...well, maybe.

Never underestimate a person's lower limit, just like you never know whether he has integrity or not.

He dragged his family to Kato Megumi, and he said hello first, as usual.

"Morning, Kato."

Gabriel and the others also followed suit.

"Morning, Kato."

"Morning, Megumi! Why do you look as afraid of the cold as Gabriel?"

"Master Hui, good morning~"

Hearing voices calling her name one after another, Megumi Kato turned her head, and was a little dazed as she watched the huge group of people walking towards her.

"Morning, everyone... have you made an appointment to go to school together?"

Exhaling a puff of white smoke, she looked at He Quanming with a calm gaze, but she could see a trace of inexplicable meaning.

Akira Hequan smiled wryly and spread his hands, glanced at the two hands that he still didn't let go even though he was facing Megumi Kato.

"I just met on the road. If I really want to go to school together, I will definitely call you."

Kato Keimaki nodded knowingly, and didn't express any opinion on Izumi who was hugging left and right, and followed them calmly after answering.

I don't know what is going on in her heart, and it's hard to confirm with her in front of everyone, He Quanming can only show her an innocent and pitiful expression, which makes her roll her eyes.

Well, it doesn't look angry!

There was one more person in the school team again. Surrounded by many girls, Akira Izumi ignored the familiar jealous eyes around him and thought deeply.

Hmm... Next, the only people of the same age are Vinette and Chang Muyao, right?

I don't know if they will show up...

"Student Izumi? And everyone? Why are you all together?"

"Huh? Ming? There are others? Have you all made an appointment to go to school together?"

A familiar voice sounded behind him, and He Quanming slapped his forehead.

Don't know what will happen if I think about Vegeta now...

There seems to be a sentence coming from somewhere.

"Kakarot, come out!"

He Quanming thought it was his own auditory hallucination.


"Hey... This school festival will be held on December [-]th, which is Christmas time... At that time, the Miss Christmas pageant will also be held at the same time. Students who are interested, remember to sign up. As long as you are interested in You are confident in your appearance, and you can participate regardless of gender.

Also, this year's school festival does not have a folk dance meeting with traditional programs, so students who want to make trouble on that day, let go of your wretched thoughts!hum..."

The teacher on the stage sneered, and the cruel words made the students in the audience—mainly the men—wait and wail. Many girls also showed regretful expressions, feeling sorry for their aborted "Dance Confession" project. sigh.

He Quanming was very fortunate.

"It's a good thing it didn't take place... Otherwise, when several people invite me to dance, should I reject them all or accept them all...Damn it, no matter which one I choose, I'm in danger of turning around..."

Wiping the cold sweat off his neck, Akira Izumi was once again troubled by his popularity.

The teacher continued to announce information related to the school festival on the podium.

"Also, I heard that our class has already decided on the booth for the school festival, is it going to be a sex-transfer coffee shop? Hehe... You guys are pretty good at playing..." The young teacher clapped his hands meaningfully smiling.

"Not bad, although it's a bit tricky, but I look forward to your performance!"

His gaze swept to An Yilunye, Jiawei Tianzhengyi and several handsome and even cute male students.

"Especially the appearance of your women's clothing, it's really exciting... Hehehe..." With a smile like an uncle, the young teacher threw the roll call plate in a brisk manner, and Shi Shi ran out of the classroom.

Only the male students who were affected by his gaze tightened their asses at the same time, looked at each other with ugly faces, and couldn't help thinking of changing classes in their hearts.

It's because I don't know if this teacher is serious, so it's scary!

——By the way, this seemingly bad-behaved young man is the former tutor of their class B. He took a long leave of absence when the school started, and asked the teacher with bald sunglasses to take over as the teacher temporarily.

Although everyone was a bit reluctant to face the disgusting and kind-hearted teacher with bald head and sunglasses, this young teacher was unexpectedly easy to get along with, and would also chat with them about young people, and it didn't take long for him to get along with the students in the class—but he himself was a mystery His sexual orientation made all the male students in the class a little uneasy.

But Izumi is not worried about this at all, because not only does he seldom talk to this new head teacher, but his sense of presence will also decrease when he is with Kato Megumi, so the head teacher basically doesn’t notice him, and even is interested in him.

Of course, unless he takes the initiative to cause trouble... The previous incident of running out of the classroom and the incident at the sports festival have already left a deep impression on the bald and sunglasses teacher, and every time he meets him in the corridor, he will nod to him expressionlessly , and then show him a thumbs up.

...God knows what impression it left.

Closer to home, when the teacher left, which meant that the class meeting was over, the students naturally had a heated discussion.

The content is nothing more than topics such as school festivals, cross-dressing, women's clothing, cafes, and the teacher is so scary.

Kato Megumi, who was beside him, also spoke to Izumiaki.

"Kato, is your job a waiter? Will you be wearing men's clothes then?"

Smiling with great interest, Akira Kato looked at Megumi Kato's whole body, and couldn't help imagining how she would look like wearing men's clothes with her hair tied up.

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