Only then did he come to his senses, and looked down—Kato Megumi calmly pulled up his left hand, which had been torn off his collar, and put his right hand in a dignified posture next to his thigh; He buttoned up his shirt neatly, and her little white hands adjusted his collar and smoothed the wrinkles of his shirt; after doing all the virtuous actions like a wife, she pulled away the extremely close distance just now. , nodded in satisfaction.

"Well, it really suits Ming Jun... just buy this one!"

He kept Kato Megumi at the mercy of him without moving, that natural and gentle behavior like flowing water made Hequanming stunned for a while, feeling a warm current rushing quietly from the bottom of his heart, he almost couldn't help but just hugged Kato Megumi directly like this, Greed for more tenderness that belongs to her...

However, he still endured it - because he knew that he had no intention of letting go of this tenderness.

That being the case, then calm down, enjoy the date, and don't make too eye-catching actions!

Returning to the fitting room, he took off the shirt on his body and took it to the counter to check out. He Quanming said regretfully to Kato Megumi beside him while paying.

"Actually, you can also try this shirt just now..."

Kato Megumi tilted his head in doubt.

"No way? This is a men's shirt. It's too big. It won't fit me if I wear it."

He Quanming smiled mysteriously.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter whether it fits or not, it's better to say that it doesn't fit~"

"What do you mean?" Kato Megumi's expression became more and more puzzled.

Izumi smiled even more weirdly.

"Sister, have you heard of boyfriend shirts?"

"..." Megumi Kato was stunned for a moment, and the information about the "boyfriend shirt" and the scene of herself wearing that shirt appeared in her mind.


Without looking at Izumi Akira, Kato Megumi turned his head and walked in another direction, his steps were quite big.

He Quanming followed behind her, suddenly feeling a little uneasy.

"Kato? Xiaohui? Why are you ignoring me suddenly? Are you angry?"

Then he took a closer look at the place Kato Megumi was walking to.

"Then what... Kato, that's the women's clothing section, are you going to buy your clothes now?"

Continuing to walk quickly to the women's clothing area, Kato Megumi finally gave a response, and she spoke lightly.

"...No, it's your clothes."

"Why?! I bought it just now!" He Quanming turned pale with shock.

Kato turned to look at him, showing a meaningful smile: "Ming Jun, have you heard of girlfriend shirts?"

"How could I have heard of it! In other words, it's just a simple women's big guy?!"

"I kind of want to see it, can you cooperate with me?"

"Of course not! The picture is so beautiful that you definitely don't want to see it. Let's go, let's continue shopping elsewhere!" He Quanming wanted to resist and walked to other places, but was grabbed by Kato Megumin Collar, unable to move.

The black-haired girl looked flat, even with a slight smile, and slightly raised her head to look at Izumi.

"I want to see."

He Quanming gave up decisively.

It seems that not only the pink hair is black when cut, but also the black hair is so black that it is scary...

Holding the blouse that Kato Megumi handed over, he couldn't help but sighed.

——My Xiaohui, it's impossible to be so black-bellied!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After watching Akira Izumi put on a women's shirt, the two proceeded to the next floor.

Since then, Kato Megumi has looked quite happy, with a faint smile on his face, which makes pedestrians look sideways frequently.

He Quanming's face turned slightly green... Because the shirt just now was too tight, he had difficulty breathing when he put it on, and even almost broke the shirt...

So in the end, Megumi Kato bought the women's shirt he was wearing on the grounds that it might have been worn by Akira Izumi to the point of damage, and I would be sorry for the store if I didn't buy it.

It's just that Izumi Akira, who has a new understanding of Kato Megumi's dark side, feels that the real reason may be more than that...

Anyway, Akira Izumi didn't pay too much attention to this matter, he just regarded it as wearing a very small shirt; anyway, it was only for Katen Hui to see, it's no big deal, and in the end it made her happy more than anything else it is good.

Holding Kato Megumi's hand, Izumi came to the third floor of the mall.

This is an area where accessories and various small items are sold. The prices vary, but at least they are much more affordable than the famous brands on the first floor.

The two came to an optical shop, and Quanming had a whim, picked up a flat glasses for trial use, and put them on Kato Megumi's face.

Kato Megumi obediently asked him to put his glasses on his nose.

He Quanming looked at it carefully.

"Hmm... pink really suits you! Push your glasses and have a look."

Megumi Kato tilted his head slightly, raised his hand around the frame of his eyes, and a breath of an intellectual female teacher radiated.


Although the pink glasses with thick frames look quite vulgar, wearing them on Kato Megumi's face has an extra cuteness of the girl next door; the clear black eyes blink behind the lenses, even if there is no change The appearance is generally stunning, but the fresh and refined temperament and approachable atmosphere are even more obvious.

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