At the same time when he was so clear, the tips of his ears began to burn involuntarily, his eyes unconsciously staggered away from his fiery gaze, and the tightly clasped hands seemed to radiate boundless heat, dispelling the cold air of November.

Kato Megumi slowly lowered his head, pursed his dry lips, and responded in a low voice.


The chest is hot, and the breath is also warm.

The heart is warm, as if soaked in warm water, comfortable and intoxicating.

It's also a girl who is dating for the first time, no matter how plain and stable she is usually, it seems that nothing will make her shy, and it seems that she can't bear this kind of embarrassing and nasty words.

If you don't bow your head now... he will see the blushing face and the faint smile.

She's not that thick-skinned, and she doesn't hesitate to show her feelings.

So I could only pretend that nothing had happened, obediently being led, and then silently took light steps.

...I always feel so happy.

He didn't notice Kato Megumi's performance like a little girl, and with a silly smile on his face, Hequanming secretly felt the delicate softness and gradually rising temperature in his hands; Hold it tightly, and walk without saying a word.

The two walked back and forth on the street like this, neither of them spoke first, but the distance between shoulders was always close to each other, and the intertwined fingers never relaxed.

The smile on the face has the taste of happiness.

——Just holding hands is like holding the whole world.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Finally, when the mall opened, following the crowd, Izumi and Kato Megumi walked in holding hands.

When they entered this gorgeously decorated shopping mall, the first thing the two did was not to get the DM on the floor, but to push through the crowd and walk to the corner, letting Akira Izumi breathe a sigh of relief.

Should it be said that it is a newly built and popular department store in the city?I originally thought that there would not be too many people during this time period, that is, when the mall just opened, but I didn't expect that the number of people was more than expected. Although it added a bit of excitement, it also made Izumi who was not used to the crowd a little bit I frowned, feeling a little uncomfortable before I started shopping.

Except for the cafeteria, he rarely goes to crowded places, because he hates crowds, so much that his body feels repulsed—this is very similar to a few people in a club with no friends, it is a habit Allergic reactions caused by the stress and incompatibility brought about by a sudden change to a majority group environment after leaving a minority group environment.

In essence, he is not the kind of person who would squeeze into the crowd, he is even a bit lonely and shy, so he only has a few friends, and he rarely chats with people other than them.

Seeing Izumi's gradually frowning eyebrows, Megumi Kato tightened his palms, and after turning Izumi's attention to her, asked with a worried face.

"Ming Jun, are you okay? How about we change places?"

Hearing this, He Quanming quickly relaxed his expression, and after a sigh of relief, he showed a confident and calm smile.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. It's just that I'm breathing the air in the same space with too many people, and I suddenly feel a little nauseous... At this time, I just need to smell your smell more and I'll be fine!"

Talking bravely, he ended up with a habitual rhetoric, led Kato Megumi out of the corner, and blended into the surging crowd with his head held high.

——What are you kidding, I can go to the date designated by my girlfriend, whether it is Fuyuki City or Third Tokyo City without hesitation!What is a lot of people?

Do you really think I'm scared?At worst, I'll ask Gabriel to blow the horn and kill you all!

As if knowing what he was thinking in his heart, Kato Megumi smiled slightly and responded lightly without paying attention to the teasing at the end of his words.



Shuttle among the crowd, they glanced around the first floor of the shopping mall like a horse on horseback.

Akira Hequan occasionally pointed at the cupboard and complained, and Megumi Kato followed suit. The two just walked around in such a bland manner. They were obviously lovers, but there was no sweet atmosphere that couples should have between them. The hands have never been separated.

The first floor of this shopping mall is full of jewelry and various famous brands. After a little shopping, after feeling that the atmosphere here is really out of tune with them, I went directly to the next floor. After all, they are only students and don’t care about famous brands. Too much desire, and the expensive price also discouraged them.

Although the next floor is also a clothes store, the prices are much more common. Akira Izumi and Megumi Kato had a good time shopping in this floor, and walked in every store. Even if they didn’t buy anything, it was a kind of Quite interesting to enjoy.

Of course, this can only be regarded as enjoyment if you have a girlfriend by your side, otherwise it is a kind of torture.

Walking to a certain clothing store, the two casually glanced at the clothes on the shelves to see if there were any items worth buying.

At this time, Megumi Kato's eyes lit up suddenly, and he picked up a shirt from among the many clothes, and said to Izumi with a light smile.

"Hey, Mingjun, do you want to try this dress?"

As if she thought this shirt was very suitable for He Quanming, she gestured towards He Quanming, as if imitating his appearance after wearing this dress.

"...Okay, I'll go change it."

Looking at his empty hand with a sense of loss, He Quanming shook his head and put aside the inexplicable loss, smiled, took the clothes kindly, and walked to the fitting room.

——For this date, he not only investigated the merchants on each floor of the shopping mall and the prices of various commodities in advance, but also made mental preparations for shopping without buying anything, constantly trying on clothes, etc. ; Money and patience, the two necessary props for dating girls, he has prepared, and then he is not afraid of walking in the mall for seven or eight hours all day!

What's more, it's not just Kato Megumi who wants him to try clothes, if he finds a suit that suits Kato Megumi, he will also ask her to change into it... If you go to an underwear or swimsuit shop, maybe it's even better...

Cough, no, no, Kato will never agree to try it on on the spot!Let's wait until later to discuss this kind of request...

Quietly revealing a meaningful smile, Akira Hequan opened the door of the fitting room, changed clothes as quickly as possible, and walked out like a model for Kato Megumi to take a good look at.

As Sagiri's long-term painting model, he has long been accustomed to posing various wonderful poses when being "watched", which almost became his instinctive reflex action; so he didn't think about anything, just like this In front of the customers of the entire clothing store and Megumi Kato, he posed as Giorno, the fifth generation protagonist of JOJO.

——The shirt is only half buttoned, the upper chest is half exposed, the left elbow is raised in parallel, the left collar is slightly torn apart, the right hand is slightly clinging to the hem, the elbow is extended outward at a chic and unrestrained angle, and the two feet are in harmony The lunge is slightly opened, and the figure is straight and awe-inspiring.

This is Giorno.Giovanna's unique pose.

Very handsome.

Sensing the strange eyes projected from the surroundings, He Quanming raised his head slightly, smiled lightly, and was about to say the phrase "I am Giorno.When Giovanna said the famous words "I have a dream", he saw black hair fluttering, and a beautiful figure suddenly stood in front of him, blocking the sight of others with his slender body.

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