Rafael muttered mournfully: "What's the matter... No, I had a great chat with you just now, and I found out that my house has passed..."

He Quanming twitched the corners of his mouth and led her to stop.

"...Then go back soon!"

Hundredth Chapter 16 Do you think it's a routine?No, it's me, DIO!

"Yes, it's raining too much now, so I can't go back for the time being... Nothing happened, I'm at a friend's house now, I'll go back when the rain subsides a bit, don't worry... tell Sagiri? No, no If you need it, don't let her worry about it, just tell her that the place where I work needs to find me..."

Drying his body with a towel in one hand, He Quanming was talking on his mobile phone in the other, and Zong Ya was on the other end of the phone who was concerned about why he hadn't come home yet.

"Really, I got it..." Zong Ya seemed to be relieved, and her worried tone became casual. After chatting with Quan Ming for a few words, she was about to hang up the phone, but suddenly heard her cold asked a question.

"By the way, brother, you said that you are at a friend's house... Is that friend a woman and lives alone?That means you're at some teenage girl's house wet and alone? 』

He Quanming shook for a moment, almost knocking the phone to the ground, and looked at the phone strangely, as if wondering if there was a pinhole camera or bug installed on it.

...Why is this female orangutan so sensitive about this kind of thing?

"...No, although it is true that he lives alone, but he is male, his name is An Yilun, and he is an otaku."

After being silent for a while, He Quanming decided not to tell the truth, and used An Yilunye's information as a shield to tell the truth.

Although he didn't understand why Zongya knew that he was sheltering from the rain in Rafael's one-person apartment, his instinctive guilt still allowed him to conceal his current situation of being alone with a woman of the same age under the same roof—— It's not that Zongya might misunderstand him as a beast. Anyway, he basically has no image in front of his family, so she can misunderstand her any way she wants; but if she really knows the whole story, she will definitely turn up a belly full of bad water and tease him , full of ridicule, asked him if he had already climbed the ladder of adults or something.

He Quanming was afraid that he couldn't help but beat her to death.

The brothers and sisters of the Hequan family have a similar personality of death, so Hequanming knows very well that if this guy gets the chance, she will definitely spare no effort to die in front of him—in order to prevent Sagiri from getting up in the morning and finding that there is no one in the family And feeling lonely, he better not give Zongya this chance.

"Hey...that's right? With a long voice full of smiles, Zong Ya smirked, "Brother, do you think I will believe it?" 』

See, sure enough.

"Yes." Hequan Ming replied blankly, pinching his fingers to make a crackling sound of joints, deliberately letting Zongya on the opposite side hear, "If you don't believe it, then I will try my best to convince you until you believe it."

"Is it necessary to say it?This persuasion is justified, right? ! Zong Ya couldn't help but screamed, and then sighed, feeling very deliberate.

"Brother, you can't kill me just because I know about your promiscuous life outside!We are family, right?Isn't family just a relationship where you can tell frankly about any absurd emotional history?Tell me honestly, are you sitting in the living room of a girl's house right now, listening to the sound of a girl being drenched in the rain taking a shower, while your heart is surging, and you are eager to take off your clothes? 』


He Quanming rolled his dead fish eyes and looked outside the living room at the bathroom at the end of the corridor. There was a door that looked like it could be pushed down, and there was a faint sound of water and a girl humming... Just after a cold rain, if you don't take a hot bath quickly to drive away the cold, you have a high chance of catching a cold. Adhering to the gentleman's demeanor and the idea of ​​giving priority to the owner, He Quanming said that Rafael should go inside to take a bath first , he himself temporarily dried his body with a towel.

Averting his eyes from the door that made people couldn't help but think about it, He Quanming took off his wet top and pants, and began to wipe his whole body clean wearing only a pair of boxer briefs.

By the way, I would like to sigh—are all novelists now so rich in imagination?Or is it that what he experienced was too routine?

Facing Zong Ya's questioning with a smirk, He Quanming was very calm, so calm that he even answered with killing intent like a cold wind.

"No, yes! Now I'm wiping my body in a room full of anime wallpapers and figurines. If you don't want to wait for me to come home and be taught by me with a black, hard and thick stick, you'd better not think about it, let alone Don't play tricks on your brother!"

Looking around the living room, which is brightly decorated and furnished in a girly and cute style, Hequanming threatens Zongya without any pressure.

As if she was really frightened, Zong Ya let out a hiccup, fell silent for a moment, and then asked tentatively.

"...May I ask, what does that black, hard and thick stick refer to?" 』

"Of course it's a fire stick, otherwise what do you think it is?" He Quanming pushed his glasses and replied solemnly, "Could it be that you thought it was OO...?"

Then he made a disgusted sound.

"Tsk, it's really dirty...I don't bother arguing with a filthy idiot like you."

"Pfft! I haven't said anything yet!"

The astonishment, grievance and crap words came to an abrupt end as He Quanming hung up the phone on his own.With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he proudly put the phone back on the table.

"Little young man, dare to fight against my uncle..."

Pulling the elastic band of the trousers to let the little brother who had been covered in wet clothes for a long time breathe, He Quanming stood up, wearing only a pair of underwear, and put a DIO stand at the house of the female friend who visited for the first time.

"It's really poor, poor—huh?"

He Quanming felt the sight, someone was spying on him.

Turning around, Rafael, who had just poked his head out of the bathroom, was staring straight at him with a graceful posture, his cheeks were slightly reddish from the heat, and his delicate red lips were slightly raised, as if looking at him. As if seeing something very interesting, he showed a meaningful smile.

"Well... can I take a picture?"

"Of course not!"

He Quanming let out a strange cry, and hurriedly hid in the corner of the living room, put on all the wet clothes, held the towel, and sat upright, counting the dirt on the ceiling.

Not long after, Rafael, who was fully dressed, came to the living room with hot air and the fragrance of shower gel. He didn't say much, but looked at him with smiling eyes.

"Ming, go take a shower~ Please be careful not to catch a cold."

"It's too late to say now..." With a sigh, He Quanming stood up as if he was not the one who was half-naked in a shameful posture in the living room of someone else's house, and walked past her as if nothing had happened, and walked to the bathroom. , while listening to her instructions carefully.

"Please put the wet clothes in the laundry basket at the door for me. You can wear them after washing and drying. Before that, please use a bathrobe to make do with it! After all, I don't have men's clothes~ "

"OK, sorry to trouble you."

"No~ Also, the body wash is the white bottle on the cabinet, the shampoo is the black bottle, and the hair remover is the blue bottle, please be careful not to make mistakes~"

"Okay...wait, hair remover?!"

"The slime's petri dish is placed above the sink, and the active potion is next to it. If you pour the potion on the slime, bad things will happen, so you should also pay attention to this."

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