-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Since the department store was not yet open, Izumi and Kato Megumi went shopping nearby first.

Rather than talking about shopping, I would rather call it a walk... because there are no shops to shop around here, so I can only walk around and look at the street scenery.

Even so, Izumi didn't feel that this period of time was meaningless; after all, it was rare to be able to walk side by side with Kato Megumi, even if he just walked around, he felt very satisfied.

Walking on the sidewalk where the number of pedestrians gradually increased, while talking, Izumi glanced at Megumi Kato quietly, and scrutinized her whole body.

It seems that she also attaches great importance to this date. She usually puts on light makeup on her plain face, and her delicate and lovely face is more mature. The delicate lip gloss is dotted on the small cherry mouth, which makes people want to swallow it.

The hair has also been meticulously groomed, long and shiny black hair flowing down the shawl softly, being suppressed by the white beret so as not to scatter in the wind.

She was wearing a long-sleeved dress with a knitted sweater in white as the main tone. The curves of the beautifully shaped chest flowed down, and a stunning arc suddenly came out at the waist. The knee-length skirt was embroidered with A pattern of flying petals.

Looking down, you can even see the black stockings wrapping the beautifully shaped calves. The thin stockings make the flesh color faintly visible. Although the feet are wearing sneakers that are convenient for walking instead of high heels, there is no sense of incongruity. On the contrary, it also gives people the first impression of a pure girl.

This outfit made her look ordinary or even inconspicuous all of a sudden, and Izumi even saw many men turning their heads frequently when they passed her, with amazement in their eyes, especially in Kato When Hui smiled, it was like melting an iceberg and blooming in the warmth of spring. It was really hard for someone to take their eyes off her, and even halfway through the walk, she accidentally bumped into a telephone pole.

Akira Izumi knew very early on that Megumi Kato is a beautiful girl who is not inferior to the school beauties of Hui Ridong High School. She is beautiful, has a good figure, and has a personality that brings people a sense of comfort—because she doesn't often dress up. , Personality is also slightly flatter and uncontested than others, and she is used to staying out of the public's sight, so she is so unobtrusive.

If she wears this to school every day, it won't be long before she will be one more candidate for the school belle, and her suitors will explode exponentially, right?

He Quanming once told her that in order to enhance her sense of existence, she must first use her attire to attract the attention of others, whether it is maid clothes, swimwear, cat ears, queen clothes... cough cough, the above are not counted, then It's a costume that only he can see!

Anyway, it is to use the change of external image to enhance other people's perception of her, so that people will not always be ignored... Now it seems that the effect of this change is a little stronger.

Even Akira Izumi can't keep his eyes off his eyes now. When he stared at her, his heart beat faster... Fortunately, as Megumi Kato's boyfriend, he is used to all kinds of beautiful things about his girlfriend. The deer's expression of being crushed to death did not reveal the look of intoxication, but when walking, he would shift his gaze to her from time to time, and then quietly retract it.

Don't look at his appearance as an old driver who usually rowed a boat without relying on oars to rely on the waves, and can go at a speed of forty yards. When he is really dating his girlfriend, he is more innocent than a twelve-year-old kid. Not only dare not Looking at her figure openly, he didn't even dare to hold her hand...God, he, like the author, is a single dog who has lived for more than [-] years!

He has never done such a thing as taking the initiative to sign a girl's hand, who knows what to say at the beginning?Kneel down and ask her, "Can I hold your hand"?

This is too humble!Are boyfriend and girlfriend this class relationship? !

Or is it okay to just pull it up as if nothing had happened?But what if you get thrown away with a look of disgust?

If he really wanted to be treated like this, he would definitely find a car and hit him to death!My heart is too worried.

Or hold her hand forcefully and say to her: "Husband and wife walk together for the rest of their lives, whoever lets go first is a dog!"?

Will you be beaten?You will definitely get a slap in the face, right?

What should I do, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

I want to hold Megumin's hand~

Akira Hequan was crying and rolling in his heart, while on the surface he was chatting with a normal expression, but his gaze involuntarily moved to Megumi Kato's hand.

As if feeling that the focus of his gaze was off, Megumi Kato looked down with clear black eyes and found that he was staring at her hand, so she couldn't help raising it and asked in doubt.

"What's wrong? Is there something strange on my hand?"

Strangely looking at the hands with tiny blood vessels in the whiteness, still so slender and clean, Megumi Kato looked at Izumi in puzzlement.

"Uh...no, nothing, just a sudden thought..."

Wandering his gaze, lengthening the tone of his speech, He Quanming racked his brains to think about the words of explanation—even if he could think of many excuses to fool the past, he was not satisfied with this, and he wanted to take this opportunity to lead him uprightly. Her hand, to make this date more complete.

Then he had a flash of inspiration, and he thought of a little joke he saw on the Internet.

If you do that, maybe you can...

Excitedly raised the corners of his mouth, Akira Izumi nodded, his eyes responded to Megumi Kato's gaze seriously.

"...I suddenly thought of a sentence, it's about hands."

Kato Megumi tilted his head in doubt.


He Quanming smiled mysteriously.

"Do you know what the number of happiness is? Within one to ten."

Kato Megumi thought for a while, looked at him, then looked at his hands, thinking about the connection between numbers, hands and happiness, and finally could only shake his head helplessly.

"I don't know, Mingjun, please announce the answer."

Akira Hequan tried his best to maintain the expression on his face, so as not to make it strange, he took Megumi Kato's left hand and spread his five fingers.

"It's five."

When she was wondering what Yu Wu had to do with happiness, He Quanming put his right hand on it, and then interlocked his fingers.

Clutching her soft and cold little hand tightly, He Quanming said affectionately.

"Because of this, I can hold your hand better."

Looking straight into her eyes, He Quanming gave himself a thousand praises from the bottom of his heart.

——Wow, the hand in hand was successful!The male and female guests are paired up and are now sent to the bridal chamber!

When he kept cheering in his heart, Megumi Kato was stunned for a long while facing Akira Izumi's outspoken words and affectionate gaze.

After all, it was the first time she encountered this kind of flirting method... I have to say, it really moved her a little bit.

Because you can hold my hand better... so does the number five represent your happiness?

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