As for the act of helping Satania to frame Gabriel... To be honest, he didn't feel ashamed at all, because he believed that Gabriel would not be tricked so easily. In the end, it must end with the red-haired idiot digging his own grave and killing himself.

That's why He Quanming climbed over the school wall with peace of mind and waited for her here at night with the wind blowing...Since this guy can't learn a lesson no matter what, at least one more accomplice will be added when she is stupid. It should feel better, right?Besides, He Quanming was worried about letting this idiot visit the campus at night alone.

What's more...he also really wants to see this "Limited Time and Limited Fall in Love with You-Hearts and Arrows, I promise you will shoot him through his heart!" (Darkness) Produced by Cupid, the quality is guaranteed by the original factory! 』What effect will it have... According to Satania, she threw it away after reading the instruction manual. Except for remembering how to activate it and the effect is very obvious, she forgot all about the specific consequences. up!

This made Akira Izumi so angry that he kneaded and pinched her cheeks for a long time... This idiot, sooner or later, will be cheated to death by his own IQ!

...And it might even trick me, motherfucker.

Akira Izumi really didn't understand why the self at that time didn't act decisively and say "I love you for a limited time - eight hearts and eight arrows, I promise to let you shoot through his heart!" (Darkness) Produced by Cupid, the quality is guaranteed by the original factory! 』The direct humane destruction caused him to have a very ominous premonition lingering in his heart, and he always felt that he would be bloodied by this guy in a short time.

No matter what, the appointment has been made, and people have come. Naturally, He Quanming can't go back home halfway, so he can only continue to make trouble with Satania... But, as the initiator of the incident, why hasn't she arrived yet? what!

While he was complaining inwardly, a voice sounded quietly in the dark night.

"—he is the king in the dark, who rules the lightless night."

Hearing this familiar voice, the unsuspecting Izumi was startled at first, then raised his head to look at the source of the sound, the corners of his mouth twitching.

In the dark night, there was a figure, which seemed to exude a dark atmosphere deeper than the night; she was petite, but her slender body exuded a sense of oppression that could not be ignored. When it fell, it was like a red comet. The bright red trajectory attracted everyone's attention, and people couldn't help but feel surrendered.

"——He is the one who rules the world and reigns over the throne of the Demon Realm."

The cloak behind him fluttered in the cold wind, and the red figure lightly landed in front of Izumi, with his back to him, retracting the wings of the demon behind him, while declaring in a solemn tone.

"He is the Great Demon, Ruler of Darkness, Scarlet Lord of Shadows—"

Turning half of her body, Satania covered one side of her red pupils that were shining in the dark, the corners of her mouth were raised arrogantly, her posture was elegant and noble, and she smiled lightly at Izumi as if looking down.

"My name is Hutaozawa Satanikia McDowell—my familiar, cheer for my arrival!"

Then with a bang, a hand knife appeared on her head.


The cold and deep aura dissipated immediately, and Satania looked at him with teary eyes while covering her forehead that was hit.

He Quanming pursed his lips and put his arms around his chest.

"How dare you say so many prologues when you're late? Just take this knife as my cheer for your arrival. Wait, there's still punishment waiting for you, punishment for being late!"

Even though she was treated like a child, Satania didn't show the slightest bit of resignation, she just wailed in frustration.

"No, please forgive me this time, make me a demon~"

He Quanming didn't care about her, looking quite unhappy, took the mobile phone and turned on the flashlight to illuminate the way, and walked straight to the teaching building, ignoring her wailing at all, so that Satania could only follow him with a grievance on his face Behind him, he dared not speak any more.

Although he was a little annoyed that Satania asked him to come to school at this time, he dared to be late; but it was rare to see her energetic second-year appearance again, and the familiar feeling came to his mind, which made him feel a little nervous. Laughing nostalgicly, that little anger was washed away immediately.

He waved back for Satania to come.

The red-haired girl grinned her teeth in surprise, and ran to him excitedly, shaking her hair like a husky, with a sincere smile on her face, and blinked her eyes, as if asking him what's the matter.

He Quanming smiled helplessly, and stretched out his hand to hold her palm, which was soft and warm, just like the smile on her face.

"Grab my hand, it's so dark, don't get lost."

Satania was stunned for a moment with some doubts, and then she realized that she held He Quanming's hand tightly, her expression filled with infinite joy.

"Well! As long as the familiar doesn't let go, then I will never let go! Absolutely!"

After repeating the absolute once, she just smiled silly like this, shook the hands they held together, her steps were light, as if stepping on clouds, and the atmosphere of happiness surrounded her whole body.

Affected by her elation, He Quanming couldn't help but feel happy, as if the silence and horror of the night had disappeared at this moment, making him look forward to the next "night visit to the campus".

Inter chapter.Cupid's Joke ([-])

Then it wasn't long before he regretted it.

"You idiot ah ah ah-"

"How do I know that there will really be dogs in the school at this time—"

"Wang Wang!"

The crisp barking sound echoed in the silent campus.

—Yes, they are being chased by dogs now.

Very inexplicable situation.

"He is sleeping soundly over there, why are you going to pull his tail! Can't you just keep yourself safe?!"

"I thought it was fake! Seeing it is so motionless, I really want to see it!"

"Is that why you're cheap? Believe it or not I left you to spend lonely nights with this dog, you stupid-"

"Please don't! Familiar I know I'm wrong, please don't leave me~~"

After running around the teaching building for several laps, they finally realized that it would be fine to just hide inside the building, why would they be chasing dogs outside foolishly?

Instantly, He Quanming felt that he had been hit by a dementia, and his desire to go home became more and more serious.

After entering the teaching building, he managed to get rid of the pursuit of the dog that looked familiar, He Quanming immediately said seriously to Satania with a serious face.

"Next, just go to Gabriel's seat and place "Love you for a limited time-eight hearts and eight arrows, I promise you will shoot through his heart! (Darkness) Cupid produced, the quality is guaranteed by the original factory!", open Switch, and then go home! Don’t do anything too much, don’t pay attention to him when you see strange things, we will withdraw after completing the task, and no side effects are allowed, understand?”

"Okay, I promise to complete the task!" Satania raised one hand in salute, and made a solemn promise, which made Izumi couldn't help showing a satisfied smile.

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