She usually doesn't show her mountains and dews, but when she reveals her feelings, it can bring people an unforgettable sense of happiness... Really, after being with her, I don't want to leave her at all.

"...If you are in front of my eyes, I will definitely hold you tightly."

"Then in order to prevent me from being killed by the sister in your arms, it's better to say this kind of thing on the phone in the future." ’ Kato said jokingly.

"Then I'll go to your house now, and remember to come out and open the door alone! If your parents see us hugging each other, I won't be responsible!" He Quanming snorted.

"Who said it would be responsible just now?" 』

He Quanming climbed along the pole: "Okay, I will take charge! Wait for me for ten minutes, and I will rush to your house right away."

"...It's so late now, don't be impulsive. 』Megumi Kato was a little speechless, although she didn't think he would really come to her house in the middle of the night, but she wasn't sure what this person would do once his head was overwhelmed by various emotions.

"Hey, of course I'm joking, you can wait until tomorrow if you want to hug me~" He Quanming said with a smile.

Kato Megumi let out a long sigh: " can do whatever you want." 』

"Or are you coming to my house now? I'll take you back after hugging?"

"...Can we stop talking about hugging?" 』

"That's really ridiculous."


Kato Megumi said that he did not want to pay attention to Izumi Akira's malicious tricks.

"If there's nothing else, then I'll hang up the phone?A little sleepy……"

Hearing the deep sleepiness in her words, He Quanming smiled, and stopped the momentum of continuing to talk nonsense with her.

"Wait, there's one last thing I didn't say."

"Hmm... what's the matter?" 』Kato Megumi whispered softly.

"If you have time, come to my house to play! Sagiri said she missed you."

He Quanming thought for a while, "want to play games with her" should be equal to "missing her"?Well, there's nothing wrong with saying that!

"Eh?Yeah?That's really great, I'll go and play with her when I'm free..." Although she was pleasantly surprised, but matched with her half-dream and half-awake tone, it gave people a feeling of powerlessness.

"Okay, I've said everything I need to say, let's go to sleep! Good night, Xiaohui."

"Good night...huh? 』

The moment she made a suspicious voice, He Quanming hung up the phone.

Putting away his phone, he lay on the bed, staring straight at the ceiling.

As if on the blue wallpaper, a girl's delicate and plain face emerged, he watched intently.

Then, he closed his eyes.

"Good night……"

The corners of the mouth are slightly hooked, and the voice is soft, with satisfaction.


"Xiaohui...?" Kato Megumi stared blankly at the screen of the mobile phone, that very natural and intimate name still lingered in her ears, which made her cheeks unnaturally warm up, and her heart beat faster than expected A few times.

Every time, this guy's inadvertent actions would disrupt the peaceful heart lake, and only at this time, Kato Megumi deeply realized what is called the mentality of a girl in love.

Lying on the bed, she let her shoulder-length black hair hang behind her head, and put the phone on her upturned chest. She looked at the ceiling quietly, and someone's figure seemed to be reflected in her pure black pupils.

"...Really, people don't know what to do..."

Kato Megumi muttered a little troubled, but unconsciously, he gave a small smile.

Then, she closed her eyes.

"……Good night."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

On the way to school the next day.

He Quanming was walking on the usual route to school, looking at the surrounding scenery leisurely, and it was rare to be able to blow the cool morning breeze alone, which made him feel quite happy, and he couldn't help humming a song .

"Bold and fearless uprising, lolicon revolution of [-]..."

Singing the fast-paced melody in a low voice, He Quanming walked leisurely around a corner, and then...

"Good morning, Izumi-san."

A face full of smiles suddenly came into his eyes, as if she had been blocking the entrance of the alley for a long time, the distance between the two of them was so close that their faces almost bumped into each other at the moment of encounter, He Quanming immediately backed away in fright took two steps.

"La, Rafael? Why are you here?"

"I'm Rafael, not Larafael~ As for the reason why I'm here... of course it's for school!" Holding her schoolbag in front of her hands, Rafael tilted her head slightly, revealing Very pleasant smile.

Seeing this kind of malicious smile early in the morning, He Quanming felt bad all over.

"Since it's school, why are you standing at the entrance of this feels like you're waiting for me."

"Waiting for you is only half of the reason why I'm standing here." Raphael blinked and answered frankly.

"...What about the remaining half?"

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