There are usually many students eating, taking a nap, and dating here. Legend has it that someone brought Zhenggong and Xiaosan here to negotiate. In the end, the person was pushed down. Since then, Xiaosan and Xiaosan have lived a happy life in the prison, and that person has become the ground-bound spirit of the rooftop of Huiridong High School - once a scumbag comes to the rooftop with bad intentions, he will be cursed by him , and ended up with the same sad ending.

This is the seventh among Hui Ridong High School's top ten inconceivables - the curtain call of the scum.

...God knows why there are such weird legends.

Feeling a little hairy all over, He Quanming rubbed his arms, and was about to close the door of the rooftop when he heard the sound of hurried footsteps coming from the stairwell.

At the same time, there was a louder and louder shout.

"Make~~Magic~~Wait for me——"

Only then did He Quanming hear the content of the voice clearly, and twitched the corners of his mouth, finally understanding who the guy who ran towards him with the knife just now was.

That is the scarlet storm of the devil world, the savior of the wicked, His Royal Highness the great devil who is always bright red——Hu Taoze.Satania.Mr McDowell!

...Satanya, idiot, what are you trying to do again?

Resisting the urge to close the door and lock it again, standing by the door, He Quanming watched as Satania rushed up to the rooftop at lightning speed, her red hair drew a beautiful arc in the air, just like that. past him.

Before He Quanming could say hello to her, he saw Satania looking back while maintaining a sprinting posture, and then burst into a joyful smile.

"Familiar! I found you!"

He Quanming covered his eyes, couldn't bear to look directly, and said to her helplessly.

"Stupid, can you stop talking first? We're about to run into each other..."

"Huh?" Satania responded blankly, and then realized that she was rushing straight forward at a super fast speed, and turned her eyes back from Izumi with a slight sense of discomfort , in the blink of an eye, I found that the barbed wire fence on the edge of the roof was close in front of me...



The trembling sound of the barbed wire sounded, and Satania uttered a scream, and the racing car without the brakes slammed into it forcefully.

"Wow, what a tragedy..."

Unbearably looking away, He Quanming sighed and walked towards her who was sitting on the ground.

If it was before he knew that her race was a demon, he would definitely be worried about whether she was okay, after all, the strength just now sounds not small... But now, He Quanming just thinks why this demon can stay like this, it is so stupid A new realm, a new level of stupidity.

Then she worried about whether the barbed wire fence would be damaged by her. After all, it was the property of the school. I don’t know if Satania’s pitiful deposit would be enough to pay for it...

Sitting down next to her, he touched Satania's red nose, and Quanming smiled helplessly.

"What's the matter? As soon as school is over, you're in a hurry like a bento discount in the supermarket. Do you need me for anything?"

Seeing her looking at him with tears in the corners of her eyes, He Quanming helped her wipe away the tears with a smile and tenderness in her eyes.

Satania was stunned for a moment, her face flushed a little, and then her eyes lit up as if she had thought of something, and she grabbed He Quanming's clothes with great interest.

"Familiar, let me tell you, I recently bought super powerful things from the shopping mall in the Demon Realm!"

Akira Izumi asked strangely: "Super powerful thing? By the way, you bought things indiscriminately again? The gun you bought last time not only didn't fool Gabriel, but also made you laugh the whole class and was punished by the teacher. Why haven't you learned your lesson yet?"

Satania waved her hand indifferently: "Hey, successful people can't keep staring at failure, not to mention that it was just a mistake! This time I promise. It will definitely make Gabriel beg for mercy and admit defeat. Terrible props!"

Although she doesn't trust the props she usually buys from places that are said to be very unreliable, such as shopping in the devil world, He Quanming can't help but feel a little interested after hearing what Satania said.

"So confident? Don't waste money and cheat yourself like before..."

"Hmph, no! Because this item has the function of locking the target!" Satania raised her chest full of confidence.

Nodding clearly, He Quanming then asked again: "In this case, why are you looking for me in such a hurry? It almost made me think that someone I provoked was hunted down."

"Because I need your help to install this prop!" Satania grinned and looked at him with a pair of trusting eyes that Izumi couldn't refuse.

So he could only sigh again, scratching his hair and agreeing.

"Okay, what can I do for you? Let me tell you first, I won't help you deal with Gabriel directly, okay?"

"Don't worry! Defeating Gabriel is something I have to do alone, so that she will convincingly admit defeat to me!" Snorting, Satania took out a small box from her pocket.

"I just want you to help me open this thing."

He Quanming took it and took a look, only to see a row of large characters written on the label above.

"Falling in love with you for a limited time-eight hearts and eight arrows, I promise to let you shoot through his heart!" (Darkness) Produced by Cupid, the quality is guaranteed by the original factory! 』

...Well, is it too late for me to refuse now?

Inter chapter.Cupid's Joke ([-])

eight pm.

At this moment, the campus is quiet at night, only the sound of insects and leaves whirling reverberates. The dark teaching building and the ghostly grove overlap each other to create a gloomy and terrifying atmosphere.

The stars and the moon have no light, and dark clouds cover the top.

The cold wind blows past, bringing coldness and tremors that penetrate into the soul, and Quanming rubs his arms to try to bring some warmth, hiding in the corner of the garbage dump in the corner of the school, his face is full of regret and anxiety.

"This guy... didn't he agree to gather here at eight o'clock? Why hasn't he come yet..."

Involuntarily shaking his feet, He Quanming scanned the dark and dreary environment around him, took out his mobile phone, and brought some reassuring light to himself while confirming the time.

Although after seeing the props that Satania asked him to help open, he really wanted to throw that inexplicable thing from upstairs to make it fall apart; With a very strong confidence, he said that as long as this prop is installed on Gabriel's seat, after the setting is completed, she can activate the switch and Gabriel will bow to her in class tomorrow.

Seeing Satania looking so excited and looking forward with bright eyes, Akira Izumi couldn't bear to reject her, so he finally made an appointment with her to gather at the school at [-]:[-] p.m. ——Hearts and Arrows, I promise you will shoot through his heart! (Darkness) Produced by Cupid, the quality is guaranteed by the original factory! 』Installed on Gabriel's seat.

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