In this way, it seems that since that incident, Satania's attitude towards him has become undisguised. (Extra)

I wish I could be by my side all the time like a loyal dog... No, it's not so much a loyal dog as a husky with only a master.

Ai Sahuan runs around, but she is extremely persistent about where she belongs.

Based on this knowledge, I heard that the relationship between her and the little white dog is improving. Even Satania once wanted to make peace with Xiaobai, but it failed because the pineapple bun was snatched away again.

Really, why bother cannibalism!

This is a dog-like life, so why rush to each other.

He Quanming felt that it was time to give that dog an ideological education, and believed that with his help, the two guys with the same attributes would definitely become good friends.

Just like Rafael and Satania.

Satania, who had a silly smile on her face, suddenly yelled, drawing Izumi's attention back.

"Ah! Gabriel, why are you here!"

Gabriel exhaled hot air from the collar, and said angrily.

"Why can't I be here? By the way, what does it matter to you if I show up?"

This guy is finally willing to speak?

He Quanming looked down at Gabriel with a strange gaze, her face was slightly red, and she secretly put a crutch on him with an expression of displeasure, and put it on her waist.

He Quanming withdrew his gaze, covered his severely injured kidney, and looked up at the sky wanting to cry but without tears.

... Who the fuck did I provoke!

Satania froze for a moment, and after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this was true, but she was still used to talking back.

"This is my familiar! If you want to hug him, you must get my consent, which is stipulated by the law of the devil world!"

She pointed at Gabriel's finger that unconsciously held He Quanming's arm, and shouted triumphantly, as if saying the word "legal regulation" seemed professional to her.

Gabriel looked down at her finger, then quickly retracted it, humming pretending to be calm.

"He is not only your familiar, but also my limited winter stove, a five-star rarity item card... So I also have the right to follow him and let him keep me warm!"

Afterwards, she smiled coldly, and her delicate lips curled up in a cold arc.

"What's more...I'm an angel, so I don't need to abide by the laws of the devil world, so what if I hug him? Go reverse the referee?"

Demonstrative hands wrapped around Izumi's arms, and Gabriel looked proudly at Satania through Izumi's body.

It's just that there were two faint blushes on the fair cheeks, and I don't know if they were frozen by the cold wind.

He Quanming rolled his eyes helplessly, and could only walk forward as if it had nothing to do with him, he was too lazy to participate in the quarrel between these two young girls who were like young girls—he didn't expect that Gabriel would actually I will be interested in scolding each other with Satania.

Would this warm her up?

Although the arms on both sides were hugged, the thick clothes couldn't bring much softness to the touch, so Akira Hequan dragged the two quarreling girls towards the school with no expression on his face, making the people around envious.

He Quanming only felt that there was a blond-haired Persian cat and a red-haired husky barking beside him, which made people a little irritated... But at this moment, Rafael appeared again.

Well, again, it's still the same corner, appearing as if it had been ambushed there a long time ago.

"...What if I go another way one day?" He Quanming asked weakly.

Rafael smiled gently: "Then please tell me, because if I have to wait here until the class, even I will feel very uncomfortable."

"Then don't wait, just go to the classroom directly..."

She blinked and smiled playfully: "Don't you think the encounter on the way to school is very exciting?"

"Complete! Complete! I don't think so!" At this moment, Akira Izumi deeply felt Kato Megumi's helplessness.

Sure enough, good and evil are rewarded in the end, and the law of heaven has reincarnation; if you don't believe me, look up, who will the angel spare...

So, Rafael happily joined their school team.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It was rare to make noise along the way, as if trying to dispel the winter chill, He Quanming and his party were filled with a happy atmosphere.

But upon closer inspection, Rafael was the only one with a happy smile on his face. It seemed that Satania and Gabriel had an extra topic of quarreling, and they never stopped talking along the way, hugging He Quanming's hands were getting tighter and tighter, making it even more difficult for him to walk.

Rafael, on the other hand, watched with a smile on his face, bringing the conversation between the two to He Quanming from time to time, which annoyed him, and stared at her full of resentment... Then the white-haired girl laughed even more happily .

Tsk...are tax evaders so aboveboard these days?

It didn't take long for the four of them to arrive at the main trunk of the road to school.This is a rather long gentle slope, with bald cherry trees planted on both sides. Don’t look at the bleak appearance of the dead branches and teeth and claws. In spring, cherry blossoms will bloom here, and pink snow will fly all over the sky. Walking adds a bit of dreamy beauty.

There are also many more students from Hui Ridong High School around, and the thick clothes cover the youth of the boys and girls, as if they have matured them.

Speaking of cherry blossoms, Akira Izumi suddenly wanted to see Megumi Kato standing in the snow of cherry blossoms with a graceful figure. It would definitely be so beautiful and make people's hearts beat endlessly, like a priceless landscape painting... At the time of the summer festival He knew that the most suitable color for this girl who didn't have a high sense of existence happened to be the gentle and beautiful cherry blossom color.

As if his "want someone to appear" skill was activated, He Quanming saw Kato Megumi in the crowd.

She is not wrapped in a heavy overcoat like Gabriel, nor is she wrapped in a brightly colored plush coat like Satania and Rafael. She is just wrapped in a winter coat of Hui Ridong, which is not On the premise of being bloated, he wore a few more clothes, and he also wore warm black pantyhose on his legs. His long black hair hung behind him, and he walked with his hands in his pockets and his head down, like those ordinary students on the road. Usually, it seems that she will be forgotten in a blink of an eye.

Naturally, He Quanming would not ignore his girlfriend, watch her go to school alone, and then enjoy the blessings of others by himself... Although he really wanted to rush over and hug her from behind, and then use a warm tone to her He whispered in his ear: "I would like to be your air conditioner for the rest of your life, keeping you warm in winter and cooling you in the next day."

But unfortunately, he is not alone in school now.

There were too many people watching on the road, and his skin was not thick enough to do such a nasty thing in public.

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