"Laughing so hard? Did I look funny just now, Satania?"

Satania rubbed her cheeks that were sour from laughing, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and nodded honestly.

"Yeah, it's really super funny! It's a pity you don't remember. But I just got a video, wait for you to watch, I promise you will die laughing!"

The hand holding the small box slowly tightened, and Izumi stared at her with a smile on his face.

"Hehe, is that right? Just as long as you are happy... Then, let me laugh instead?"

Satania grinned inexplicably, obviously not aware of someone's sinister intentions: "Yes, no! This is what I just recorded. You were shot seven times in total, and I only recorded five times... ...But I think the first two times are more funny..."

"Don't worry, it will be funnier later—"

Saying that, Izumi picked up the box expressionlessly, and turned its opening to Satania indifferently.

"It's just that you can't see it."

Flashing red lights, yellow lights, openings open to the sides—

Satania's expression changed, and bat wings appeared behind her instantly, reflexively wanting to fly out of the classroom.

It's just that she found out in despair that the window had already been locked tightly, and now it was too late to open the door and fly out, and the speed of the arrow was unreasonably fast, she couldn't dodge it at all!

By the way, isn't it locked? !Even if he opened his mouth to her, he probably wouldn't shoot towards her, right?

Then why is that pink arrow coming towards her~


The familiar Biu~ sounded.

Akira Hequan showed an evil smile, took out the video recording function of his mobile phone, and looked at Satania who suddenly lowered his head and remained silent after being hit by the arrow, his heart was full of anticipation and pride in the success of revenge.

"Hmph, laugh again...let me see what's so funny..."

Inter chapter.Cupid's Joke ([-])

To be honest, He Quanming was quite curious about his reaction after being shot by an arrow.

Although he can guess one or two from the name of the prop, the reaction of Satania a few times ago also made him somewhat aware. It is estimated that he fell in love with Satania at that time, or fell in love with himself What the hell... Damn, I feel so ashamed just thinking about it!

After making up his mind to delete the photos on Satania's phone, although he was very curious about the reaction, He Quanming absolutely didn't want to see such a shameful self——

So it's time for Satania to play!

Anyway, she had enjoyed it so much the first seven times, and this eighth time should be the last time, so it shouldn't be too much for him to be happy, right?

Osamu Dazai once said: "Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and the way of heaven is reincarnation; if you don't believe me, look up, and the sky will spare anyone!"

Feng Shui turns, and this time it is Izumi's turn to be happy.

With his mobile phone ready, he looked at Satania who slowly raised his head, and turned on the video mode.

Then, they met a pair of eyes that shone with ominous red light.


He Quanming suddenly had a bad premonition.

The Satania in front of him was obviously very wrong - although he couldn't detect the pink magic around her, he could clearly see that her pupils emitted a red light enough to illuminate a corner of the classroom, and her chest heaved violently , shortness of breath and scorching hot, unnaturally fluttering hair tail, the corner of the mouth slowly evoked a touch of strange arc, and even protruded a bright red tongue from it to lick the sharp little canine teeth, the body is like a little girl ready to go. Bending into a bow shape, the temperament of the whole person seems to have been reversed, as if it were a different person from normal.

Coupled with her look of a beast staring at him ready to move, Izumi reasonably suspects that this guy may have been turned into a beast, and has officially evolved from a stupid demon to a stupid demon beast!

"Fuck me, isn't it about falling in love with someone when you get shot..." Reflexively took a step back, facing Satania who released the hunter's aura, he began to be a little timid, "This The effect is completely inconsistent with the product name, you can sue the Devil World for fraudulent shopping and I say..."

It was as if his step had stimulated Satania. She, who was just staring at him motionless, now took a step forward like a pressing force, posing as if she was about to pounce.

He Quanming quickly stopped his movements and stood firm, continuing to hold the mobile phone to record the video with one hand, and stretched out Yao Yao to stop her with the other hand.

"Wait, we have something to talk about! We are all friends, the world is like Thanossi and Uresi, why should the benefactor be so violent and want to fight me to death?"

Not only did this completely out-of-the-ordinary words not bring Satania back to normal, but it was like a signal. Before his words fell, he rushed towards Hequanming like a hungry tiger.


He Quanming suddenly let out a strange cry, turned around and ran away, but as a mortal, how could he escape from Satania's palm?So before he could take a few steps, he was pressed hard by Satania on the ground, and the phone flew to the side with a clang, and the camera was facing them.

His back hit the ground without being hurt, and he couldn't help but let out a cry of pain, but this cry came when Satania sat on his waist extremely skillfully, her hands were pressed on his shoulders like iron clamps, making him unable to break free When it was time, it turned into an exclamation mixed with strange tones.

"Sa, Satania?! What do you want to do? Hey, feed, this posture is not good, I said! You are sitting in a strange place! It was sent, Master Sata—"

Ignoring his frantic struggle and shouting, Satania's godless eyes were full of primitive desire, her face was flushed and panting, she grinned dangerously, her head suddenly bent down, her red hair fell to Hequanming's ears Beside them, the heads of the two were intertwined.


He Quanming turned his head to the side reflexively, and then felt a warm and soft thing sticking to his cheek, and even pulled out a small water stain when he left, with a sweet smell.

He Quanming looked in horror at Satania who raised her head again with some dissatisfaction.

"You're too proactive, aren't you? If I hadn't reacted so quickly, you would have confessed my first kiss here. Be more reserved, silly Nia!"

At this time, Izumi finally saw Satania speak. It seems that she is rational at this time - but it is a distorted rationality.

"Mmm~ don't move around, familiar, let me give you a good kiss, it will be very comfortable!"

"Master Shu! My pure and lovely Satania wouldn't say such things! What kind of monster are you!"

"What are you talking about? I am Satania!" With a charming smile as if she was drunk, Satania lowered her head again, but this time she did not try to kiss him forcefully, but blew a hot mouthful into his ear Angrily, she said softly and sweetly, "...I am your master and the one who likes you. Why do you resist me? The familiar...you like me, right?"

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