"What is your race?"

"It's not human anyway~"

"What is your purpose for coming to Huiridong High School?"

"Read books, experience life, conduct assessments, etc~"

"...Is this assessment related to Mingjun?" Kato Megumi focused her eyes, and immediately grasped the point from her perfunctory answer.

Rafael nodded his chin and answered casually.

"Does it matter...in a narrow sense, it has nothing to do with him! But in a broad sense...he is one of my "targets"~"

The corners of her mouth curled up into a dangerous arc, she narrowed her eyes, and her slightly mocking and greedy gaze swept Kato Megumi's whole body.

"And this "target" includes you too, right? Megumi-san~"

"Goo..." A sad cry came out of his throat, and Kato Hui suddenly felt that his calm expression could no longer be maintained, and a drop of sweat from the tip of his nose slid down the skin Next, she took another step back.

Finger has compiled a long list of messages while talking, and she is sure that there are not too many mistakes in her touch typing, except that people may not understand the word selection, as long as there is a chance to press the send button, she will This intel can be sent to that person at any time.

...Although she didn't get any important information from the question and answer, she still left a warning to remind Izumi to be careful of them, the degree of danger of Rafael, and... a message like last words.

"Really? It seems that classmate Raphael doesn't intend to let me go... What a pity."

Feeling the coolness coming from her neck, Megumi Kato lowered her eyes slightly, and saw a white light lying in front of her slender neck, as if she could easily cut open her throat with just one stroke, allowing her to take The secret rests here.

But at this moment, she no longer had the energy to take care of her own safety, her eyes were fixed on Rafael with determination, her hands on her back were already soaked in cold sweat, but she gripped the phone even tighter.

She sighed slightly bitterly in her heart.

...Sorry, Ming-jun, I didn't expect to encounter such an unreasonable thing...

...I'm really sorry that I couldn't watch the fireworks with you...

... Also help me say sorry to my parents!Although I am so easily forgotten by others, they have never forgotten me, constantly, constantly looking for my sense of existence...

...Yeah, just like you!

...So, I...

The corner of her mouth moved, and she said that sentence silently, and at the bottom of the text message, she expressed her final thoughts.

"Yeah, it looks like you're ready~" Raphael said with ease, glanced at her hands behind her back, and chuckled nonchalantly, "Actually, as long as you're willing to keep a secret Ah..."

Megumi Kato's eyes lit up, as if seeing hope, her finger that was about to press the send button stopped.

After all, unless it was really a matter of life and death, she really didn't want to send this text message full of affectionate confession...

"I can assure you I won't say anything..."

Rafael interrupted her suddenly.

"The person who said this last time seems to have been buried under the land of Gaotianyuan because he leaked some secrets!"

Recalling it rashly, Raphael pulled out a dangerous smile and looked at Megumi Kato whose face became stiff again.

"That's why I believe in one sentence now—the only one who can keep secrets the most in this world is..."

Leaning forward, leaning on her shoulder, the moment the white hair and black hair intertwined, Rafael murmured softly.


When those two words reached her ears, Megumi Kato pressed his finger without hesitation and clicked the send button accurately.

But at this moment, Raphael suddenly raised his hands high, and the holy light in his hands turned into fireworks, cheering like a child.

"I lied to you~"

"...Hi?" The corner of her mouth twitched, Kato Megumi's whole body seemed to be frozen, and she didn't move.

"Hey~ How's it going, Hui-student? Have you been fooled by my superb acting skills~ The script and lines are all made up by me now? Are you surprised, surprised, or scared?"

"Speak up! Why is that expression~ Hey, it's been a long time since I've put my heart and soul into a prank~"

Kato Megumi: "...hehe."

Let me tell you how tall you are!

Not surprised at all, super surprised and super scared... These emotions were deeply buried in her heart, and only the joy of the rest of her life remained in her heart, which made her breathe a sigh of relief. .

But... For the first time in history, she felt the anger of wanting to hit someone with all her strength.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"This guy is really stubborn..." After listening to Kato Megumi's explanation, He Quanming sighed with the corner of his mouth twitching.

At that time, I still don't forget to tease people. Is this guy Rafael really an angel?Why do I seem to be able to see the devil tail she showed when she teased Kato?

"...Well, really, it's very annoying..." Megumi Kato complained with obvious unhappiness.

Recalling that she accidentally sent that confession-like text message when she was scared at that time, Kato Megumi felt lingering in her heart - if it didn't happen that there was no signal at that time and she didn't send it, she really didn't know who received that text message What would He Quanming think of her.

Of course, when recounting the scene at that time, Kato Megumi did not tell He Quanming about her inner determination and text messages, but simply talked about the process of being teased at that time-she had decided to treat all of these as The black history was sealed, and even she couldn't help being sentimental at the critical moment of life and death. Now that I think about it, I feel so ashamed...

"Well, it's true that she is going too far, but she will do good things..." Izumi mentioned that Gabriel and Raphael joined forces to help him heal the wound, and now the wound is almost healed, although I don't expect Megumi Kato to forgive Rafael's prank, but at least let her change her mind about this black-bellied angel, otherwise it will be very difficult for him if the two confront each other.

But having said that, Akira Izumi also remembered—after the summer festival, Kato Megumi did not lie to Raphael for a period of time. He still remembered asking her the reason, but he was accused of "feeling about her figure." Jealousy" I fooled around for an answer... I didn't expect the foreshadowing to be here?

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