Not good, I feel like bending...

"Yeah." Kato Megumi nodded silently, as if thinking of something bad, sighed weakly, but then smiled again, "Although you are the same..."

Hearing this, He Quanming couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, recalling what happened that day.

When assigning duties, Megumi Kato, who originally chose to be a pastry chef, was unfortunately ignored by the monitor and assigned her to the position of waitress according to the vacancy.

Afterwards, the class monitor naturally apologized to her very sincerely, and asked her if she would like to find a classmate to exchange... Kato Megumi was helpless, but since everything had been assigned, she didn't want to cause trouble to others, so she accepted the girl's exchange. Waiter position.

Kato Megumi comforted herself in her heart.

"Anyway, it's just pretending to be a waiter in men's clothing... It's not a difficult thing. I want to choose to be a pastry chef, but I'm afraid that I won't be able to be a waiter with a low sense of presence. Since I have been appointed, then do it well. Bar!"

The big deal is that the guests think it's a ghost serving the meal... I don't care about any rumors about supernatural events.

In fact, Megumi Kato, who was quite resentful about being ignored, was muttering like this.

At that time, the look of giving up on herself was so cute that Akira Izumi couldn't help laughing. He seemed to be comforting, but actually patted her on the shoulder gloatingly.

Then he was stared at.

Then Kato Megumi turned around and said so to the class monitor.

"Student Izumi told me that he actually wants to be a waiter, but he is thin-skinned and embarrassed to mention it in front of everyone. Can I change his position from kitchen staff to waiter?"

The squad leader's eyes lit up, because most of the people wanted to participate in the cooking of food, and the people who chose to be waiters running around to receive customers were a little rare, and almost all of them were girls, so what Megumi Kato said was like Like the rain in time, he immediately agreed to come down.

He Quanming's whole face suddenly looked like shit.

Awesome my girlfriend, didn't you cheat me like that? !

He wanted to resist at first, but after seeing Kena Kato's eyes with a faint smile and dark shadows, he decisively chose to follow his heart instead of his heart.

……Humph!Isn't it women's clothing?Wear it as you like, it will make all of you sick for three days and three nights, anyway, it's not me who suffers!

Confident in his masculine figure and not at all delicate appearance, Akira Izumi patted his chest, accepted the position of waiter frankly, and even began to look forward to the reaction of others when they saw his women's clothing.

that must be very interesting.

As everyone knows, Kato Megumi has been secretly looking up how to make men and women look good on the Internet.

She said that even if there is no way to make a Kawahime, she will make Izumi a tequila girl!

Unexpectedly, a girl with a bit of vengeance and a dark belly, who was thinking hard about how to cheat her boyfriend, had blood all over her face.

And Quanming was still fantasizing with joy, how many people would be scared by his women's clothing.

——Let’s get down to business.

The preparations for the school festival are just a small episode. For Akira Izumi, the most important thing is naturally the date in a few days.

After more serious pre-investigation than last time, increased working hours, and advance salary, time flies——

This day has finally arrived!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

(Reminder from the front row, this chapter is about the emotional drama with Zong Ya)

Weekends, eight in the morning.

He Quanming turned off the TV that was broadcasting the weather forecast, stood up from the sofa, and showed a sunny smile to himself reflected in the dark screen.

"Very good, so handsome that I don't even know myself!"

Looking at the young man reflected on the TV screen, with perfect hairstyle, well-groomed appearance, bright white teeth, refreshing and casual attire, Akira Kazumi nodded in satisfaction, picked up his bag, and thought about it, I went to get another retractable umbrella and put it in my bag, and then I went to the entrance to put on my shoes.

Even if the weather forecast says that the rainfall rate is zero today, but considering that there may be angels, demons, monsters, land gods and other "artificial rain", it is safer to bring an umbrella!

The shoes and socks are no different from the usual ones. It might be better to say that he is actually wearing casual clothes, which will not give people a new look, but the clothes and pants have been washed very clean by him. The iron is neatly ironed, and it looks very clean and fresh.

This is what he thinks - if it is a date with Megumi Kato, then as long as you dress up as usual, plus a little bit of solemnity when facing the date; go shopping for new clothes, even though it seems to show " He attaches great importance to this date", but on the contrary, it will make Kato, who has always been plain, feel artificial and deliberate.

In order to figure out Kato Megumi's preferences, this simple but not simple outfit is the best match that he has carefully designed to make her look pleasing to the eye!

After putting on his shoes, He Quanming took out his mobile phone to take a picture of his face again. After confirming that everything was in order, he took a deep breath to calm down the restless expectation, and stretched out his hand to open the door.

—and then stopped.

"Brother? Why are you out so early? And you're dressed like you're going on a date..."

Zong Ya walked down the stairs while rubbing her sleepy eyes, yawned and then looked at Izumi in puzzlement.

He turned around, Chao Zongya nodded with a smile.

"That's right, it's just to go on a date... By the way, why did you get up so early today? I obviously went out early on purpose?"

"Oh, when I was sleeping, I woke up with a fright when I thought that today's manuscript hadn't been fixed yet. I'm still sleepy..." Zong Ya replied in a daze, shaking his dizzy head, He Quanming just said The words were analyzed by her, and after a pause, her eyes suddenly widened.

"Wait, wait, wait... You just said, a date? Did you go out early?"

He Quanming admitted frankly.

"That's right, I'm going on a date with my girlfriend today. In order to prevent you from saying a lot of things when I went out, I went out while you were still sleeping, but I didn't expect you to go out so early Woke up... Well, it seems that I have to buy a pack of sleeping pills when I come back."

"Don't say such horrible things with such a normal expression, okay?! And sleeping pills are not something you can buy if you want!" Zongya complained reflexively. Seeing He Quanming's innocent smile, his heart suddenly Give birth to a sense of powerlessness.

"...So brother, are you going on a date with your girlfriend now? Is it a real girlfriend, not a flirtatious object?"

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