The two took it with doubts on their faces, and before they could say anything, they saw that Sagiri had already put on the usual earphones, adjusted the switch, and took a deep breath.

Zong Ya's complexion suddenly changed, and he quickly turned the position of the vocal cavity to He Quanming.

He Quanming stared at Zongya with wide eyes, her eyes were full of nostalgia for him, as if she was saying "go all the way", which made him feel a killing intent in his heart, by the way There is also a kind of "this guy is really my sister, right?" "This feeling.

Because only my own sister would cheat my brother like this.

The moment this sigh appeared in her mind, Sagiri finally gathered her breath, closed her eyes, and spoke with all her strength.

Shriek, roar!

"You two, big, stupid, bastard——"


buzzing buzzing-

The world is full of Lolita's roar.

Feeling the invisible sound waves pass through his body with a strong impact, He Quanming's head became dizzy for a while, and his ears fell into a stagnation.

Then, with an expression of wanting to cry but not tears, he lay down at the door of Sagiri's room with a snap.

The appearance of death is miserable, and death will not rest in peace.

Zong Ya covered her ears with one hand, and bowed solemnly to Izumi Ming with an extremely pious expression.

"I hope that my brother will have a good birth in the next a happy paramecium."

"The paramecium is not happy! Don't curse your brother casually!"

"Wow, the corpse complained!"

"Not dead yet! It's just hearing loss, the world is full of noise now!"

"Pfft! Then you can still hear me?"

"Lip reading is an essential skill for high school students."

"Where high school has this kind of course! Is Butei high?"

"Anger... brother, sister, don't ignore me and start flirting!"

"No, it's just pretending to be stupid and complaining as always."

"Yes, Sagiri, do you want to come with me?"

"No! I'll become as stupid as you guys, so don't!"

"Oh, what is this kid who dropped out of school talking about..."

"Evidently, our academic ability is lower than that of our peers, but you actually say that we are stupid... This is the first pitiful person to be expelled from the classroom of strength supremacy..."

"So, don't play dumb anymore! Why does it always turn out like this every time I thought it would be serious!"

"Because it's a family."

"Because it's a family."

"Don't try to fool the past with such an excuse! Family members don't have such a strange relationship!"

Sagiri, who unknowingly followed them and complained, was panting, and stared fiercely at Izumiaki.

Although she seemed to be so weak that she complained about her physical strength, the emotion and strength contained in that gaze made Izumi tremble slightly, and reflexively looked away, not daring to look at her face.

Sagiri lowered her tone and spoke in a deep voice.

"Let's stop joking around here, brother."

She stood up, but her petite body contained a sense of presence that could not be ignored.

"...I think we need to have a good talk."

Taking off the earphones, her crisp voice was stained with determination, echoing in the room and corridor.

"—about you, and about us."

In his eyes, there was a desperate determination.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Surrounding the small table in Sagiri's room, the three of them seemed to have turned on the school-level referee, all of them sat on the ground with serious expressions, as if their next words were enough to decide someone's life or death.

As the person whose life and death were decided, Izumi straightened his back, sat upright and stared straight ahead, with a serious expression.

It's just that his restless toes and the cold sweat quietly sliding down his forehead showed his current mood.

"Hey, my cutest little sister, Sagiri... this is, what are you going to do?"

Sagiri snorted and slapped the table hard.

"Hold a family meeting! By the way, brother's review meeting!"

After finishing speaking, she blew on her painful hand with tears in her eyes, and Zong Ya helped her rub her hand in distress.

"Is there still my review meeting?!" He Quanming yelled strangely, but his heart relaxed a little.

It seems that Sagiri's mood is very stable, and she doesn't appear to be angry... Well, maybe she can get through this test peacefully!

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