"You think I don't want to... Who wants to go out when you can lie down and make money?" She said sullenly, and she didn't care if her head was rubbed wantonly, she pressed her cheek on the cold wooden tabletop, and let out a sigh of exhaustion. angry.

Unknowingly, her body was also close to him, as if having a support around her could relieve her fatigue, she gradually moved her weight closer to him.

Relaxing his body and letting her lean on him, he felt that petite body gradually softened and snuggled into his arms defenselessly. He Quanming, who consciously turned into a resting station, just touched her head over and over again, as if to pass the time gossiping.

"Don't all the heavens pay living expenses? Is it random krypton gold again?"

"No! I listened to your suggestion and experienced the fun of the game without spending any money. Thanks to this, I spent several times more time doing liver activities!" Somewhat dissatisfied, she shouted. He bumped his head hard against his hand, as if expressing his displeasure.

"Is that because the living expenses in the heaven are too little? Not enough for the usual food expenses?" Facing her protest, He Quanming smiled and retracted his hand, and then stretched out his hand when she turned her head and stared at him displeasedly. He squeezed her cheeks with two fingers.

Even though her cheeks were poked, rubbed and scratched by two fingers, Gabriel didn't show any dissatisfaction. Instead, she turned her head back in satisfaction, exhaling slightly like a cat.

"Well, it was enough, but recently the heavens have found a lot of reasons to deduct my living expenses, causing me to spend less and less of the life-saving money I saved before, and I will not work until the living expenses are remitted next month. If I make money, then I can only eat dirt and drink air..."

Even an angel can't sleep in the open... Gabriel sighed deeply, feeling sad for why she was such a creature that couldn't live without food.

Look at the group of immortals on the western continent, which one will come out to show their faces and work for money?Who would worry about eating, drinking and having fun?This is the gap!Angels have a fart purpose besides being good-looking and benefiting mankind?

It's really making the wind go down, and people's hearts are not old!

The more Gabriel thought about it, the angrier she became, and Akira Izumi pinched the puffed cheeks even more happily.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry~ come to my house for dinner when you're hungry, haven't I told you many times? I didn't even see you coming..."

"I'm too lazy to go there~".

From Gabriel's point of view, this answer was justified and convincing, and Akira Izumi had nothing to say, so he could only amplify the strength of his hands a little to express his dissatisfaction.

Is this something to be proud of...

I would rather be hungry than go out to find him for dinner. To a certain extent, this guy is really consistent.

However, He Quanming also knew that even if she had promised that she would come to him to beg for food when she was hungry, and now she said she was too lazy to do so, the reason was definitely not just because she was lazy... If she was lazy, she would How could he come out to work, and then be so tired that he would lie on the table like a salted fish and let him play with him?

Maybe it's her self-esteem, or maybe she has some concerns that make her refuse to accept He Quanming's feeding. He is too lazy to continue to explore the specific situation. Anyway, he will come whenever he wants, and if he doesn't want to wait until she is really starving to death, He Quanming will also go out on his own. She stuffed food into her mouth, although now that she has a part-time job, she should not be reduced to this level...

"Then how do you arrange shifts? How many shifts do you have in a week?"

Thinking of the instructions left by the store manager who left the store to buy things for a while, He Quanming couldn't help asking her this.

He still remembered how heavy the store manager's expression was when he left, entrusting him with a heavy responsibility.

『Izumi-kun, I will leave classmate innocent to you!She is a poor child who came from a foreign country and can't even speak well but has to work hard in this strange country. You must take care of her well, don't scold her if you can, and let her gradually get used to this job with tolerance and love!I believe you can do it!Come on! 』

The tone was full of pity and sympathy, and the gentle smile hidden under the mustache made He Quanming feel quite dazzling. After receiving this month's schedule, he watched his vicissitudes of life mature back leave.

...I think, this is the uncle's soft heart, right?

——It's strange!

What did Gabriel say to the store manager?Is there some kind of misunderstanding here?Manager, do you know that she speaks Japanese more fluently than me?

Leaving such trivial matters behind for the time being, Akira Izumi looked at the minute hand of the clock above his head gradually approaching the center, stretched his ankle, and pinched the cheek of the girl in his arm slightly.

"Are you asleep?"

Gabriel answered vaguely.

"I didn't fall asleep... It's just that I haven't been active for such a long time, let me rest... just give me five rounds..."

"Are you the toilet king who just escaped from the seal..." )

He poked her forehead with a half-smile, it was rare to see her showing such a coquettish look, and He Quanming couldn't help but be moved, not wanting to spoil the beautiful atmosphere of this moment like this.

Looking up at the hour and minute hands that seemed to have overlapped, he raised the corners of his mouth helplessly, gave up on standing up and closing the door, and moved his butt silently, bringing the distance between the two closer.

"...Then take a rest, thank you for your hard work."


It didn't take long after the soft mosquito chirping answered, the small sniffs came out regularly, like a melodious good night song in the quiet coffee shop, quietly and quietly, calming the restlessness in every corner.

"Falling asleep so soon..."

Feeling that the girl in his arms was lying on the table without any defense, sleeping soundly, He Quanming could only shake his head funny, and quietly pulled the remote control to slightly increase the temperature of the air conditioner in the store ——After all, he can't get a blanket to cover him in this state, and it's easy to catch a cold when he falls asleep like this in this season.

Then he adjusted his posture, so that Gabriel's petite body was completely tucked into half of his arms, the slender and soft body spread to his chest with a slight heat, causing his heart to beat faster, but he still pressed his face down. When you get hot, try to be calm and not disturb her, and lie down on the table with her.

"I hope the store manager will not blame us when he sees it... Ha~"

Although He Quanming felt guilty for not fulfilling his closing duty, he really couldn't bear to disturb her sweet and lovely sleeping face, so between the middle-aged man with mustache and the cute blonde girl, he decisively chose the latter.

And not to mention her, He Quanming also feels a little sleepy and sleepy now... After all, it is really tiring and exhausting to persuade Gabriel to work hard. It was so peaceful, he couldn't help but yawned.

So after some weighing, he also lay down on the cold table, staring at the peaceful sleeping face close at hand, and smiled lightly.

"Good night...have a good dream."

Then close your eyes and slowly sink into dreamland.

In the gradually dimming evening scene, pedestrians are in a hurry, the moon rises and sets, and the lights flicker.

On the street, there was only one coffee shop with a faint light, which was very inconspicuous. Passers-by just glanced at the decorations in the shop, and passed by it as if they didn't know it.

No one noticed that there seemed to be two sleeping figures embracing each other.

Blonde and brunette intertwined.

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