wounds—if her eyes didn't have hallucinations, the scene just now would be like this.

And they were in the same group as Gabriel and the others, and the four of them probably came to Huiildong High School from the same place to study—this can be seen from their names and their status as transfer students.

Moreover, they may belong to the same organization, and that organization may have some intentions for Mingjun—after all, all four of them know him and have different degrees of affection for him. It would be too far-fetched to call it a coincidence... However, the real purpose is not yet known, so it is not possible to jump to conclusions.

If it is an enemy or a friend... From Rafael's performance just now, it is more likely to be a friend, and from her expression, it seems that she really wants to add her gender before the word "friend". It doesn't look like a fake either...

...Is it not dangerous?

No, I can't be sure... At any rate, Megumi Kato has watched several anime works, and she knows that some seemingly decent characters are actually super villains who hide their black hearts deeply; it is also possible that they seem to be villains Just an idiot villain who can't hide his expression.

As an ordinary human, Kato Megumi is actually under a lot of pressure now.

She didn't know what the intention behind the white-haired girl was, she didn't know what kind of attack that white light could unleash, and she didn't know how to deal with this guy now... She only knew that if Rafael If she really has any bad thoughts about her Mingjun...

—— Desperate for life, but also to stop her.

"Oh, oh...not good, it seems that someone else saw it~"

Suddenly, a long voice sounded not far away, Kato Megumi suddenly came back to his senses, his eyes fixed, and he found that Rafael, who was stretching his ankles in front of the steps of the shrine, was walking gracefully towards the She walked slowly, those topaz-like eyes shone with chilling light.

"Really~ Even though the superiors said try not to let ordinary people discover our true identities, I still made a mistake accidentally... I don't know what punishment the superiors will impose? I'm a little scared~"

What he said was different from what he expressed. Rafael covered his mouth and smiled softly, and the dazzling white light ignited silently on his fingertips again. Different from the warm radiance just now, this time the radiance was sharp and sharp, as if condensed by light. Like a sharp knife, Kato Megumi couldn't help shedding a drop of cold sweat on his forehead.

She took a step back quietly, ready to turn around and run away at any time... She knows that it is impossible for an ordinary person to win this kind of "monster", but judging from her words just now, this person should want to Kill her?

Sure enough, Rafael approached Megumi Kato, the white light on her fingers became brighter and brighter, she spoke in a leisurely manner with a very relaxed attitude.

"Well, there's nothing to be afraid of~ After all, as long as the person who discovered it doesn't exist, then the fact of being discovered will naturally not happen...Are you right? Kato Megumi..."

Her tone gradually turned cold, and her smile made people feel cold all over.

Megumin Kato gritted his teeth, forcing his footsteps not to tremble, not to turn around and run, his nerves calmed down, the figure of that person kept replaying in his mind, and he kept telling himself to think about the safety of that person, at least to know that they were surrounded by What is the purpose of his side...

Until then, no escape!

"...Student Rafael, I have some questions to ask you."

Pretending to ask a normal question, Kato Megumi straightened up, his eyes were calm and persistent, but his hands were quietly behind his back, and under the cover of the big tree beside him, he turned on the phone.

Almost a mobile phone child, she is so familiar with the mobile phone that she can carry the mobile phone behind her back for blind typing-so she unlocked the screen lock neatly, opened the SMS bar, and chose the most recent communication partner without hesitation. name above.

"It's really sudden... But it's okay, does Hui-san have anything you want to ask? I'll try my best to answer you. If it's Hui-san, it's totally fine to ask some more personal questions~" Laugh lightly Then, Rafael got closer and closer, almost close to the nose of Kato Megumi who was in the woods, "But after this, you have to keep it a secret... Some things, it's better not to let the second person know..."

"So, I'm going to ask bluntly... who are you?"

"This is prohibited~"

Kato Megumi froze for a moment, obviously surprised by her behavior of not talking.

But then he recovered and continued to ask questions with a blank face.

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