The bright fluorescent lamps illuminated his field of vision, and the scene presented in front of his eyes made Ling Hequanming's eyes widen involuntarily, and his lips were opened into an O shape, trembling in disbelief.

"You, you..."

Stretching his fingers forward, his fingertips shook so much that he couldn't point to the two people lying on the ground.

He Quanming was shocked.

"You actually—"

About updates and other things

Looking at the grievances of everyone in the previous chapter, it seemed as if they were going to drag me out of the screen. The author felt terrified and sincerely grateful for your love and love.

First of all, I have to explain that the broken chapters in the front are really not what I want, because I have to go to work after I finish writing that part. If I continue to write after get off work, it is estimated that today’s update will be pigeonholed, so in order to keep me. Daily update Because of my good habits, I made up my mind to stop there.

So it’s really not that I deliberately broke the chapters, what I said in front of the sincere heart is just an excuse, I’m very sorry, please don’t cut me~ (Holding your head and trembling

The word count is also shorter because of this. I post by looking at the chapters rather than the word count, so when there are many, I can reach [-] words in a chapter, and if there are few, it is about [-]. This is really not lazy.

In order to be worthy of your support of monthly tickets and blades, the author will strive for perfection and strive to update, so please don’t be angry and read the book happily~ (flattering laugh

Regarding the extra episode, I will definitely write it. Rather, I think that I will update the extra episode rather than the main text...because the extra episode is more interesting!

For example, what kind of shopping products from the devil world brought by Satania to play with everyone (pit), the routine of a group of people sleeping together at the beach, playing truth or dare and the world is almost destroyed, etc... eh Hey, thinking about it this way, in fact, I can finish the main text quickly and concentrate on the story~

Well, this book will not be unfinished because of this, and the extra episode will meet you someday. The author will try to keep daily updates and occasional two updates before opening a new book, so please continue to support~

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"You, you actually—"

He Quanming never expected that these two guys would lie on the floor of the room like nothing had happened after what happened, and were-

Doing yoga happily!

Why on earth did you start doing yoga all of a sudden?They obviously don't have this habit!

Zong Ya stretched the tendons for Sagiri, who raised her white and tender long legs, and turned her head to look at Izumi Akira, who opened his mouth in astonishment, and greeted him nonchalantly.

"Oh, it's big brother, it's really early to be back."

He Quanming quickly raised his palm and waved it left and right: "No, no, it doesn't matter if I come back sooner or not. What should be paid attention to now is why you two suddenly started doing yoga, right? Also, If it’s all right, why didn’t anyone answer when I knocked on the door just now?”

Facing his questioning, Zong Ya looked puzzled instead.

"Is it weird for girls to do yoga? Why all the fuss... As for the knock on the door, maybe it's because we were concentrating on listening to the teaching of the video and didn't hear it at all."

Hearing her calm answer, He Quanming secretly heaved a sigh of relief, those completely unreliable guesses disappeared in an instant, and he leaned against the door to complain.

"Isn't it strange? One of you is obsessed with writing novels, and the other stays at home painting all day. I didn't see you doing yoga at all."

"Tch, we have to show you when we do yoga? Also, who said that people who write novels and draw pictures can't do yoga? Sitting in front of the screen all day will make your body stiff and distorted. If you don't do yoga, how can you maintain your figure? !"

Pulling up the hem of her blouse, Zongya unabashedly showed Hequanming her slender waist. The healthy skin color and the young girl's curves are quite seductive.

Akira Kazumi didn't avoid his gaze either, and looked at Sagiri strangely after taking the free benefits into his eyes.

"It's possible from what you said, but Sagiri... Looking at her, she should have just started learning yoga, right? Why did she suddenly..."

Zong Ya suddenly interrupted him unceremoniously.

"What happened suddenly, big brother, you can't care about it? After all, you haven't fully understood us at all, don't you think you know everything, okay?"

The offensive words without warning stabbed directly at Izumi.

Zong Ya, who used to have a normal complexion, now has seriousness without falsehood, and her sharp eyes are stinging.

He Quanming couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect her to attack suddenly, and there was a brief blank in his mind.

At this time, Sagiri, who was watching the computer screen intently, spoke.

"Brother, sister, you are so noisy..."

Because the voice was too small, He Quanming and Zong Ya turned their heads reflexively and asked suspiciously.

""What are you talking about, I didn't hear it. ""

The sea-blue pupils moved away from the screen slightly, and Sagiri amplified her dissatisfied voice.

"I said, you are so noisy, can you stop disturbing my yoga? I can't even hear what the teacher is saying!"

Although the volume was loud enough to be heard clearly this time, the brothers and sisters of the Izumi family reflexively started molesting their younger sister.

This is an impulse engraved in his blood, as long as he is a member of the Izumi family, he can't let go of the opportunity to moles his lovely sister.

So, they once again put on puzzled expressions, the corners of their mouths slightly raised, and they put their hands next to their ears to pretend to be hard of hearing.

""Speak louder, I can't hear~""

"You, you two..." Sagiri's expression became embarrassing, her silver teeth were biting slightly, her cheeks flushed with anger.

"It's too quiet! Sagiri, use the dantian, use the dantian to make a sound!"

"That's right, although you are cute and charming, your voice is so small that even magical girls can't hear it!"

The two smirked and tried to make their sister show a more cute expression, but they didn't realize that the catastrophe was imminent.

Sagiri had completely ignored the yoga video being played on the screen. She took her calf back from Zongya's hand, got up silently, took out two action speakers from the cabinet, and handed them to her brothers and sisters without saying a word.

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