Refined meets ordinary.

Their expressions are flat and peaceful, but with gentle smiles.

The two heads leaned together lightly, sniffing softly, intertwined, separated, diffused, and disappeared.

It's like whispering softly to the world.

It was as if he was quietly speaking to the people around him.

--Good night.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, three years later...

Well, actually it was only three days later.

The approval of the Asian Human Research Society came down without a hitch, and the review of the funds and club classrooms was beyond Izumi's expectations, and was approved by the student council president without any disturbance.

He still remembered the petite student president sitting at the desk, after reading their club applications, he looked curiously at the three demi-chan with those clear glass-like eyes, then nodded, Get your stamp of approval without hesitation.

Li Huazuo smiled lightly.

"Well, the review is approved. Everyone, please work hard to carry out club activities."

Then they walked out of the student union office, without saying a word from the beginning to the end, and looked at each other with strange expressions.

Then, they sighed in unison.

"...Really, angel..."

With such a student council president, this wonderful high school can finally be saved.

And after Gabriel finished the first day of work, she actually expressed that she was physically overwhelmed, and she could only go to work one day a week, otherwise she would die of exhaustion and show him at the door of He Quanming's house, which made He Quanming helplessly tell the story. Tell the store manager about it, what else can the soft-hearted store manager say?He can only agree, anyway, with Quanming in the labor force is almost enough.

As for letting Megumi Kato come to play at home, I have communicated with Quanming and Sagiri, and I think it would be embarrassing for others if Megumi Kato came alone. He doesn't like to be treated differently. Let Kato Megumi go to her room alone.

Sagiri finally reluctantly agreed, obviously she didn't dislike other people very much, but at the same time, she also told He Quanming that friends from the novel business would come to his house to hold a celebration banquet recently, so that he could be mentally prepared.

He Quanming was shocked on the spot.

"You still have friends?!"

Sagiri immediately patted him with the pillow angrily.

"What! It's not allowed to make friends online! Although those people can only be regarded as my sister's friends, but I have a very good relationship with goblins, don't treat me as autistic!"

You used to be autistic...Of course He Quanming didn't say this, and he suddenly realized it at this time-no wonder Sagiri and Zongya have been playing around secretly lately. It turns out that Zongya Ya took Sagiri to meet new friends!Moreover, he is also a friend in the novel industry and has a common topic.

Well done Zongya!

Thumbs up secretly inwardly, and Izumi thought about the name Fairy... I haven't heard of it, it should be a kind of nickname, probably a little girl who is about the same age as Sagiri would be given this nickname, right?Hmm, then don't worry!

"Have fun with your friends! My brother will fully support you! Let me prepare everything you need for a big meal that day!" Akira Izumi looked at her with relief, and patted his chest vowingly.

Unexpectedly, Sagiri waved her hand in disgust.

"Don't bother, anyway, my brother only knows how to make omelet rice? My sister will prepare everything for the celebration banquet!...Brother, do you want to go out to avoid it at that time?"

Hequan Ming fell to his knees in shock.

"Sagiri, unexpectedly... chased my brother out... My cute and caring sister, when did she have the Kirino attribute... Don't~"

Sagiri explained hastily.

"No, I'm not going to drive you out of the house! I'm just afraid of embarrassing you. I wonder if it's strange that you are an outsider... After all, they are all weird people..."

Seeing that Sagiri was blushing and didn't want him to misunderstand, He Quanming felt a warm current rising in his heart, wiped his eyes pretendingly and said moved.

"Ah, as expected, she is still my favorite sister, I knew you would never leave me..."

Sagiri's face flushed red, she shyly wrung her fingers, her gaze wandered around in a panic.

"What do you love the most...I, of course I won't leave you! Anyway, I can't leave the house. As long as you don't run away from home, I will always be with be together..."

At the end of the conversation, the voice became lower and lower, and the head lowered. Izumi wisely did not ask, seeing that she was about to become a steam princess, if she continued to ask, her head might be burnt to Akuya .

The plan of gathering a group of people to come to the house to play is put aside for the time being. Recently, there are plans to eat crepes and go shopping with Chang Muyao, but He Quanming feels a little bad about this second date, for fear that he will She won't accidentally push her... Mainly because after he was injured, Chang Muyao's attitude towards him became more and more undisguised, and he often hooked up with him in full view, and the intimacy was very obvious , so that Akira Hequan always had to bear the murderous eyes of the single dogs around him, as well as Kato Megumi's observation eyes from time to time.

The strange thing is that even though she looked like she wanted to be with him right away, she never confessed to him, nor did she make any further intimate moves, as if she was just enjoying the feeling of being separated by a piece of window paper. The ambiguity made He Quanming a little confused, and in the end he had no choice but to let her go.

And Vinette, after these days, her shyness has almost subsided, and finally she can greet him with a normal expression, and she won't run away immediately after greeting him, and she won't blush and get stuck when chatting; The relationship between people seems to have not changed, and it has returned to the previous model of ordinary friends.

It's just that He Quanming suddenly discovered that when he accidentally approached her within a finger's distance, Vinette's ears would turn red unconsciously, and her eyes would keep staring at the ground, and she would start to talk absent-mindedly... All these reactions made her She was like an innocent little girl, even Quanming thought he was looking at the moonlight, it was so beautiful.

He faintly understood what was going on with her reaction, and he could only sigh up to the sky——

What a crime...

Then she leaned closer as if nothing had happened.

The pure devil's shy expression is really cute~

Oh, yes, there is also the idiot Satania... I heard that recently she is addicted to shopping in the devil world and cannot extricate herself. She often spends a lot of money to buy magic items that harm others and herself, which makes Gabriel unbearable It's disturbing - because most of the props she bought were used to target Gabriel, and although she was always the victim in the end, it also brought Gabriel a lot of trouble.

He Quanming was naturally fortunate to experience the power of the props she bought - it was a dark and stormy night, he was invited by Satania to visit the school at night, but he was deceived by the props she bought Bloody face.

And that thing called "Arrow of the God of Love"... Dandan, there is obviously a problem with the devil selling this kind of thing!

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