He Quanming's heartbeat accelerated slightly, he was a little reluctant to look away, and nodded in appreciation.

"Yeah, you look pretty in glasses too! Just buy a pair of non-prescription glasses... Well, you also need to prevent blue light. After all, you are a child with a mobile phone, and often exposed to screen light is not good for your eyes."

Kato Megumi took off the glasses to try on, looked at Akira Izumi's seriously thinking face, smiled gently without refusing.

"Okay... But, won't it be very expensive?"

Then, she asked with some concern.

"Probably not, after all, there is no degree..."

After asking the price and considering the depth of his wallet, Akira Izumi bought the glasses directly and gave them to Megumi Kato.

"No, try to wear it when you play with your mobile phone in the future. Normally...don't wear it."

Putting the glasses case into the bag with great care, Kato Megumi raised his head and asked suspiciously.

"Why?" You gave it to me, but you didn't let me wear it?

He Quanming hummed cheekily.

"After all, when you wear glasses, your sense of presence will become very high. At that time, there will definitely be a lot of perverts with malicious intentions staring at you. For your own good, I will not let you wear them in normal times... I really want to wear them." If you do, you must have me by your side! Because I also own half of the glasses, so I decided so happily, no objection is accepted!"

Seeing his appearance like a child who is afraid of being robbed of his beloved toy, Megumi Kato poked his face a little funny, blushing slightly.

"Understood~ Mingjun's possessiveness is really strong~"

He Quanming smiled proudly instead of ashamed.

"Who told me that my girlfriend's sense of presence is getting higher and higher recently, what if she is abducted by a pervert without paying attention?"

"That's right...but I'm not afraid of my boyfriend being kidnapped." Kato Megumi said unhurriedly.


"Because he doesn't need to abduct himself, he will leave... Now he has reached the psychology of many girls~"

Izumi pursed his lips and stopped talking.

This made Kato Megumi feel inexplicably happy again.


After eating at the mall restaurant at noon, they finished shopping on the remaining floors, bought some clothes for each other, and picked out a few small gifts for their families, and then they were ready to go home .

Among them, Akira Hequan also bought a pair of silver bracelets engraved with half a heart, and Kato Megumi had one each. As long as these two bracelets are combined, half a heart can become a heart. The meaning is quite complex jewelry.

In addition, he also helped Zongya choose a beautiful little hairpin, because this guy always stays up late to type, his hair is messy like Kayako, and he rarely manages his image, in order to make his sister more like a A young girl, Akira Izumi decided to use this as a gift, and bought a razor along the way.

——If she dared not accept this gift, he would directly shave all her hair, so that she would have no worries.

What she brought to Sagiri was a necklace decorated with small wings, implying that she could fly freely in this world with her own strength—actually, it didn’t have such a profound meaning, it’s just that when she saw this necklace He felt that it was very suitable for Xiaoshawu's fair skin, so he bought it without thinking about it.

After shopping around almost everything they wanted to do, the two of them walked out of the gate of the shopping mall. The afterglow of the sun began to appear outside, bringing a bit of warmth to the deserted air.

Leaving the warm department store, he was shaken by the howling cold wind head-on, He Quanming quickly grabbed Kato Megumi's little hand, and stuffed it into the coat pocket together with his own.

"It's warmer this way."

Hearing Izumi Akira's explanation, which was somewhat self-defeating, Kato Megumi chuckled, did not resist, and even moved his body a little closer to him.

"It's also quite warm."

Facing the setting sun, they looked at each other and smiled, shoulder to shoulder, and set foot on the way home.

The reddish cheeks were like a cluster of flames, silently warming the hearts of the two of them in the cold wind.

Inter chapter.Cupid's Joke ([-])

This happened after Gabriel's first day at work.

After school as usual, just as Hequanming finished packing his schoolbag and was about to leave the classroom, a red figure slammed open the door of Class A's classroom—the sound of opening the door was so loud that Hequanming, who was several classrooms away, Hearing it, he involuntarily shifted his gaze to the end of the corridor in the distance.

Then he saw that red figure dashing towards him with a knife in his hand,

At that time, He Quanming was shocked.

"Damn it?! Did the red horned triple speed come to seek revenge on me? Char, you plot against me!"

He didn't even have time to see the figure's appearance clearly, and felt that the target of the other party was himself, and the "killing intent" of the stinging skin was swimming around his body, and Izumi's complexion changed, and he turned his head and ran up the nearest stairs .

Although it is the best choice to go downstairs directly at this time, but now is school time, the first floor must be full of students, if you want to run out of the teaching building, you have to change into outdoor shoes, there is no time to escape the pursuit of that figure ——I don’t know why, but he just wants to run away instinctively, obviously in the public, if he doesn’t run away, he won’t get hurt; and if the target is not him, or the other party is just someone who likes to play parkour on campus A member of the ladder club, wouldn't it be stupid for him to run around like he was being hunted down?

But he just wanted to escape, because he felt that if he didn't escape, something bad would happen.

So he used the training results of his recent morning run, and rushed straight to the rooftop without stopping.

There seemed to be an exclamation sound coming from behind, but it was a little far away, so he couldn't hear it clearly.

"Familiar?! Why are you running away all of a sudden!"



Opening the door to the rooftop, Hequanming leaned against the wall panting, looking up at the blue sky above, the white clouds drifting slowly into the distance on the blue water, the weather was clear and comfortable.

Wiping off the sweat dripping from his body, He Quanming looked around, and there were no students on the rooftop like a small scenic spot at the moment——the roof of Huiridong High School was open for students to use, and it had been decorated and decorated. Beautification, not only scattered with some benches for people to rest, but also a viewing platform with railings for people to overlook the crowds of people below.

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