He Quanming shuddered, and quickly shook his head to let go of his thoughts, unwilling to recall what happened that day.

Although thanks to this, the relationship between him and Satania has gone one step further...

(For details, please refer to the unwritten episode)

But today, during school time on a weekend, He Quanming had just walked out of the school gate with the crowd when he was stopped by a smiling girl.

"Student Ming, please wait for me!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The voice that called him was very familiar, He Quanming turned his head and saw that it was indeed Rafael.

In front of the school gate where people come and go, only her figure is particularly clear.

She was wearing a large beige winter uniform jacket on her upper body, and a white scarf hung from her neck to her chest. The undulating curves revealed her plump figure; The stockings build up a dazzling absolute field, which makes people look upwards and wonder what wonderful scenery lies under the girl's skirt.

Rafael smiled as usual, his standing posture was elegant and elegant, like an angel who had fallen into the mortal world, his white hair was fluttering with the wind behind him, like wings resting temporarily.

Unlike the male and female students who kept turning their heads to look at her at the whole school gate, He Quanming did not stare at her in a daze, but asked her suspiciously after slightly sighing and opening his eyes slightly.

"What's wrong? Are you waiting for me?"

After all, he has known those angels and demons with good looks for a long time, and his aesthetic sense has been raised to a strange height without knowing it. This little visual enjoyment will not cause any disturbance in his heart. It was the fact that Rafael was waiting for him in this cold weather that made him feel strange.

"Yes!" Rafael nodded with a chuckle, his smile was much more subtle than usual, probably because he was being watched by other people, and he was not as presumptuous and happy as before.

"Is not It Cold?"

He Quanming rubbed his arms, the season has entered November, and the day is getting colder and colder, not to mention that there is no warm sunshine at all, the leaden sky will always bring people a feeling that is passed down from the depths of the soul. The feeling of coldness.

"Yes. But in order to wait for you, it doesn't matter how cold it is~"

Hearing her words with a serious face and reddish cheeks, several men around immediately looked at He Quanming with murderous eyes, the eyes that implied jealousy and unwillingness seemed to tear him apart , but still couldn't break through his thick skin.

He Quanming slapped his forehead, this guy, he added this kind of boring embarrassment to him.

He knew that [-]% of what Rafael said with this expression could not be believed, and of course he would not be moved by her shy and timid expression, he had long been used to this routine.

Ignoring the passers-by and classmates who didn't even have names, He Quanming sighed and walked to Rafael.

"Okay...no matter what you want from me, it's hard to say here, let's leave the school first."

Rafael responded obediently, and just about to take a step forward, he asked with a puzzled expression.

"But... where are we going? Your house? My house? We live in completely opposite places... Or go to a shop and sit down?"

Isn't it usually just to find a coffee shop to sit and chat?Why is it the first choice for you to go to the lodgings of lonely men and widows...

The eyes staring at him became more stinging. He Quanming caught a glimpse of several male students pulling out black robes from their schoolbags and rushing to the telephone booth on the street to change clothes with sinister smiles. up.

It's too dangerous here, run now!Otherwise, you will be arrested and burned at the stake!

I ran my head and thought about it for a while, and looked up at the sky, it was a little dark, the dark clouds were squeezing the sky, and the heavy moisture was sticking to the skin, and it was estimated that there would be a heavy rain soon.

"I have to go home quickly at this time...is it very important?"

He Quanming asked inquiringly. After all, the weather only became like this before school was over. He didn’t read the weather forecast. He didn’t bring an umbrella when he saw the sky was clear in the morning. Rafael also said that he forgot to bring an umbrella to go out today. If you sit in a store, you will have to go back in the rain [-]%.

Rafael smiled a little embarrassedly: "Well, it's a very important matter. If possible, I hope to get your help."

Uh, the omnipotent angel would need my help, so suspicious...

Although he didn't believe it, after pondering for a moment, He Quanming still made a choice.

"Then let's go in the direction of your house! Talk while walking, try to hurry up!"

Rafael opened his mouth slightly in surprise, not paying any attention to his blunt words: "But if this is the case, you might get caught in the rain when you go home..."

He Quanming rolled his eyes: "I give you two choices, first, let's continue to stand here and chat, and when it rains, we can have a romantic conversation in the rain; second, go to your house, before arriving at your house Finish the matter, and then you can lend me an umbrella to go back."

Rafael didn't answer right away, but asked with deep meaning.

"Why didn't I go to your house first and then borrow an umbrella from you to go back by myself? Obviously your house is relatively close to here."

He Quanming scratched his cheek impatiently, looked away and said in a rough voice: "It's so noisy! How could I let a girl walk alone in the rain! Especially a girl like you, how dangerous... ... Tsk, so much nonsense, why don't you start now! It's really going to rain!"

Rafael said softly: "I'm an angel, so there won't be any danger..."

"Even if this is the case, I can't let you down with confidence..." Looking up at the sky, He Quanming muttered a little awkwardly: "...In my eyes, you are just an ordinary girl who needs protection from others. Isn’t it normal for you? You want me to say it clearly…”

Then his expression changed, he raised his thumb, blinked and smiled, "How is it? Is this Tsundere acting okay?"

Rafael smiled dignifiedly: "A man's arrogance is disgusting!"

"[-]% agree!" He Quanming made a gesture of vomiting, and smiled at her.

But she suddenly said: "However, it's a little exciting!"

He Quanming was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly saw her showing a sincere smile that was a little shy but did not hide her feelings, then reached out her hand, and gently pinched the corner of his clothes.

"So... shall we go?"

The long white hair drew an arc along with the slanted beautiful face, and the little bird nestled beside him like a human being. Raphael's face was slightly red, but he still tugged at the hem of his clothes without hesitation, as if pulling Like a weak precious bond; at the moment she is just like an introverted and shy little girl, but for some reason, Izumi's heart beats several times faster than before.

Then her expression changed, she stuck out her tongue and showed a mischievous look: "How is it? Is this innocent acting okay?"

He Quanming sighed with a frowning face: "I lost... I will give you the position of actor..."

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