Rafael chuckled: "You keep the position of actor, I just want to be the queen~"

Under the gray sky, the two unconsciously concealed their feelings, quickened their pace and walked side by side towards the residential area.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Halfway through, it started to rain.

Whoa, whoa, whoa-

It rained cats and dogs.

Countless falling drops of water hit the two of them, soaking them all in an instant, and the chill penetrated into the skin through the rainwater seeping through the clothes, making He Quanming shudder, and looked at Rafael After one glance, he picked up his schoolbag to cover his head and started running.

The shoes stepped on the ground where small water puddles had accumulated not long after, and the cold wind came with the rain. He Quanming resisted the urge to chatter his teeth, and when he moved quickly, he followed his pace Rafael looked.

Even wearing a short skirt and small leather boots that are not easy to run, Rafael's speed is similar to his. He Quanming can even feel that she has a lot of strength, as if she can speed up at any time.

Even so, Rafael still maintained a parallel speed with him, the cold air surrounded her, the originally rosy skin gradually turned pale, and the delicate red lips also lost their color, and the weak appearance made people unable to bear it Distressed.

"Tsk." He Quanming gritted his teeth, and looked around to see if there were arcades or hotels nearby that could shelter from the rain, but unfortunately, this residential area was almost all private houses, and there was nothing on the road except walls and street lights. None, let alone a roof that can shelter from the rain.

And even if you can take shelter from the rain for a while, if you don't quickly dry your body and take a hot bath in this windy and rainy situation, you will catch a bad cold!

He Quanming is not afraid, he has confidence in his body after a lot of exercise, but Rafael can tell at a glance that she is a delicate and frail young lady, even if she has good athletic ability, but from her current look of catkins in the wind From the looks of it, her physical fitness is probably not very good.

...By the way, I forgot that she was an angel!Don't angels have the multifunctional item of holy light?

Thinking of this, He Quanming shouted immediately.

"Hey! Lafite! Do you have a way to block the rain with holy light? Puff cough cough..."

Because he opened his mouth too much when speaking, a lot of rainwater ran into his mouth with the wind, and He Quanming turned his head with an ugly face and pouted a few times.

Rafael, who was also running with his head buried, looked at him, with an apologetic expression on his helpless expression.

"There is no way...Holy light is an invisible energy that cannot touch physical things, and it can't directly cure colds and injuries. Even the Holy Light can't do it..."


He Quanming almost wanted to shout - why is Shengguang so useless!

But no matter how much you complain at this time, you will only be flooded by the rain, so after understanding that they can only rush to Rafael's house to escape the heavy rain, He Quanming stopped talking, bowed his head and accelerated his speed pace.

Can't drag Rafael down...Damn it, schoolbags are useless to keep out the rain, why do so many animations have to design this action!

Finding that even though he covered his head with his schoolbag, his whole body was still soaked, which affected his running speed. Akira Izumi angrily took off his schoolbag, and rushed forward without any scruples in the rain, swinging his hands.

Anyway, it's wet, so let the storm be more violent!Running wild in the rain is a man's romance!

With a self-defeating smile on the corner of his mouth, He Quanming ran faster,

This time, there was a gap between whether he was carrying his schoolbag to protect him from the rain or not—Rafael, who was still able to do a job at first, was getting slower and slower as his body temperature gradually lost. In addition, the posture affected the speed, and unconsciously She distanced herself from He Quanming, but she didn't say any complaints, she ran with her head down, letting her little leather boots splash on the flowing ground.

Not long after, Akira Izumi, whose head was calmed down by the cold rain, sighed and slowed down. When Rafael returned to the position beside him, he took off his coat as fast as he could, and opened his hands to hold the two together. People are shrouded in baggy winter uniform jackets.

"Why didn't I think of this method at first...It's so stupid to use a schoolbag to block the rain..." He complained in his heart, and raised the corners of his mouth at Rafael who was looking over in surprise, motioning her to move closer to avoid There are areas not covered by the coat.

Raphael blinked, thanked him for a smile, then obediently got close to his body, followed the steps and hid under the coat.

The two ran forward side by side, although the speed dropped a lot because of this, they effectively blocked the rain from the upper body - even though they were already almost wet.

He took off a coat, followed by a more severe chill and unstoppable shivering, He Quanming had no choice but to grit his teeth, trying not to let Rafael find that he was getting cold now But at this moment, he felt a slightly trembling arm wrapped around his waist, hugging half of his body with a little warmth and softness in a posture that did not affect his running.

He Quanming lowered his head, just in time to meet the eyes of Rafael who raised his head.

With a pale complexion, she smiled gently.

"...Sorry, I seem to be a little cold."

He Quanming was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed too.

"Run faster and yell a few times, you won't be cold."

Rafael pouted: "Student Ming really doesn't understand the style, obviously at this time just say "Then let me warm you with my body!" It's fine~"

"Now I can only use my internal organs to warm you, because in this cold world, only my internal organs are still warm..."

"Student Ming is really curious..."

Akira Hequan smiled badly: "At least I'm not a pervert. If I were a pervert, I would say, 'In this cold world, only the breasts are still warm'!"

The white-haired girl squinted her eyes happily, and said coquettishly rather than blaming: "Really, why are you speaking pornography at this time? You have disturbed the good romantic atmosphere."

"Romantic, if we continue to be romantic, the two of us will have to die in the rain."

"Do you want to be a mandarin duck with the same fate?" There was an inexplicable light in her eyes. Even when she was running, her eyes never left He Quanming's face, and his figure was reflected in the clear yellow pupils.

He Quanming chanted calmly: "When is the mandarin mandarin mandarin relationship breaking out, the mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin mandarin.

"...What is that?" Rafael was slightly taken aback.

"A common saying that reveals the "basic" conditions of society..."


At this time, Rafael suddenly screamed, and Quanming immediately cast a concerned look.

"What's wrong? Did you twist your foot again?"

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