"...Oh, that's right. 』

Unexpected, very flat response.

Neither expressed disbelief nor unreasonable agreement, Kato Megumi just responded softly, as if to say that she understood.

Somewhat dissatisfied with this ambiguous answer, Akira Izumi simply pointed it out.

"Do you believe that there is such a thing? The soul travels to the person in this world, replaces his identity, captures his memory, replaces his name, and involuntarily becomes himself in another world, and transfers the nostalgia of the original world. completely abandon...

This kind of unreasonable thing like a god's prank!Don't care about other people's ideas!It's the same thing as arbitrarily continuing other people's lives!

You, will you believe it? ! "

Thinking that he was forced to forget all the shackles of the previous world, and his life seemed to be manipulated and controlled by a pair of invisible hands, He Quanming couldn't help becoming excited as he spoke, and slammed his fist on the bed hard.

— on a horse!Time-traveling is just time-traveling and doing so many things. Has the person who wrote the script been kicked in the head by Urobuchi-gen?Settings such as sealing memories and soul entrusting funeral affairs are completely redundant!If you have that kind of free time to write this kind of thing, it’s better to give me a golden finger system so that I can support this family while lying at home, you bastard!

Full of resentment, He Quanming gritted his teeth, expressing his displeasure at being the protagonist of the daily love series instead of the pretending harem series.

At this time, Kato Megumi's voice came, like the wind chimes ringing in summer, gradually calming down his resentment.

"Hey, Mr. Ming. 』

"If you were really a person from another world——would you...would you regret coming to this world? 』

He Quanming was taken aback for a moment, although he didn't understand why she asked this question, he still answered reflexively.

"will not!"

Not at all.

He also asked himself this question - after becoming the older brother of Zongya and Sagiri, after meeting Satania and the others, and spending daily life full of laughter and tears with Chang Muyao and others, even that It is a forced life, even if his original life is forcibly changed, if he is asked to say that he is not satisfied with his current life and wants to leave this world, he will only answer...

I love this world.

That's right, this answer has long been determined, determined and affirmed, and it is the final choice that will not change or be vague.

Needless to say, he just wants to watch the world he loves and the people he loves go to the end they love in his short decades of life.

The hesitation of crossing?Strange world?Ever abandoned?

These are all past tense.

Now he can only and will only look ahead, step by step, towards the unknown end, no matter what falls on the footprints behind him.

As long as you can still smile, that's enough.

Then you won't regret it.

Therefore, he gave the only answer with great certainty, and smiled as usual.

"How could I regret coming to such a wonderful world and meeting so many interesting people?"

At the same time, Kato Megumi also smiled lightly.

"Well, it's fine if you don't regret it. 』

"Regardless of whether the time-traveling thing you said is true or not, and no matter what has changed after you time-traveled—if you don't regret meeting us, then don't believe it or not. 』

"So what if you believe it?So what if you don't believe it?Could this little thing change our relationship? 』

"If you would, I don't think you'd tell me about it. 』

As if he understood the true thoughts hidden in He Quanming's heart from those few words, Megumin Kato spoke softly, with a gentle tone, as if pouring out.

"What's more... the one who confessed to me was the current you, the one who talked to me was the current you, the one who liked me was the current you, and the only thing I like is the current you...so before that You, I don't know you? 』

"Since I don't know each other, what does the past you have to do with me?"My boyfriend is only this scum Mingjun who likes to joke around and likes to provoke girls everywhere, don't look for my ex-boyfriend! 』

With a light voice, she does not hide her deep feelings, and uses her familiar "acting skills" to vividly perform the appearance of coquettish humming,

"So Mingjun, listen up! 』

"Even if you are from another world... I still like you." 』

Muttering, at the same time, chuckling.

『—I hopelessly like you now. 』

The flat tone is infused with bright emotions, as if the corners of the lips are slightly raised, and the morning sun is shining.

"Maybe you still miss the old world and life, maybe you say you don't regret it but still look forward to returning to the original world, maybe you still feel strange and uneasy about your current life... But as long as you haven't let go of my hand, Delete my phone number and leave my life, then I will always be with you in this world—”

"Because you are here. 』

"So, I will be by your side. 』

After hesitating for a moment, Megumi Kato kissed the microphone lightly.

"...The above, congratulations to the one and only person from another world in this world.Izumi Ming-kun, can you spend your life happily forever... Chirp. 』

Holding the mobile phone, He Quanming lay blankly on the bed, feeling as if his ear had been pecked lightly, and gradually began to feel hot and hot.

Not only that, but there was a sudden burning sensation in his heart, which filled him with excessive restlessness, his heart was beating constantly, his smile had long been disturbed by the corners of his trembling mouth and eyes staring at the ceiling foolishly, as if What he was lying on now was not a bed, but a bathtub filled with hot water, his head was dizzy as if overheated.

...I just want to tell you that I am a person from another world who traveled over here. Why did you suddenly pour me a mouthful of chicken soup for the soul?I don't even know how to react...

He Quanming twitched the corners of his mouth helplessly, and rubbed his chest that was still throbbing deeply. He couldn't help but feel that he really liked Kato more and more.

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