After escaping the nonsense bombardment of the store manager, He Quanming naturally tasted the blended coffee that claims to restore [-]% of the flavor of civet coffee...

Then his face was as ugly as drinking water soaked in cat feces.

Facing the shocked gaze of the store manager, he spit the coffee back into the cup, rushed to the toilet and rinsed his mouth ten times vigorously, and bought a stick of chewing gum specially, chewing until his mouth didn't have that deathly taste, He finally came back from the near-death state.

He swore that the next time he would drink this kind of thing again, he would either be punished inhumanely, or the moment he wanted to end his life.

——It’s really hard to drink!He really doesn't understand why this kind of thing still sells for 1 US dollars per kilogram?Do all the people who drink shake M?

Akira Izumi felt hopeless in this world full of memes.

... Let's get down to business.

After brewing a cup of mixed cat poop that he didn't even want to drink... civet cat coffee, he first told Gabriel to write the order in the future and just write it out in words, and then asked her to smile more and stop posing With a dead face, it feels as if he wants to pour coffee on the guests all the time, which has a bad influence.

Regarding this, Gabriel just squinted her eyes slightly, and glanced at the young guest who was looking at her from time to time, as if probing, and replied slowly with a look of indifference.

"You know what that guy over there just said to me? He said I was cute, wanted to meet me, befriend me, and asked my name."

He Quanming reflexively looked at the name tag hanging on Gabriel's poor chest, with Gabriel's name clearly printed on it, and would ask this question, either he was blind, or he was asking knowingly.

Of course, there was also the reason why the customer was embarrassed to look at Gabriel's chest... But Akira Izumi intuitively believed that the perverted boy who had been looking obscene since just now was definitely a dangerous person who wanted to strike up a conversation with the employees in their store.

So he was silent.

Then quietly reached out to Gabriel and took the coffee from her tray.

Gabriel raised her eyebrows.

"What? You don't want me to deliver food?"

Shaking his head, a grim smile suddenly opened at the corner of his mouth, and He Quanming stood up slowly.

"No, I just want to try to see if human beings can drink coffee with their skin. You don't need to intervene in this great experiment. Just watch from the sidelines... I'll go back as soon as I go."

His eyes narrowed dangerously behind the lens, he flexed his muscles a little, and walked forward with a murderous look and an indomitable pace.

Seeing that he was really going to go to the guest's seat with the coffee, Gabriel couldn't help curling the corners of her mouth slightly, nodded in satisfaction, and took his arm when he passed by.

She naturally knew that He Quanming was just joking, and if he really wanted to deal with that pervert, he would definitely choose a method that was safer and less likely to cause legal disputes... such as wearing women's clothes to scare people.

But seeing his attitude, even though it was pretending, Gabriel felt inexplicably happy, a small sense of satisfaction quietly rose from the bottom of her heart, she showed an inconspicuous smile, took the coffee away and put it back on the tray , said pretending to be annoyed.

"Okay! Don't tarnish the reputation of our restaurant, just make your coffee obediently, and don't interfere with my food delivery!"

Then, ignoring He Quanming's astonished expression of "Fuck, do you still have the face to say that?", she turned around smartly, strode to the guest with a tray, put down the coffee heavily, and pointed at He Quanming with disdain After talking to him a few words, I saw him drooping his shoulders in frustration, looking at He Quanming with jealousy and resentment.

"This guy……"

Although he didn't hear the specific content, He Quanming could guess what she said roughly. He didn't say anything, but just pulled the corner of his mouth helplessly, and when she returned to the bar, he flicked her forehead.

"Your hospitality will ruin the reputation of our store! Next time, remember, it's okay to scold that kind of customer, but be gentle when pouring the coffee. Don't let the coffee overflow!"

"I'll go, did you learn how to treat guests in the Demon Realm..."

Gabriel spit out dumbfounded.

It's just that in the clear sky blue eyes, there is a slight and undetectable smile faintly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Under Akira Izumi's instructions and the tearful teaching of the store manager, Gabriel was finally able to receive guests well.

Of course, this does not mean that she is too stupid to learn.Picking up customers and ordering food, even if she doesn't need to learn how to do it; it's just that this guy is too lazy, if there is no one watching her, she will definitely fall asleep lying motionless on the bar counter, Let customers order their own food and coffee and pay consciously.

Fortunately, Gabriel is not a stubborn person. After discovering that if she continued to treat the kind store manager who admitted her and was tolerant and understanding, it might lead to the consequences of not being able to sleep well at night and not having the energy to play games the next day. I can only pack up my laziness and try to do what a waiter should do.

Of course, it is impossible for her to greet customers with a smile full of vigor, no matter how much Akira Hequan slaps her on the forehead with the a la carte plate, she will never give in!

——The big deal is that the forehead is swollen, I have the holy light, I am afraid of being a hair!

So, the coffee shop spent a peaceful afternoon like this.


When dusk comes, the sunset shines through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the warm orange light sprinkles on the texture of the wooden walls, as if a layer of sweet orange jam has been applied.

Akira Izumi wiped his glass, looked up at the already silent seats, and then at Gabriel who was sitting next to him with his head slumped on the bar counter, looking like a salted fish, and couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, it's almost there! If there are no customers at the hour, we will close!"

Hearing this, Gabriel's ears moved, and the blond hair that was spread on the table like a curtain spread out as she turned her head, revealing a pale and pretty face on the verge of death.

Gabriel groaned weakly like a carp king who hadn't touched water for thirty minutes.

"It's too... good... if this continues, I'm afraid that before I die from exhaustion, I will blow a trumpet to let all human beings go to heaven with me..."

Although it sounded like he was complaining jokingly, Izumi couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth and sighed deeply.


He still remembered that Gabriel once showed him a golden horn, and told him with an evil smile that this horn could announce the destruction of the world, as long as she blew lightly, not only the world of Xiyuan Temple, but the whole world It's all over...

--so.In fact, angels are all cold-blooded and ruthless people, right?Otherwise, why would this guy be allowed to run around with such a dangerous thing!

"Don't complain, who asked you to come to work... Isn't it good to just stay at home and be an abandoned house?"

Putting the cup in his hand back into the cupboard, He Quanming also sat down beside her, propped his head with one hand, gently rubbed Gabriel's little head with the other, looked out of the window where the setting sun was shining, and spoke softly.

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