At this time, the magic of pink began to fade gradually.

His eyes were in a trance for a while, and then he shook his head as if waking up from a big dream, and murmured strangely.

"What, what's going on? I, I seem to have been shot by an arrow just now..."

Then when he looked down, he found that Satania was secretly smiling like a kitten that had stolen a fish. He was holding her waist with one hand and pinching her chin with the other. A dangerous distance where you can kiss with your head down.

He quickly let go of Satania and took two steps back.

"Satania?! Why did I hug you...and your face, why is it so red?"

Hearing this panicked question that was no longer pretentious, Satania stopped snickering and blinked in surprise.

"Familiar, how are you? It seems that the item doesn't last long!"

As if he had guessed something, Akira Hequan looked at him strangely, "I love you for a limited time - Eight hearts and eight arrows, I promise you will shoot through his heart!" (Darkness) Produced by Cupid, the quality is guaranteed by the original factory! ".

"Props? By the way, I seem to be shot by the arrow in that small box... Is this a double attack?"

"No matter what happens in the Demon Realm, they probably won't sell stand-in messengers..." Satania also had some doubts about the function of that item.

"Who knows what kind of stupid things that kind of weird TV shopping will sell... Wait!"

In the middle of speaking, He Quanming's eyes widened, and he was horrified to find that the small box that had rolled on the ground turned over by itself, turned the top towards him, and opened the covers on both sides again with the sound of the lock...

"Grass! And?!"

With only time to curse, He Quanming was shot again without any resistance.

Seeing this, Satania, who had no time to stop, immediately stepped back a few steps, using magic power to hide her figure, to prevent herself from being caught by Izumi again and molested like just now.

Although I don't hate being hugged by him like that, when I get so close to him, I will blush and expect something to happen, and I can't keep my eyes off his lips... But Satania hopes that what she faces at this time is not Controlled by the magic props, it was Izumi who was thinking about her sincerely.

The distance is also convenient for her to use magic power to restrain He Quanming, so as to prevent him from doing strange things unconsciously.

He Quanming, who was hit in the heart again, just like before, lowered his head in silence at first, then straightened up, looked around, found that no one else was there, and silently took out his mobile phone.

Then, in the darkened classroom, he snapped a selfie of himself, a flash of light illuminating his fascinated expression.

"—I am so handsome!"

And feeling so narcissistic.

Satania couldn't help but burst out laughing.

...This, this prop is too strange hahahahahaha——

Hiding herself in the corner, Satania struggled to hold back her laughter, her cheeks twitched, watching He Quanming admiring herself on the phone alone, and kept showing real sighs.

"Oh, it's really... If being handsome is a sin, then I'm already unforgivable, right?"

"Hey, another me... Do you think it's a mistake to fall in love with yourself?"

"——No, of course not! It is human instinct to desire beautiful things, you are just following your own instinct, what's wrong with you? I'm handsome, I'm proud."

"Yeah, that's true... This handsomeness doesn't need anyone to evaluate it, because in my heart, I already have that perfect commendation that will last forever..."

"Ah, this world is really happy... Isn't it a miracle that there are people as perfect and handsome as me?"

"That's right, this is a miracle that only belongs to us, Sarah, let's dance..."

Satania knelt on the ground, covered her mouth and patted the floor frantically, for fear of disturbing Izumi's monologue.

No, I can't... My stomach will explode if I watch it any further... But it's really funny hahahahahaha——

The narcissistic look of this person is really stupid and funny hahahahaha——

It's really disgusting, even though he's my familiar, but I'm dying of laughing hahahaha——

Now Satania's head is filled with laughter, and the magic power of hiding her figure has dissipated unknowingly, and she doesn't know what she is thinking.

At this time, the pink magic power on He Quanming's body faded again, he was in a trance for a moment, and his eyes regained clarity.

"Hey, what's wrong with me... I seem to have been shot by an arrow again? What happened... Satania? When did you run so far?"

Seeing He Quanming looking at her, Satania took a good breath, and was about to reply as if nothing had happened, but saw He Quanming's expression change again.

"Fuck! Come again?!"

Satania stopped immediately, took out her phone this time, and turned on the video recording function.

...Wait, I must show the video to the familiar. Good things should be shared with good friends!He's sure to have a good laugh too.

Hiding in a corner, Satania watched Izumi start his performance with great interest.

"——I am so handsome!"

……After repeating this five times, Akira Hequan finally fell in love with you for a limited time-eight hearts and eight arrows, I promise you will shoot through his heart! (Darkness) Produced by Cupid, the quality is guaranteed by the original factory! 』Before shooting the arrow, I pressed its firing hole on the ground. After the small box trembled for a while, it finally stopped moving.

He Quanming gritted his teeth and smiled out of breath.

"Horse, horse's... This broken box, shoot me again... Wait, you will definitely be dismantled into parts and thrown into the septic tank...!"

Seeing that Izumi finally managed to get rid of the ridiculous state of being narcissistic and loving the whole world, Satania came out from the corner with a refreshing expression on her face.

"Ha... I laughed so hard..."

He Quanming raised his eyebrows, and after half a second of thinking from doubt to clarity, the corner of his mouth suddenly curled into a dangerous arc.

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